Game of Thrones Variant: Figuring Out Units
Looking to develop an Axis&Allies style game set in Westeros, but having trouble determining what units stats should be. Heres what i have so far.
Note: Pre-Combat attack only applies in the first round of combat.
Land Units:
Cost: 3
Attack: 2 (3 supported)
Defense: 2
Move: 1
Special Abilities:
Supportable: may be supported by archers and siege weapons.Archers
Cost: 4
Attack: 2
Defense: 2
Move: 1
Pre-Combat: 1 die roll
Special Abilities:
Support: may support infantry, cavalry, and Mammoths/ElephantsCavalry
Cost: 5
Attack: 3 (4 when supported)
Defense: 3
Move: 2
Special Abilities:
Supportable: may be supported by archers and siege weapons.
Charge: same as blitzSiege Weapons
Cost: 10
Attack: 4
Defense: 4
Move: 1
Pre-Combat: 1 die roll (2 when inside a stronghold)
Special Abilities:
Support: can support Infantry, Cavalry, and Mammoths/Elephants Siege.
Siege: May attack a stronghold instead of the units inside. Roll to hit, if a hit is accomplished roll a 6 sided die for each hitting siege weapon and deal that much damage to the stronghold threshold. If a stronghold threshold is reduced to 0 in the pre-combat phase of the first turn it does not provide protection even for that combat round.Strongholds
Cost: 12 (may change this)
Attack: 0
Defense: 0
Move: 0
Special Ability:
Walls: All attackers attack is reduced by 1. Archer and Infantry defenders increase defense by 1 and defending Siege Weapons get 2 pre-combat dice. Strongholds have a damage threshold of 6. If threshold is surpassed the stronghold does not work until it receives some repair (1 IPC per point of threshold). Strongholds are damaged by siege weapons and elephants/Mammoths.
Placement:You may only place Strongholds in a home territory worth at least 3 IPCsGiants
Cost: 7 (May only be purchased by Wildlings)
Attack: 4
Defense: 4
Move: 1
Special Ability:
Cost: 12 (may only be purchased by Wildlings and Ghiscari)
attack: 3 (4 supported)
Defense: 4
Move: 2
Special abilities:
Supportable: may be supported by archers and siege weapons.
Tough: May take 2 hits (heals at the end of combat)
Siege: May attack a stronghold instead of the units inside. Roll to hit, if a hit is accomplished roll a 6 sided die for each hitting Elephant/Mammoth and deal that much damage to the stronghold threshold. If a stronghold threshold is reduced to 0 in the pre-combat phase of the first turn it does not provide protection even for that combat round.Air Units
Cost: - (Targaryen player gets 3 at the beginning of the game. they cannot be bought)
Attack: equal to round (max 4)
Defense: equal to round (max 4)
Move: equal to round (max 4)
Special Abilities: dragons follow the same rules for flight and landing as planes do in regular A&A.Sea Units
Cost: 6
Attack; 2
Defense: 1
Move: 2
Pre-Combat: 1 die roll
Special Abilities:
Quick Escape: If a raider is attacked and you do not wish to engage in combat you may roll a die before combat. On a
1-3 your raider may not be attacked this combat round. On a 4-6 combat happens normally.
Transport: Raiders may transport 1 infantry or archer.Scout Ship (needs better name)
Cost: 8
Attack: 2
Defense: 2
Move: 2
Special Abilities:
Pirate Catcher: The scout ship prevents raiders from using their pre-combat die or their quick escape ability.
Transport: Scout ships may transport 1 infantry or archer unit.Medium Ship (need name)
Cost: 12
Attack: 3
Defense: 3
Move: 2
Special Abilities:
Barrage 1: Same as barrage in regular A&A except only hits on a 1.
Transport: Medium ships may transport 2 units one of which must be an infantry or archer unit.Warship
Cost: 18
Attack; 4
Defense: 4
Move: 2
Special Abilites:
Barrage 1: Same as barrage in regular A&A except only hits on a 1.
Transport: Warships may transport 2 units one of which must be an infantry or archer unit.
Tough: May take 2 hits (repaired at a port)open to any changes, ideas, or criticism.
Thought I would post some pictures of the map so people can get an idea of what the game looks like.
General 6 Stars '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizerlast edited by Apr 19, 2022, 11:30 PM
@general-6-stars Sweet map, what rules do you use to play this.
