Axis and Allies Global 1940 League Rules
1 - Anyone can join at any time. No sign up is necessary Just play a game in the league forum with a title that clearly tells the version, players, sides, and bid:
For example
OOB Gamerman01(x) v Allweneedislove(+99)
2 - You may play anyone in the league. As many times as you want! (Since 1/1/2024!)
3 - Scoring/Playoffs
Old rankings spreadsheets for each year since G40 started are online here:
League rankings from 2012
Life-time ELO ratings for ALL past league players, game results histories and more are available here:
ELO rankings
Results are separated by version of the game - Out of the Box 2nd edition, the Balanced Mod version 4, or Path to Victory
Bookmark it now!!
Playoffs will begin as soon as possible after 31 Dec. 2025, for each of the game versions played in the league
Minimum # of games during 2025 required to participate in the playoffs:
Balanced mod - 6 games
Path to Victory - 3 games
Out of the Box - 3 games
Classic - 6 games
Sign up for the post-season playoffs in December.
New for 2025!
The 2024 league champion for the respective version is automatic #1 and runner-up is #2 with the other 6 (or 7 or 8 if past winners don’t sign up) in order by ELO at 12/31/25.
Also New!
That CLASSIC version is organized for play in the 2025 league!! See below for the league’s default rules. This is important because CLASSIC has some optional rules, and certain ones are selected for league DEFAULT play. The league needs to pick one way as default, especially important for playoffs.
Back to old!
The 2025 league champion and runner-up will be recorded in the league history archives forever.
The playoff brackets will be “seeded”, 1 vs 8, 2 vs 7, 3 vs 6, and 4 vs 5, with the 4-5 being in the same bracket as 1-8.
The moderator normally makes additional brackets when more than 8 players in one version sign up for post-season playoff action. This will be done in a manner that attempts to maximize the average overall enjoyment of participants. The champion of a 2nd or 3rd bracket for a particular version is also indelibly recorded in the eternal records of the league.
Playoff game results are tallied like any other league game, and also count for meeting the minimum game requirement of the year in which they are played.
**4 - Game & rules - The default rules for all versions of Axis & Allies played in the league are Regular Dice (that is, not Low Luck) and bidding to determine sides.
Base rules of Out of the Box are available online here:
Base rules for Balanced Mod (BM):
Also in notes in TripleA application
Base rules for Path to Victory (PTV):
FAQ axis-allies-rules-classic-2nd-edition-faqs.pdf
Rules Clarification - axis-allies-rules-classic-2nd-edition-clarification.pdf
The default rules for OOB, BM, and PTV are
NO techThe default league rules for Classic are modified as follows:
NO Spain (her neutrality cannot be violated) All other neutrals are in play. TWO dice heavy bombers rather than three.Note that TECH is NOT an optional rule in Classic and is ON as the league default.
The optional rules of appendix IV on page 31 that are ON for league are
You CAN place naval units in enemy-occupied zones USSR can NOT attack on round 1The other optional rules are NOT on by default
If you haven’t played Classic or haven’t played it for decades, you should read all rules carefully or the rules will set you back more than your opponent, some will surprise you a lot!
For all league games, all versions:
The default game rules may be modified by agreement of both players. Low Luck or Tech, with or without Tech Tokens, or almost anything is allowed if you and your opponent agree prior to bidding.
Bidding - is normally used to ensure that both players are satisfied with the side they will play.
Default settings for bidding:
Limit one bid unit in a territory or sea zone. The nation placing a unit in a territory or sea zone must have started with a unit in said territory or sea zone prior to placing the bid. China can only add infantryIn a regular season game, the player with a higher support level for A& (gold, silver, bronze) may make the opening bid. If support levels are the same, a die roll decides.
In the playoffs, the higher seeded player will bid first (no respect to badge level in the playoffs)
The term “unit” includes facilities as described in page 27 of the Europe 2nd edition rulebook, therefore facilities may be added with a bid.
Also, a unit may be added to a territory with only a facility, because a facility is a “unit”.
5 - Posting Schedule
The following is for the benefit of waiting players to be able to claim a win on an abandoned game and do not have to be exercised.
5a - Time Limits - There is a 72 hour time limit per move. This may be negotiated by the players at game start. If you agree to different time limits, you need to post it at the beginning of the game thread for the moderator(s) to enforce.
You should give defender decisions (casualty choices, scramble/intercept/submerge/ kamikaze decisions) to your opponent as soon as possible.
5b - 72 hour warnings: After 72 hours and there is no game-play post from your opponent (i.e. at least a game decision made), you may post “bump” and the number of the bump (Bump#1, Bump #2, or Bump #3), which creates the “warning”. Do not include any other text so that a bump post is clear.
5c - “Bump” warning and consequences - Each “bump” warning resets the clock for another 72 hrs. However, on the 4th “bump” warning, the absent player will be disqualified and declared the loser for that game. You cannot retroactively issue a “bump” warning (after your opponent posts). “Bump” warnings can be issued for posting of partial turns (for example, someone only posted their combat move), OOL requests, etc. but they follow the same 72 hour requirement.
5d - If a turn is not posted within 14 days of either the previous turn post or a decision post or the end of a predetermined “vacation”, then the win can be claimed.
The 14 day default can be claimed without any of the bump warnings described in 5c
The great majority of players do not exercise these rights strictly, and after finally claiming a win, most players will state that they would like to continue the game and take back the result if the missing player comes back.
6 - Posting game results - Losing players are responsible to post results in the pinned “Post game results” thread. This is so we know the loser agrees with the game result. Post names of the winner and loser, Axis or Allies, the version played, and the bid. Also post a link to the game thread. Winners may post the result when the game result was due to time limits of rule #5.
7 - The Season starts on 1 Jan. and ends on 31 Dec. midnight
That’s midnight in American Samoa (the latest New Year), in case it comes down to that. Game results must be reported by 31 Dec. in order to be counted for that year’s season. All game results reported between 1 Jan. and 31 Dec. will be included in that year’s league standings.
8 - Making Assumptions during gameplay - The purpose of assumptions is to reduce the number of game stoppages for opponent decisions (scrambling, casualty choice, intercepting, submerging, kamikazes). Because you are assuming a decision for your opponent, you are at his mercy if he disagrees. Hopefully you can reach a mutually satisfying conclusion, but disagreements go in the defender’s favor, naturally. Seek a moderator ruling if necessary. Be very careful with assumptions.
9 - Order of Play - You may not go back to previous phases/turns of the game and make changes without your opponent’s permission.
10 - 2 TripleA quirks to watch out for -
Fighters on Carriers - Triple A does not track what fighters are on what carriers. It is the responsibility of the controlling player to use game notes and/or post to the game thread which fighters are on which carriers. If a player FAILS to declare what fighters are on what carriers, the opponent and the moderators will assume that all fighters are on LIKE carriers (for example, all USA planes are on USA carriers) unless placement from previous turns dictates otherwise. The opponent may grant late declarations but does not have to (similar to assumptions in #8 above).
Even without a declaration, it can often be determined what carriers hold what fighters, and anyone looking through the history may be able to determine there is only one possibility. BUT it is respectful and courteous to declare because your opponent should not have to figure it out. However, if there is only one possibility, then that combination will stand even if you fail to declare…
Get in the habit! Declare which fighters on which carriers at the end of each turn if there is any possibility for confusion, or rely on the league rule that by default, like fighters are on like carriers.
Naval battles involving submarines - Triple A is careful to make sure subs only hit ships, and that planes can only hit subs when with a destroyer. A potential problem arises when Triple A will roll subs only and prompt for a casualty choice, or planes only and prompt for a casualty choice. TripleA requires “first strike” unit casualties even when destroyers are present that nullify submarine first strike capabilities.
A player is supposed see the entire roll of the other side before choosing casualties, except in the case of submarine surprise strikes. Therefore, you will need to allow your opponent the option to change the premature casualty choice required by Triple A, or use the forum dice to bypass Triple A, or a combination of the two!
Another option is to go into edit mode before rolling the battle. The engine will prompt you for casualties but if it is not time to assign them, you can select none and click through until it is time to assign.
This method keeps the history in TripleA and using MARTI.
If you are confused, work with your opponent to his satisfaction or ask someone else for help.
11 - Moderators will make the final decision on any rules, violations of the same, or any other game disputes. Moderator rulings are FINAL. PERIOD.
All of these rules are for the intent of maximizing the fair play and enjoyment of this great game for as many as possible. It’s great when you give your opponent some leeway and you can receive the same, but be careful. If there is any dispute, it comes down to these rules and/or a moderator judgment call.
We are a great community of players - I rarely get asked to step in for a disagreement.
Have fun!!! That’s an order!
League Moderator
Edited 2/19/25 for #10, Naval combat