• BJ

  • American civil war and independence seem great topics for a game but i dont think its big enough for a and a.

    Rome and Napoleon seem the best choices. I think Napoleon wold be the best suited for axis style games. But I’ve been searching for a good Rome game since I can remember. Wish there was one with the system like Napoleon in Europe, or something.
    My own ideas would be:

    Age of Imperialism
    The scramble for Africa, establising seapower, forming Germany and Italy, etc.

    Age of Sail
    Establish colonies in the New World, securing vital trade goods and fighting natives.

    Thirty Years War
    Interesting battles and politics in Europe.

  • Customizer

    Medieval, incorporating some of the mechanics I’ve been playing around with for years.
    If possible, a Game of Thrones licence would be splendid.

    Dark Ages; maybe English Heptarchy, with Viking raiders turning up after so many turns.

    I like the 300 BC idea. Possibly Alexandrian successors states.

  • @Flashman:

    Medieval, incorporating some of the mechanics I’ve been playing around with for years.
    If possible, a Game of Thrones licence would be splendid.

    Dark Ages; maybe English Heptarchy, with Viking raiders turning up after so many turns.

    I like the 300 BC idea. Possibly Alexandrian successors states.

    There is preliminary work on a Game of Thrones style game on Triplea…  would be a blast!

  • Customizer

    Hope it has capture/ransom of characters included; didn’t understand why they left this out of the official game.

  • @Flashman:

    Hope it has capture/ransom of characters included; didn’t understand why they left this out of the official game.

    That stuff isn’t really modeled in triplea, so I doubt it.  There will be politics though, similar to the Napoleonic Wars game (the Nap game in Triplea).

  • Customizer

    But what fun can it be if you can’t hold the Kingslayer captive in your dungeon?

  • Spanish Civil War  :-D

  • Cold War (essentially) ww3
    Soviets and the Warsaw Pact vs USA and NATO

  • American civil war
    War of 1812
    Something based off of the 100 years war
    War of the triple alliance (1864-70)
    I would love to see a game that pits Rome vs. Carthage
    Naturally, if these were made they would still be called Axis & Allies  :-D

  • OK, this probably wouldn’t work, but what if they made a game combining WW1 and WW2? It would be a monster, and about 500 times more complicated, but think how cool would it be. You would have an end of WW1 (perhaps based on Flashman’s morale track), a few turns to rebuild and improve tech, and start WW2. Like I said. this most likely wouldn’t work, but it would be so much fun to play.
    Some major issues:
    -How to represent going from WW1 tech to WW2 tech
    -How to handle the end of WW1 and the start of WW2
    -How to handles Germany’s rise to power before WW2 (because no allied player would actually let Germany take Austria, etc.)
    -What if the CPs win WW1?
    -It would be REALLY boring to play Japan during the first half of the game
    -Collapse (or possible non collapse) of AH and Ottoman empires
    -Great Depression
    -The game would take weeks to play (Like that’s ever been an issue?)

    So it’s pretty clear it would never work. Maybe if we locked Larry in a small room with nothing else to work on for 10 years?

  • Customizer

    Yeah, lock Larry in a small room so the game wouldn’t have crazy stuff like capturing capitals and collecting money at the end of a turn.

    Start in 1901 and let the powers go at it as they will.

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