Triplea has one. This is what they use
Version 2.0 Created by: Al Updated by: Redrum, Wc_sumpton, and Maquis Map image by: Astrogator87 Additional artwork by: Hepster
2 for 5 PUs
Land unit, 2 attack, 1 defense, 1 movement, 1 transporting costSellsword
3 PUs
Land unit, 1 attack, 2 defense, 1 movement, can receive attacking support, 1 transporting costArcher
4 PUs
Land unit, 1 attack, 2 defense, 1 movement, gives 1 attacking power to 1 allied unit, 1 transporting costCatapult
6 PUs
Land unit, 1 attack, 3 defense, 1 movement, gives 1 attacking power to 1 allied unit, 1 transporting costTrebuchet
7 PUs
Land unit, 3 attack, 2 defense, 1 movement, gives 1 attacking power to 1 allied unit, 1 transporting costKnight
6 PUs
Land unit, 3 attack, 3 defense, 2 movement, can blitz, 1 transporting costRaft
8 PUs
Sea unit, 0 attack, 1 defense, 2 movement, can transport at sea at a cost of 2Galley
10 PUs
Sea unit, 2 attack, 2 defense, 2 movementCastle
15 PUs
Land unit, can produce up to territory value, can be capturedImage
3 PUs
Land unit, 1 attack, 2 defense, 1 movement, can receive attacking support, 1 transporting costArcher
4 PUs
Land unit, 1 attack, 2 defense, 1 movement, gives 1 attacking power to 1 allied unit, 1 transporting costCatapult
6 PUs
Land unit, 1 attack, 3 defense, 1 movement, gives 1 attacking power to 1 allied unit, 1 transporting costTrebuchet
7 PUs
Land unit, 3 attack, 2 defense, 1 movement, gives 1 attacking power to 1 allied unit, 1 transporting costKnight
6 PUs
Land unit, 3 attack, 3 defense, 2 movement, can blitz, 1 transporting costRaft
8 PUs
Sea unit, 0 attack, 1 defense, 2 movement, can transport at sea at a cost of 2Galley
10 PUs
Sea unit, 2 attack, 2 defense, 2 movementCastle
15 PUs
Land unit, can produce up to territory value, can be capturedImage
4 PUs
Land unit, 1 attack, 3 defense, 2 movement, 2 transporting costHorseLord
4 PUs
Land unit, 2 attack, 2 defense, 2 movement, can blitz, 2 transporting costBloodrider
7 PUs
Land unit, 3 attack, 3 defense, 2 movement, gives 1 attacking power to 1 allied unit, 2 transporting costKhal
9 PUs
Land unit, 4 attack, 4 defense, 2 movement, can receive attacking suppor, 2 transporting costRaft
8 PUs
Sea unit, 0 attack, 1 defense, 2 movement, can transport at sea at a cost of 2Castle
15 PUs
Land unit, can produce up to territory value, can be capturedImage
2 for 3 PUs
Land unit, 1 attack, 1 defense, 1 movement, 1 transporting costWaterDancer
5 PUs
Land unit, 3 attack, 2 defense, 1 movement, 1 transporting costFacelessMan
6 PUs
Land unit, 1 attack, 3 defense, 1 movement, gives 1 attacking power to 1 allied unit, 1 transporting costArcher
11 PUs
Land unit, 4 attack, 2 defense, 1 movement, 2 hit points, can receive attacking suppor, 1 transporting costRaft
8 PUs
Sea unit, 0 attack, 1 defense, 2 movement, can transport at sea at a cost of 2Galley
10 PUs
Sea unit, 2 attack, 2 defense, 2 movementCastle
15 PUs
Land unit, can produce up to territory value, can be capturedImage
2 for 9 PUs
Land unit, 2 attack, 1 defense, 2 movement, 1 transporting costArcher
4 PUs
Land unit, 1 attack, 2 defense, 1 movement, gives 1 attacking power to 1 allied unit, 1 transporting costCatapult
6 PUs
Land unit, 1 attack, 3 defense, 1 movement, gives 1 attacking power to 1 allied unit, 1 transporting costTrebuchet
7 PUs
Land unit, 3 attack, 2 defense, 1 movement, gives 1 attacking power to 1 allied unit, 1 transporting costGiant
6 PUs
Land unit, 4 attack, 4 defense, 1 movement, can receive attacking support, 1 transporting costTroll
7 PUs
Land unit, 2 attack, 2 defense, 1 movement, 2 hit points, 1 transporting costMammoth
