• What did the USA build turns 1-3 and where?

  • You tell us, Jeff.

    Same for Russia, tell us where/what they do as well.

  • This goes on the assumption Japan did NOT stage its fleet in Carolines or Japan and instead moved the majority to SZ36 in preparation for India Crush on J3/J4.


    Buy 1 NB (15) - Place Midway
    Buy 1 AC (16) - Place SZ10
    Buy 2 Trn (14) - Place SZ10
    Buy 1 Trn (7) - Place SZ101 or Save the 7 for US2 assuming Japan is bringing the US into war.
    52 IPC Spent

    Move Fleet from SZ10 to Midway (Bring 1 Inf, 1 Art from W.USA)
    Move Fleet from SZ26 to Midway (Bring 2 Inf from Honolulu)
    Move 1 Inf, 1 Tnk from Central to Western US
    Fly 2 Ftrs from Honolulu to Midway
    Fly 1 Ftr from Western USA to Midway
    Fly 1 StratB from Central US to Midway
    Fly 1 Ftr from Philippines to Guam

    Collect 52 IPC

    NB Explanation:  The NB plays many factors for the US.  First, it allows you to stage your fleet away from Honolulu and still play blocker against Japan trying to take it in a single turn (Caroline Islands have no Trn).  Effectively as long as you have a fleet staged there, Japan will have to either take it out to get to Honolulu or make a two-turn move (via Caroline Islands) to get there uncontested.  The best part is clearly that you can still send your ships from SZ10 there on a single move basically relocating the potential Hawaii battle away from Hawaii.

    Further, if J2 puts the US into war, the US can reach Japan from multiple routes, eliminating the single destroyer block move in SZ16 or the surrounding move by Japanese Destroyers in SZs 25, 31 and/or 30.  Best of all, the US can now send sorties into SZ6 against any ships Japan decides to put there. The US can send up to 4 Ftr and 1 SB on US3. This forces Japan to either keep 3 fighters on Japan, send ships home to protect SZ6 unit placements, or purchase ships to protect whatever transports it decides to purchase J2.

    The Ftr on Guam is more of a distraction than anything else.  It allows you to send a 5th Ftr against SZ units in SZ6 if Japan puts you at war on US2, it can hit any unprotected Trn along the Chinese coast, it can serve as a distraction for Japan where it has to deal with a potential 3 Ftrs on it with a StratB as early as US3.  Further, if Japan does go after Manila on J2, it still allows the Ftr to survive unless Japan re-directs a Trn that was headed for India Crush to deal with the Ftr.  It can also land in Hong Kong on US2 if Japan decided to not take it and provide another distraction of Trn/Flying units that were headed to deal with the Burma Road or India Crush.

    The 4 units on Trn that will land in Midway provide for a few options:  Iwo Jima on US2 (if at war), a Threat (although not very credible yet) on Japan, or a potential to land on Korea, Amur, Caroline Islands or Siberia.

    Basically if Japan sends its fleet South to SZ36 on J1, and the US stages in Midway, it forces Japan to turn around and its still a 2 turn move to get to Japan (earliest return to SZ6 for Japan then is J3 unless Japan bought a NB on J1 and placed it at Hainan). If it doesn’t, Japan is facing a fleet sitting off its coast convoy raiding SZ6 every turn. Even better, if Japan does turn around and the US decides NOT to fight the Japanese fleet, it is a single move from W.USA or Hawaii and can leave a blocker at Midway basically allowing the US to further strengthen its Pacific fleet.

    This, all, from a US1 purchase.

    US2 becomes very hard to project, because you don’t know how Japan is going to react to sorties being able to fly into SZ6.  If its fleet withdraws from SZ36 to SZ19, the US has done its job in the Pacific and can play cat and mouse with Japan in the Pacific the rest of the game.  This allows the US to send the next few turns of purchases straight to the Atlantic or continue its push on Japan depending on how Japan reacts as the J1 purchase is generally what 3 Trn and an Art.  J2 it has 40 something IPC to spend so it can buy 10 Inf for Tokyo, or a few more ships to augment its returning fleet, or if its fighters are out of position (say oh I dunno, Kwangsi for example) 3 fighters to scramble over Japan.  Any of those options buys UK-India time to take the DEI, mass up on Calcutta, or retake the Burma Road while asserting Pacific dominance over Japan (the easier of the Axis targets for the Allies to beat).

