From many games of trying both J1 and J2, I have found that the former is more advantageous if you have average luck. The latter is a better choice if you are worried about getting diced by a stubborn UK battleship that never misses while your blind Japanese pilots circle around hopelessly. J3 just plain stinks and is usually a sign of a novice Axis player.
Attack London with G1?
So we are about to begin a fresh game this evening, and my associate who will be playing as Germany is convinced he can take London with G1 if he kamikazes 2 additiona lfighters to the battle. I keep telling him this is foolish, but he is a pretty intelligent individual and is convinced this is possible. Is there any merit to this strategy or is that certain doom? Numbers seem to favor Great Britain. Thanks for any advice.
I suppose, this thread has been accidentally moved to the Global forum, because the same question has already been answered in the 1942SE-forum:
(The answer applies for Global, too.)