• '15



    Can someone further explain the strategy of retreating the BB back to SZ112 during your attack on SZ111 or SZ110? I do not fully understand how it works. Also are you only retreating the BB or everything? I don’t have my rules to reference, can you retreat individual units out or is it all or none? Thanks for the help and info.

    Ideally, you leave the UK with a damaged BB that can’t be protected from a follow-up attack on G2, and your BB retreats to SZ112 where it covers the trans/cruiser and any ships bought in G1 (usually AC, often also a DD/sub). BB+AC+5 planes (3 from scramble) makes it a poor choice for the UK to try to attack, leaving you with a fleet that can be used in various ways, either protecting Germany, setting up for Sealion, moving down to the Med, or moving troops through the Baltic. Since Germany really doesn’t have the luxury of buying ships past G1 if it wants to be successful in the attack on Russia, the fleet becomes an irreplaceable strategic asset. If it survives into G6, it can then form the core of a larger fleet (supplement with additional AC/subs) to be used more offensively.

    Not seeing how the UK BB in either 110 or 111 cannot be protected from a G2 attack.  It’ll repair at the beginning of its turn and can retreat far enough as to not be hit.

    Am I missing something?

  • BB in 111 doesn’t repair at the beginning of its turn - no harbor in Scotland.

  • '16 '15 '10

    Not seeing how the UK BB in either 110 or 111 cannot be protected from a G2 attack.  It’ll repair at the beginning of its turn and can retreat far enough as to not be hit.

    In 111, the BB can only move 2 spaces, while the German units in 112 will be able to move 3.  So the BB could go to 109, or to Iceland (where scrambled Allied figs can defend it) but if Germany bought an AC G1, then Germany should be in position to destroy it G2.

  • '15


    BB in 111 doesn’t repair at the beginning of its turn - no harbor in Scotland.

    Good call on that.  I was too 110 centric.

    I suppose if I had a BB survive in 111 I’d send it to 109 to meet up with any ships I had left.  If people send the house at 110 and 111 you may be looking at 2 DD, the BB and a cruiser.  I usually buy 2 fighters for UK1, which would mean 6 scrambles (if both bases are utilized).

  • I have seen people reference ships in SZ105 a couple times now. I do not see anything on the set up charts that would have ships in SZ105. Can someone clarify this?

  • '15


    I have seen people reference ships in SZ105 a couple times now. I do not see anything on the set up charts that would have ships in SZ105. Can someone clarify this?

    My guess is they meant 106, over in Canada

  • Sending the damaged BB to SZ109 to get some air cover is about the best that can be done, but it still can’t survive if Germany wants to kill it in G2.

  • @wilk7011:

    I have seen people reference ships in SZ105 a couple times now. I do not see anything on the set up charts that would have ships in SZ105. Can someone clarify this?

    This is in reference to the DD and TT off of Canada.  I may have mistakenly put the incorrect SZ number in my write-up.

    Given the ability for FTR to scramble over the DD and TT off of the UK, sending the SS to the DD/TT pair in Canada is better odds and serves to better isolate N.Africa and/or Gib from UK reinforcements for at least a round with a legitimate Sea Lion threat.

  • @Stalingradski:

    Yes to nearly everything said above.

    But I’d challenge you to take it one step further than thinking about specific purchases - think about how those purchases can provide flexibility, afford you to take attacks of opportunity, and keep your opponent off balance. The units follow the philosophy, not the other way around.

    So a purchase of a CV/DD/ Sub is about much more than just the math… it is about Germany’s ability to project power in a variety of directions. G2 can be a Gibraltar strike, you can hit Morocco, you can bend to the other side of the UK, hit Scotland, and convoy raid up to 8 IPCs… and keep doing it until the UK forces you off the spot. You could go into the Baltic. On G3, you could flex back up to 112 if you own Gibraltar… or, you could go into the Med to support Italy. It goes on and on.