10 PUs
Land unit, 2 attack, 5 defense, 2 movement, 2 hit points, 1 transporting costRaft
8 PUs
Sea unit, 0 attack, 1 defense, 2 movement, can transport at sea at a cost of 2Galley
10 PUs
Sea unit, 2 attack, 2 defense, 2 movementCastle
15 PUs
Land unit, can produce up to territory value, can be capturedImage
3 PUs
Land unit, 1 attack, 2 defense, 1 movement, can receive attacking support, 1 transporting costArcher
4 PUs
Land unit, 1 attack, 2 defense, 1 movement, gives 1 attacking power to 1 allied unit, 1 transporting costCatapult
6 PUs
Land unit, 1 attack, 3 defense, 1 movement, gives 1 attacking power to 1 allied unit, 1 transporting costTrebuchet
7 PUs
Land unit, 3 attack, 2 defense, 1 movement, gives 1 attacking power to 1 allied unit, 1 transporting costKnight
6 PUs
Land unit, 3 attack, 3 defense, 2 movement, can blitz, 1 transporting costRaft
8 PUs
Sea unit, 0 attack, 1 defense, 2 movement, can transport at sea at a cost of 2Longship
10 PUs
Sea unit, 2 attack, 2 defense, 2 movement, can receive attacking supportGreatship
14 PUs
Sea unit, 2 attack, 2 defense, 3 movement, gives 1 attacking power to 1 allied unit, can transport at sea at a cost of 1Castle
15 PUs
Land unit, can produce up to territory value, can be capturedImage
2 for 5 PUs
Land unit, 1 attack, 2 defense, 1 movement, can receive attacking support, 1 transporting costArcher
4 PUs
Land unit, 1 attack, 2 defense, 1 movement, gives 1 attacking power to 1 allied unit, 1 transporting costCatapult
6 PUs
Land unit, 1 attack, 3 defense, 1 movement, gives 1 attacking power to 1 allied unit, 1 transporting costTrebuchet
7 PUs
Land unit, 3 attack, 2 defense, 1 movement, gives 1 attacking power to 1 allied unit, 1 transporting costKnight
6 PUs
Land unit, 3 attack, 3 defense, 2 movement, can blitz, 1 transporting costRaft
8 PUs
Sea unit, 0 attack, 1 defense, 2 movement, can transport at sea at a cost of 2Galley
10 PUs
Sea unit, 2 attack, 2 defense, 2 movementCastle
15 PUs
Land unit, can produce up to territory value, can be capturedImage
5 PUs
Land unit, 1 attack, 3 defense, 1 movement, can receive attacking support, 1 transporting costSpearthrower
4 PUs
Land unit, 2 attack, 1 defense, 1 movement, gives 1 attacking power to 1 allied unit, 1 transporting costCatapult
6 PUs
Land unit, 1 attack, 3 defense, 1 movement, gives 1 attacking power to 1 allied unit, 1 transporting costTrebuchet
7 PUs
Land unit, 3 attack, 2 defense, 1 movement, gives 1 attacking power to 1 allied unit, 1 transporting costHorseArcher
4 PUs
Land unit, 1 attack, 3 defense, 2 movement, 2 transporting costGreenbloodBoat
10 PUs
Sea unit, 0 attack, 2 defense, 3 movement, can transport at sea at a cost of 2Galley
10 PUs
Sea unit, 2 attack, 2 defense, 2 movementCastle
15 PUs
Land unit, can produce up to territory value, can be capturedImage
3 PUs
Land unit, 1 attack, 2 defense, 1 movement, can receive attacking support, 1 transporting costArcher
4 PUs
Land unit, 1 attack, 2 defense, 1 movement, gives 1 attacking power to 1 allied unit, 1 transporting costCatapult
6 PUs
Land unit, 1 attack, 3 defense, 1 movement, gives 1 attacking power to 1 allied unit, 1 transporting costTrebuchet
7 PUs
Land unit, 3 attack, 2 defense, 1 movement, gives 1 attacking power to 1 allied unit, 1 transporting costKnight
6 PUs
Land unit, 3 attack, 3 defense, 2 movement, can blitz, 1 transporting costDirewolf
7 PUs
Land unit, 4 attack, 3 defense, 2 movement, 1 transporting costRaft
8 PUs
Sea unit, 0 attack, 1 defense, 2 movement, can transport at sea at a cost of 2Galley
10 PUs
Sea unit, 2 attack, 2 defense, 2 movementCastle
