One of my innovations is the fog of war feeling to this game. I played a lot of block games thought the years and i really enjoyed the unknown feeling that gives to a game. What I did, I numbered all my chips 1 to 5, thats the max steps a unit can have in a hex, then placed the unit on top of it. You can split the unit as you advance, but you are only allowed to have up to 5 units in a hex plus a leader ( you can have 5 one step untis or 5 five steps units and anything between). There are 2 turns per month, Im developing 6 month scenarios, so you can play a scenario in less than 4 hrs. Movement isnt restricted, inf units move 2 hexes in clear weather, and one ii snow or mud. Mech units move 3 hexes in clear weather, 2 in snow and 1 in mud. There is an exploitation move after combat, and mech units paired with a blitz leader can initiate a new combat. The rest of the units cant move or initiate a new battle but they can have a new round of combat if they were enganged in a combat before, if the attacking player wishes, but isnt mandatory. Im still looking for ppl to playtest the game, anyone around LA can contact anytime. I want to finalize the game and make it avail for the community.You free to ask Any questions