@general-6-stars I have a physical map that I have made. It’s mostly rules i am trying to develop. Thanks for showing me your map.
General 6 Stars 1941 WW2 Game
Good to see the Veterans again:+1:
It would be amazing, if we could come to the States - and visit you for gaming.
Wouldn’t that be something:+1:
In the same way as we have players from the Netherlands coming to us in Denmark.
Ya it would be cool if you came to US.
As I mentioned before I’m only 30 mins from Milwaukee and 60 mins from Chicago.Plus barnee only 5-6 hours away from me.
Plenty of motels 2 miles away on 94 interstate hwy.
Allies won the game. Germany tried a different route and got spanked a bit and mother russia showed up with her bears !
The long range desert rats was a nice piece to have as far as a small threat from the desert and a nice piece to have as a first strike unit alone or with own troops based on it can pick the kill shot. Also it has a chance to damage a airbase in Tobruk on turn 1 or later if Italy doesn’t leave enough troops there.
Based on history both sides had major AB in Tobruk anyway. -
This is a game report from Saturdays game were the allies won.
Germany went a different route this game and was going south and also helping Italy more with German planes taking out the UK Med fleet. Based on reports Germany ended up losing to many figs early in game too probably.
He lost Finland early but got back and even lost Romania which cost him 11 icps ( oil ) and Mother Russia got that gain for a turn which is very nice for them. SO more resources have to go back and recover those areas.
Germany also got spanked a bit going after the 2 UK fleets around London turn 1 and put a damper on things also there.US did operation Torch again and took Morocco and Gib. But with no UK fleet in Med they ended up going to Western France next turn. Italy ended up making some decent money to help Germany a bit but just to much loses to recover.
Germany did try a desperation last ditch effort to do sea lion but failed.Pacific side japan started out good and got money islands for more income and then US had to do something and boldly moved ALL his naval fleet into the middle of Dutch islands of Sumatra, Borneo.
Did take back those islands along with Singapore. On Japans next turn he moved all his fleet to attack with planes that US fleet. Did kill all ships but US naval planes retreated to Java.
Then for the next 3 turns just bought Fast Carriers so his planes had a place to land and pushed into Asia coast and could of taken Hong Kong but based on axis victory points didn’t need to yet.I’ll post 2 pics of game on last turn of game.
There will be some tweaks to setup based on Japan has so much to do and can’t do it and need to delay the US kind a some on first turn.
I’ll start planning.
We are already 2-5 players who would like to come.
I’ll send you pm when I know more:+1:
We would need to start training with your 1941 game during this spring and summer.
@the-captain said in General 6 Stars 1941 Global War Game:
I’ll start planning.
We are already 2-5 players who would like to come.
I’ll send you pm when I know more:+1:
We would need to start training with your 1941 game during this spring and summer.
Oh wow that would be super sweet ! Ya let me know.
Here’s the end of turn 6 when the axis conceded.
How long time does it take for you guys to play 6 rounds? -
Here’s pic of the tech and income with the 2 NA each country got to use in game and victory points. Axis down to 150 income. Not good.
Changes to game are a few territory values were moved to other territory values to help Japan get a few more icps.
Also added 12 japan inf to setup. They just still don’t quite have enough on land it seems from last 8 games played. Also Hawaii lost 2 trans and an Art to slow them down a bit. Still seems they get to money islands a bit to fast or a bit to strong on ground.Still maybe a tweak yet but next game Feb 19 the plan. Did some more map tweaks with borders and added an AB to Tobruk with the CW-30 desert rats. Nice to see movement a bit in desert to help with more of an N Africa campaigns.
@the-captain said in General 6 Stars 1941 Global War Game:
How long time does it take for you guys to play 6 rounds?Depends on how many players we have.
4 players 6 rounds probably 8-9 hours6 players best. 4 on Europe side and 2 on pacific side. The 7th player would then go to FEC/Anzac. About 9-10 hours for 7-8 rounds.
Putting in damage 1 icons for damaging a convoy box on outside also. Be easier for players to see. This rule has been in game since day 1.
Inside the boxes only count towards starting income. Not outside of boxes. Why it’s a different color.
May change design a bit if I get a better idea. -
@general-6-stars I see the Rat Patrol rule was included
Maybe we could use something really distinct like a flaming marker for convoy box damage so that it is clear and obvious. A lot of times there are so many units on the board you can’t really see the map. Just an idea. The map is so good and has so much on it really don’t want to see it changed.
@imperious-leader said in General 6 Stars 1941 Global War Game:
@general-6-stars I see the Rat Patrol rule was included
Ya used the rules in the post at top of page.
Used the 30 trucks and had just a bit of time to throw on a coat of paint. But will change colors and add guns. -
@aagamer said in General 6 Stars 1941 Global War Game:
Maybe we could use something really distinct like a flaming marker for convoy box damage so that it is clear and obvious. A lot of times there are so many units on the board you can’t really see the map. Just an idea. The map is so good and has so much on it really don’t want to see it changed.
Ya. Other option is using enemy country tokens too. I do have damage flame markers too.
@general-6-stars The full copy of the rules is where?
Cannot buy in game. Once killed there gone.
Can move into and out of the Sahara desert.
Gets a first strike shot if attacking alone or with another desert rat unit and defender is removed with out a return shot.
Gets a first strike shot attacking with other UK units and or Allie units. Defenders choice of casualty with a no return defend shot.
If they miss shot on attack the defender gets a defense shot. If defender misses desert rat, it can retreat to the desert or other territory.
They can only attack the northern territories of Africa. Morocco- Egypt.
They can travel the whole desert and come out and attack any Northern Territory. Traveling across the desert does not count as a move.
They can damage an air base. Roll a d6 for damage.
If the desert rats do a TSA on an airbase with enemy units there,
the enemy units would get a -2 on there defense rolls based on
desert rat speed. If they survive then each rat can do a 1d6 roll for
damage on air base.
So like they can pop out of desert or Egypt into Tobruk and hit
airbase if they survive and then move back into desert or another
land territory.Cannot control a territory.
@general-6-stars Not that, the entire rules to the game. I might just redo that map if i like the rules…
I like both of the options. Tokens or Flame markers… The flame markers would bring special attention to the damage they are doing.
Yo’s. “Operation Do Wrong “ this Saturday at 8 am central at the Generals Fortress. Game is dedicated to SS spy Duds ( do wrong ) based on we had to lay him down to rest. He was there always for every game.
Game will be live streamed on Twitch. Type in ssgen69.
@general-6-stars Sorry to hear that General. He’ll be watching from Doggy Heaven