@FMErwinRommel Elrood is not the best player, without adult supervision.
He needs mom watching over him!
Group Details
Patron 2012 - Silver
no description available
RE: 1914 Game 17: Simon as Germany, PP as Austria and nasty Witt as Turkey.
RE: 1914 Game 17: Simon as Germany, PP as Austria and nasty Witt as Turkey.
@dawgoneit can you do Russia ? I hope you don’t have bad weather again!
RE: WaW Witt Germany best, Ron Italy, Seb and Wayne as Japan.
@Elrood I did !
1, 1, 2 on Defence rolls does not equate to 3 losses on R1 in anybody’s book. -
RE: WaW Witt Germany best, Ron Italy, Seb and Wayne as Japan.
Probably means I will lose Morocco now.
RE: WaW Witt Germany best, Ron Italy, Seb and Wayne as Japan.
@Elrood I thought it was cuntish.
RE: WaW Witt Germany best, Ron Italy, Seb and Wayne as Japan.
@Karl7 when you do France , would you remove the Fortification from Greece and put it in Rome, please?
Have a good Sunday.
RE: WaW Witt Germany best, Ron Italy, Seb and Wayne as Japan.
@VictoryFirst here is the US edit and one for me too. Edited G Tank:Mot and US TT .tsvg