@ShadowHAwk Those units are essential to defend your capital, as well as France’s capital. There is no way around having a substantial defensive force if you want to win the game as the axis. Ideally all of those units could attack Moscow, but that is literally not an option. Germany can lose its capital turn 4 if you don’t have enough units to defend, and Paris can be lost to the allies turn 5 if you aren’t deploying enough units to prevent that.
18 ipc allied bid
I don’t get the argument that scrambling limits your options as Italy I1. Barring an all air attack on SZ96, you got to think your only real option to amphibious assault I1 is Gibraltar. Is what is meant that your later options are limited?
Germany still needs its planes and losing some in SZ97 weakens their Barbarossa thrust a little.
If you scramble you will pretty much always buy a fighter I1. You might also reinforce Rome with the Luftwaffe to deter an attack.
Also depends on IF:
UK brings in the extra Ftr and a Bmbr.But as SH allready explained:
What is your goal with Italy. Stall as long as possible UK in the Med.?
Getting aggressiv?
Looking for NO’ s?
Or soften UK RN for the German Luftwaffe?If you scramble with Italy or not reveals also your future Plans in the Med. :wink: