@karl7 Boldfresh is my nephew. He lives in Chicago. His wife wigged out when COVID hit last March, along with all that volatile BLM violence and political turmoil. She needs control over her circumstances and COVID and the political turmoil blew her lid off. She is adamantly against using mental health medication of any kind and she was out of control. She pretty much had to leave the USA for her sanity.
She left him and went back to Finland where she’s from. She took the 3 very beautiful small children with her. Boldfresh realized from wise counselors that if the kids were out of the USA for more than 3 months they could be impossible to get back. Recently, he told me that all the “sheep” (meaning the 3 kids) are coming home!! (To Chicago, where his parents also live)
He had also started a new business venture in Chicago that was intense but I don’t know how it is really going, and he had to deal with COVID too. So he has been really struggling, and I guess has not had time or the heart craving for A&A that he normally does.
So please, anyone reading this, PRAY (or think happy thoughts his direction if you don’t like the concept of prayer) for Boldfresh, and one day I believe he will return, better than ever and not as ornery.
The timing of your cry for Boldfresh is uncanny, Karl. Maybe his story could be an inspiration for a book that you write, and I think that some day you two should meet face to face, possibly to do this book. Bold predictions, I know, but all things are possible to those who believe. I can see these things happening.
I contacted Bold this week, requesting that he receive me to Chicago (about 5 1/2 hour drive one way for me) and he was open to that. He couldn’t do this week, but I think the reunion between he and I will be happening soon and I am very, very excited because we grew up together. He is only 5 months younger than I.
Thank you, everyone, we have a GREAT and very positive community on these forums!!!