What to do as allies when Germany goes Sealion

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    Take Calcutta round 3, don’t split the fleet.

    Are you attacking on J2?  Because if you are not either the UK or ANZ should be able to get a warship into SZ37 on turn 2, which will block any transports in SZ36 from participating in the J3 attack on Calcutta.  Or are you taking Calcutta on J3 with only three transports?

    I like to take FIC during J2, and than move most of my war ships from 35 into a sea zone adjacent to India. That way, I can mop up all blockers during J3, to clear the way for a landing in J4.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator



    Take Calcutta round 3, don’t split the fleet.

    Are you attacking on J2?  Because if you are not either the UK or ANZ should be able to get a warship into SZ37 on turn 2, which will block any transports in SZ36 from participating in the J3 attack on Calcutta.  Or are you taking Calcutta on J3 with only three transports?

    I am not sure where all these round 2 attacks on Calcutta rumors came from but no.  The best time to attack is on Round 3 almost all of the time.  Otherwise, you could allow the Americans to attack the German fleet and make Russia super easy to play!

    I would attack on round 2 under the following circumstances:
    1)  There was a large stack of yummy, handsome Brits in Burma
    2)  America had only the starting or almost only the starting Atlantic Units
    3)  England’s being annoying and trying to put all their destroyers out everywhere (this includes Australia which is literally part of the British Commonwealth)

    Otherwise, attack on round 3 with a more decisive victory on both sides of the Prime Meridian.

  • How many transports would US have to have to liberate London with? 10 transports? Or how many warships. My germany has 3 subs 1 dd 1 cruiser 1bb 1 ac 10 planes that can hit a US fleet. How many units would US fleet have to have to not be attacked by 17 units?

  • @Cmdr:



    Take Calcutta round 3, don’t split the fleet.

    Are you attacking on J2?  Because if you are not either the UK or ANZ should be able to get a warship into SZ37 on turn 2, which will block any transports in SZ36 from participating in the J3 attack on Calcutta.  Or are you taking Calcutta on J3 with only three transports?

    I am not sure where all these round 2 attacks on Calcutta rumors came from but no.  The best time to attack is on Round 3 almost all of the time.  Otherwise, you could allow the Americans to attack the German fleet and make Russia super easy to play!

    I would attack on round 2 under the following circumstances:
    1)  There was a large stack of yummy, handsome Brits in Burma
    2)  America had only the starting or almost only the starting Atlantic Units
    3)  England’s being annoying and trying to put all their destroyers out everywhere (this includes Australia which is literally part of the British Commonwealth)

    Otherwise, attack on round 3 with a more decisive victory on both sides of the Prime Meridian.


    You are missing my point.  What I’m saying is if you don’t declare war on UK/ANZ on J2, then you can’t prevent them from getting a warship to SZ37 on turn 2.  That warship will prevent any TRNs in SZ36 from participating in a J3 assault on Calcutta.  So a six TRN attack on Calcutta on J3 is impossible unless Japan declares war on J2.  Assuming of course UK/ANZ have at least one warship in range of SZ37 going into turn two (a reasonable assumption).

    So it seems Japan’s options for an early round attack on Calcutta are a J2 declaration of war followed by a J3 sacking of India, or a J3 declaration followed by a J4 attack on Calcutta.

    The questions are:

    1. What are the best things for the US to do to make the Axis pay for J2 attack?
      2a) How much harder is it to take India J4 after the UK gets another round to stack?
      2b) Does the extra round Japan has to spend staging for a J4 attack on Calcutta give the ANZ and the US enough time to prepare for Japan swinging back east?

  • @theROCmonster:

    How many transports would US have to have to liberate London with? 10 transports? Or how many warships. My germany has 3 subs 1 dd 1 cruiser 1bb 1 ac 10 planes that can hit a US fleet. How many units would US fleet have to have to not be attacked by 17 units?

    Well by turn 2 in units already in their posession their US can have 1 sub, 2DD, 3 Cruisers, 1BB, 1AC with fighter and Tac on it and 3 transports in sz101(east coast). Not a bad sized little fleet to start with, and then factor in the US having 52IPCs to spend on turn 1 with the ability to place up 6 units in sz101 and you can extrapolate from there. I mean right off the bat I could see adding 1BB and 1AC and a Tac(total = 47IPC) to sz101 on turn 1, which I think would already be more then enough to over power the German naval units you listed. Then spend turn 2 and 3 adding transports and cannon fodder units like Destroyers(of which you could add 6 of in one turn for a total of 8 ) and Subs(of which you could add 8 in 1 turn for a total of 9), or even Cruisers(which you could add 4 of in one turn for a total of 7) to counter the German air units you listed. Now the only question is how large on an occupation force does Germany have in London and how many transports will the US need to add (as I have a feeling 3 wont be enough).

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    Why does it have to be a round 3 assault on India?  Why not round 4?  That way America cannot hurt the Germans at all until the Germans can get back to the range of their airbases?

    If America’s all clustered around SZ 26, without putting anything into the Atlantic, then a round 2 smash of Kwangtung, Malaya, Sham State, Yunnan and all British/Australian ships in range makes sense.  (Burma with 20+ fighters could be an option instead of using them in other attacks if India is fool-hardy enough to leave their army exposed in Burma.)

  • Jenn,

    It doesn’t have to be J3 for an assault on India, though you have been the one espousing taking out the UK on both sides of the board on Turn 3.  But what about these questions regarding a J4 assault:

    2a) How much harder is it to take India J4 after the UK gets another round to stack?
    2b) Does the extra round Japan has to spend staging for a J4 attack on Calcutta give the ANZ and the US enough time to prepare for Japan swinging back east?

    If I read you correctly, you are saying that US builds and postioning in the Atlantic on US1 is the thing that would make you not do a J2 DoW.  Can you provide more detail on what US1 should look like in the Atlantic to punish Germany for a J2 DoW?


  • If US is sending everything to atlantic wouldn’t Japan just take hawaii on T3 and then calcutta on T4? and win the game. I can see a scenario in which Japan has 3 AC’s 4 DD’s 2 subs at least off hawaii on T3 along with however many transports built on T2. Then you can also take calcutta and just sacrafice all your air power, but so what, you would have won the game…

  • @theROCmonster:

    If US is sending everything to atlantic wouldn’t Japan just take hawaii on T3 and then calcutta on T4? and win the game. I can see a scenario in which Japan has 3 AC’s 4 DD’s 2 subs at least off hawaii on T3 along with however many transports built on T2. Then you can also take calcutta and just sacrafice all your air power, but so what, you would have won the game…

    Tha would be why from turn 3 on you focus entirely on the pacific with the US, spending 80IPCs. So Japan may be able to grab Hawaii on turn 3 but if the US takes it back on turn 4, without really worrying about Japan retaking it, then the allies are still in the game.

  • US can put a blocker to prevent Japan to get Haw in the same turn they declare war.

    If USA builds just 2 or 3 transports and then 4-6 infantries per turn on the pacific side of the board he can reinforce HAW with enough inf and few figs to make it a fortress against Japan for the first turns.

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    If US is sending everything to atlantic wouldn’t Japan just take hawaii on T3 and then calcutta on T4? and win the game. I can see a scenario in which Japan has 3 AC’s 4 DD’s 2 subs at least off hawaii on T3 along with however many transports built on T2. Then you can also take calcutta and just sacrafice all your air power, but so what, you would have won the game…

    Tha would be why from turn 3 on you focus entirely on the pacific with the US, spending 80IPCs. So Japan may be able to grab Hawaii on turn 3 but if the US takes it back on turn 4, without really worrying about Japan retaking it, then the allies are still in the game.

    Precisely, once Japan lands in Hawaii, the New York fleet launches, the factories become majors, and $70 gets spent liberating Hawaii before the Japs reach Sydney.

  • Japs only need Hawaii, hong kong, phillipines, and calcutta. I can see Japan taking all these by T4. Possibly even T3 if mistakes were made.

  • '10


    Possibly even T3 if mistakes were made.

    Anything is possible with enough mistakes from one side…


    Japs only need Hawaii, hong kong, phillipines, and calcutta. I can see Japan taking all these by T4

    I can’t….If Japan can get Hong Kong, Phi, Haw and Ind by T4 when Allies don’t commit huge mistakes, then the game is completely broken.

  • I was talking about when the US goes 100% atlantic to liberate london. This is what we were talking about Axis PLaya.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator



    Possibly even T3 if mistakes were made.

    Anything is possible with enough mistakes from one side…


    Japs only need Hawaii, hong kong, phillipines, and calcutta. I can see Japan taking all these by T4

    I can’t….If Japan can get Hong Kong, Phi, Haw and Ind by T4 when Allies don’t commit huge mistakes, then the game is completely broken.

    I’ve not only seen it, I’ve done it.  The game is not completely broken - however.  America just has to keep investing in the Pacific, the allies lose if there is not a HUGE investment by America in the Pacific EARLY.

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