    Personally I would ignore Europe and keep going after Japan.  A Minor in Alaska with a NB on US2 puts 3 more ships a turn headed straight for SZ6.  Can we say US4 sending 3 more BB to go along with its fleet at Midway or Hawaii?  Thats a pretty big dose of wake-up call for shutting Japan down in a hurry from its India Crush which is all anyone is preaching these days.

  • Okay, but keep in mind the scenario I painted did not declare an India Crush objective for Japan.

    What would you need to alter if the Japanese were in, for instance, SZ 6, SZ 33 or SZ 20 and SZ 6?
    Basically, if Japan went for a more conservative play of hitting China and prepping for Russia (or even attacking Russia) the much of what you are proposing about Midway, Guam etc might not be as beneficial.

    What I’m looking to do is see what the allies are going to do about England falling.  I’m not so worried about what they are doing in the Pacific, as long as they do something in the Pacific to stop Japan from winning (they dont have to do much, but they do have to do something, right?)

  • @Cmdr:

    What I’m looking to do is see what the allies are going to do about England falling.  I’m not so worried about what they are doing in the Pacific, as long as they do something in the Pacific to stop Japan from winning (they dont have to do much, but they do have to do something, right?)

    Do nothing about London and its darned bridge falling down.  To quote Rocky IV “If he dies, he dies.”

    I don’t see the US being very effective in Europe unless it spends 100% of its IPC’s there on US1/US2/US3.  Allow the Japs to hit Hawaii and counter with a US4 purchase of 8-10 subs.  The London Liberation was set in motion turns ago.

    Round 3:
    London falls
    US declares war, stages fleet in SZ106

    Round 4:
    US fleet blocked in SZ108.  US3 purchases stage in SZ106.  US4 purchases 8-10 subs to chase off Japanese fleet.
    Germo-Russian war beings.

    Round 5:
    US fleet from SZ108 and SZ106 can land on London.  US purchases second round of units for Europe.
    Round 2 of Germo-Russian war.

    Round 6:
    German fleet/aircraft may sink US liberation fleet - HUGE setback
    Round 3 of Germo-Russian war.
    UK collects income for the first time in 3 rounds
    US stages US5 purchases in SZ106.  US purchases another flotilla for Europe.

    Round 7:
    Germany has had 3 moves against Moscow (G4, G5, G6) and is on 4th move this round.
    UK purchases and places first units in 4 rounds.
    US lands its US5 flotilla at London/S.France

    Basically the German SeaLion eliminates London from the game for ANY relevancy until Round 8 at the EARLIEST.  In other words, its futile for the US to even waste all those resources trying to liberate a fallen London.  That is why I say the US move is to ignore Europe and go straight after Japan.  All those resources could be brought to bear against Japan COMBINED with UK-India and Anzac making the game two things:

    Moscow plays defensive the entire game protecting Moscow and Stalingrad from Germany/Italy.
    US plays aggressively against Japan the entire game regardless of what Japan does.

  • Okay, so it’s Russia vs Italy and Germany but Russia just needs to hold 2 of their 3 Victory Cities.

    Meanwhile, you advocate America go for Cripple Japan First, per Alpha 2 standard play, once that has been achieved, swing the fleet around to the Atlantic and go for Italy?

    The other option I see is for America to follow the traditional Kill Italy First and work in conjunction with the Russians (letting the Russians get 3 IPC each for Sardinia, Siciliy and Crete by using American Transports) and hope to kill Germany before Japan gets 6 VCs.

  • I would go lite navy in the pacific (about 20% of my IPCs) and go heavy into Europe.  I would continue stacking troops, planes and navy in SZ 91 and Gibraltar where i can simultaneously threaten UK, Normandy, Norway, Africa and Southern Italy.  From here i would either liberate UK or take out Italy, whichever option appeared most viable.  I would stay back with Russia and build stacks of ground units every turn.  When Germany does invade, i counter attack him at the first good opportunity and try to push hard on Germany.

  • what is russia’s total unit value when london falls? Can it make a decent push for poland?

  • US/Russia versus Germany/Italy


    USA/Anzac/UK-India versus Japan

    I’d pick the latter.

  • we don’t play with Victory cities, as we have never done.
    Russia can be making into 50 IPC if they have installed well into slovakia
    the US lands in a chain between canada and ireland (a direct push to retake England has never worked for us)
    perhaps they can build IC in brazil, and support remaining allied forces in africa.
    play evasive in the pacific

    i know it’s very hard, but the key lays in japan being halted for a few rounds (allies attack B2 to have all objectives) and germany losing a lot of forces in england, and keep producing there to keep the territory.

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