15 PUs
Land unit, can produce up to territory value, can be capturedImage
2 for 3 PUs
Land unit, 1 attack, 1 defense, 1 movement, 1 transporting costArcher
4 PUs
Land unit, 1 attack, 2 defense, 1 movement, gives 1 attacking power to 1 allied unit, 1 transporting costDragon
17 PUs
Air unit, 5 attack, 4 defense, 4 movementRaft
8 PUs
Sea unit, 0 attack, 1 defense, 2 movement, can transport at sea at a cost of 2Galley
10 PUs
Sea unit, 2 attack, 2 defense, 2 movementCastle
15 PUs
Land unit, can produce up to territory value, can be capturedImage
3 PUs
Land unit, 1 attack, 2 defense, 1 movement, can receive attacking support, 1 transporting costArcher
4 PUs
Land unit, 1 attack, 2 defense, 1 movement, gives 1 attacking power to 1 allied unit, 1 transporting costCatapult
6 PUs
Land unit, 1 attack, 3 defense, 1 movement, gives 1 attacking power to 1 allied unit, 1 transporting costTrebuchet
7 PUs
Land unit, 3 attack, 2 defense, 1 movement, gives 1 attacking power to 1 allied unit, 1 transporting costKnight
6 PUs
Land unit, 3 attack, 3 defense, 2 movement, can blitz, 1 transporting costRaft
8 PUs
Sea unit, 0 attack, 1 defense, 2 movement, can transport at sea at a cost of 2Galley
10 PUs
Sea unit, 2 attack, 2 defense, 2 movementCastle
15 PUs
Land unit, can produce up to territory value, can be capturedImage
3 PUs
Land unit, 1 attack, 2 defense, 1 movement, can receive attacking support, 1 transporting costArcher
4 PUs
Land unit, 1 attack, 2 defense, 1 movement, gives 1 attacking power to 1 allied unit, 1 transporting costCatapult
6 PUs
Land unit, 1 attack, 3 defense, 1 movement, gives 1 attacking power to 1 allied unit, 1 transporting costTrebuchet
7 PUs
Land unit, 3 attack, 2 defense, 1 movement, gives 1 attacking power to 1 allied unit, 1 transporting costKnight
6 PUs
Land unit, 3 attack, 3 defense, 2 movement, can blitz, 1 transporting costRaft
8 PUs
Sea unit, 0 attack, 1 defense, 2 movement, can transport at sea at a cost of 2Galley
10 PUs
Sea unit, 2 attack, 2 defense, 2 movementCastle
15 PUs
Land unit, can produce up to territory value, can be capturedNeutral
2 for 3 PUs
Land unit, 1 attack, 1 defense, 1 movement, 1 transporting costSellsword
3 PUs
Land unit, 1 attack, 2 defense, 1 movement, can receive attacking support, 1 transporting costArcher
4 PUs
Land unit, 1 attack, 2 defense, 1 movement, gives 1 attacking power to 1 allied unit, 1 transporting costCatapult
6 PUs
Land unit, 1 attack, 3 defense, 1 movement, gives 1 attacking power to 1 allied unit, 1 transporting costTrebuchet
7 PUs
Land unit, 3 attack, 2 defense, 1 movement, gives 1 attacking power to 1 allied unit, 1 transporting costTroll
7 PUs
Land unit, 2 attack, 2 defense, 1 movement, 2 hit points, 1 transporting costKnight
6 PUs
Land unit, 3 attack, 3 defense, 2 movement, can blitz, 1 transporting costRaft
8 PUs
Sea unit, 0 attack, 1 defense, 2 movement, can transport at sea at a cost of 2Galley
10 PUs
Sea unit, 2 attack, 2 defense, 2 movementCastle
15 PUs
Land unit, can produce up to territory value, can be captured
Map image by: Astrogator87 at -
General 6 Stars '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizerlast edited by Apr 20, 2022, 10:41 AM
OK fine. I’m out unless somebody looking for board map.
@barnee This is a bit more complicated than I need, but great inspiration. I am making this game with a physical map and pieces, so I am limited by how many types of units I can have. Still this should be really useful, thanks.
@general-6-stars I have a physical map that I have made. It’s mostly rules i am trying to develop. Thanks for showing me your map.