This plan isn’t to actively prevent Sealion, it’s to dissuade Germany from doing it.
Well, now that the video is out GHG has shown the counter for Germany to hold SZ110 after Sea Lion and blow up the entire German fleet.
My 2 Air Base plan on SZ110 was a counter to the first question of how does Germany hold SZ110 and their ill gotten gains in the UK.
So, now we enter the realm of counters of counters.
So, the USA stacks SZ102 like GHG laid out. What can Germany do besides bailing on Sea Lion which is the entire purpose of stacking SZ102.
Well, the 2 X Air Base plan most likely is a doomed counter. Mainly because it is to passive. Germany does not need passive plans that dissuade the Allies from doing something, they need to be bold and aggressive and make it abundantly clear that the Allies have no choice but to back down.
So, here is my second stab at this discussion, in classic manner, a counter to a counter.
Germany is going in on Sea Lion on G3, that is a given.
Germany plans to counter this SZ102 grand plan.
So, instead of being passive to dissuade the USA, Germany goes right at them.
Germany moves all 4 Atlantic subs into SZ106 and obliterates the Canadian navy.
Germany blows up SZ111, mainly to get rid of one of the UK DD sitting up there. Going in with the BB and air power.
Germany ignores SZ110 fleet.
Germany is only concerned in the first 2 turns about UK DD.
Germany needs to build a DD on turn 1 to take out that pesky Russian Sub on G2.
Germany in the non combat moves the lone sub in 124 to 108.
Ok, so what has Germany done.
IF all goes to plan off the coast of Canada Germany has 4 subs and one sub in the middle of the Atlantic in range of SZ102.
SO UK now has to make some choices. Do they go standard opening move and go Taranto and ignore the subs? They do have one DD left in SZ109 who go back to Canada with some air support and blow up the Subs. But how many planes do they divert? they need all of them in the Med. So, if UK goes back to Canada to destroy the sub menace Italy keeps almost all their starting navy in tact. which is always good for the Axis.
** This is very Important to the counter ** Germany is forcing the UK to make a hard choice on UK1. Depending on their choice now Germany on G2 can make any changes to Sea Lion they want or just throw in the towel and forget about Sea lion. If the UK goes after the Subs with their planes that leaves Italy un molested in the Med which is always good for Italy navy and the German player on G2 can do a all into Russia build with land units.
You are now having the UK make the hard choices which always leads to good things.
So this is a aggressive counter move to SZ102 which then also effects what the UK will do on Turn 1. SZ102 now has up to 5 subs going into SZ102 on G3 at the latest. Heck they could go on G2 and declare war on the USA if they drop 2CV and a DD in SZ102. It will not effect Germany on a G3 invasion because the USA counter is sunk. Furthermore Germany now has subs sitting in the middle of the Atlantic that causes disruption for the UK.
So, that is my counter to the counter.
IF Germany on G1 purchases a DD and a Sub. They could have up to 6 subs in the Atlantic at the start of G3 to contest SZ102. I cant see how making the UK chase subs with 1DD in the Atlantic is a bad idea.