got 1 hit, damaged your bb. 3 more hits. casualties?
mike48484 over procas, dark skies strikes again
pherman (allies) over me
miserable G1, followed by a miserable J1.
i’ve been having too much bad luck lately, so i don’t think i’m going to pick up any new games for a while. this much bad luck usually means my subconscious is telling me to take a good break from my gaming addiction. or maybe i need to just cap it at 2 games at a time.
pherman (allies) over me
miserable G1, followed by a miserable J1.
i’ve been having too much bad luck lately, so i don’t think i’m going to pick up any new games for a while. this much bad luck usually means my subconscious is telling me to take a good break from my gaming addiction. or maybe i need to just cap it at 2 games at a time.
I’ve played a lot of global and that was probably the worst turn 1 dice I’ve ever seen. 0 hits in SZ 111 followed by a Philippines loss. Not fun.
L15 G40 Ferrousgryphon(Axis) vs. Aequitas et Veritas (Allies+19)
Ferrousgryphon wins
Ferrous managed to paint the map into two main colours
Congratulations to Ferrous!
Nice post AEV, fun is why we’re here and that post was fun
Shin Ji completely sinks cyanight in the Pacific.
Rubioton (Allies+18) Defeats Arthur Bomber Harris
Adam514 over Giallo(+18)
pherman over variance (allies+16)
Balladeer, again, over Rubioton (allies +18)
dawgoneit (Axis) vs Odonis (Allies +13) Odonis wins
Couldn’t take Egypt back….I was close, but now here come the Japanese meddling in African affairs!
Oh well…sad puppy… :cry:
mrcunego (axis) over Mallery29 (allies)
shin ji over variance (allies +16)
hobo (Allies +16) over Me1945
Axis-dominion over giallo(+20)
Pherman1215(axis) over mitler(allies +17)
calvinhobbesliker wins over oysteilo
Pherman1215 (Axis) over Cyanight (Allies +18);topicseen#new
Holy cow, Pherman on a rampage!! :-D
mike48484 over luckyinmaroon (+19)