    So take the same approach on land… what buys you the most flexibility? Certainly not infantry or artillery, though they’re necessary at some volume. Instead, make sure to diversify. An example of a potential G2 purchase for me might be a bomber, destroyer, transport, armor, five mech infantry, five infantry. A few infantry to defend the coast, a few infantry to serve as fodder in the fight for Moscow, and a whole bunch of versatile mechanized forces to form an armored fist on the front.

    If you keep diversifying, you find yourself capable of handling just about anything the Allies throw at you, and you can throttle Russia at your leisure. If you become too monolithic, too predictable, it allows the Allied player to easily see your weakness and exploit it.

    I will take your advice to heart.

  • The way I view Germany and Italy is like this. Germany is your big powerhouse, you want Germany to making as much income as possible from territory and bonuses because they will need to make big investments in air and armor as well as troops when you invade Russia, also I find that if you can get a German naval and ground force operating alongside Italy you can guarantee victory in Africa and the middle east since it requires big investments from USA and Britain to knock out. Italy has 3 priorities, getting control of the med, Getting control of Egypt (also want Germans in there so they can get a bonus) and either take the middle east or take south Africa. Some players like to use Italy in Russia as well but I find this just weakens Italy’s efforts in Africa.

  • If you are going to help Germany vs Russia go by Persia(if you are doing well) or send a tank or two and some mechs + your S bomber.

  • Please keep us updated on your first and the following games you played Worsham.
    Thank you.

  • @aequitas:

    Please keep us updated on your first and the following games you played Worsham.
    Thank you.

    The battle will take place this Friday with two other members of A&A.org in East Texas. We’re always looking for an forth player.

  • Have fun and hurrah for Texas!

  • The battle for East Texas ended after 12 hours, only when security, asked us to pack up since the room we used closed at 9pm.

    As Germany I had the plan for an unsinkable “aircraft carrier” with Iceland. While my raid on Iceland was successful, robbing UK of bonus IPCs. The adventure of establishing a thriving airbase to control the North Atlantic turned into an European Guadalcanal like battle.

    Italy got crushed in the Med.

    Barbarossa got slowed down into static warfare.

    I graded my game with Germany as a C-. I need much more work on my game.

    We had a great time.

  • Thanks for finding time for the write up. 1940 is a game you can play 100s of times and still not master it, so don’t worry if you feel you could improve on Germany. Will just have to play again!
    It does sound,  however,  like next time you will have to hire the room until 6am and take turns sleeping under the table.

  • Germany can be tough but we always learn best from our mistakes.  Besides you accomplished the most important thing.  You had fun. Keep it up.

  • @Dafyd:

    Germany can be tough but we always learn best from our mistakes.  Besides you accomplished the most important thing.  You had fun. Keep it up.

    Had fun with two great Org Members

  • 2024 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17


    We had a great time.

    That’s what it’s all about! Thanks for sharing.

  • '19 '17 '16


    So the BB could go to 109, or to Iceland (where scrambled Allied figs can defend it) but if Germany bought an AC G1, then Germany should be in position to destroy it G2.

    The latter isn’t a bad idea with a J1 DOW. It can be joined by a US Cruiser and scrambling fighter, plus 1-2 UK DD and 2 UK/France fighters. Max the Germans can throw at it BB, Cruiser and 2 SB, plus what was bought on G1 plus sub survivors of G1. Still a good attack for Germany with an appropriate buy but distracts from other things they might be doing like bombing London and convoying the UK. The problem with defending in SZ109 is that (a) you will lose (b) ships are in position to convoy © you are within range of land based ftrs. The upside is that you have two airbases and also have a naval base.

    EDIT: Also, US is in a position to counter attack US2 and sink any German survivors of the battle. Could buy 7 subs and a DD. Germany won’t be allowed to land planes on the airbase G2 so would be in trouble. Might need to thin down the attack for this reason.

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