I can say no scramble, not sure about the ool.
Post League Game Results Here
TheShrike (X) vs. Aequitas-et-Veritas (L), AetV wins
Game file corrupted, but it was a foregone conclusion. I was not nearly aggressive enough in my first spin as the Axis in the competitive realm. Well played @aequitas-et-veritas I look forward to a rematch.
AetV (X) vs Sovietishcat (L) BM3
AetV defeats Sovietishcat
Karl7(X) vs Sovietishcat (L) BM3
Karl7 defeats Sovietishcat
Axis-Dominion (Allies+3) smacked me around BM3
2020 Rankings updated for the first time - see new tab
axis dom over oysteilo
He is simply much better :)
OwlGod (X) vs Odonis (A) BML19
OwlGod wins
Axis-Dom over simon33 (Allies+10) BM3
Dodgy attempt to retake London after Sea Lion narrowly failed.
@simon33 I’m a new league player so my understanding of high level play leaves a lot to be desired; still, why give up now? Russia will become a juggernaut now, no?
@TheShrike said in Post League Game Results Here:
@simon33 I’m a new league player so my understanding of high level play leaves a lot to be desired; still, why give up now? Russia will become a juggernaut now, no?
Actually not really if you look at the map. Norway will be retaken, Finland probably traded. Germany is still slightly stronger than USSR. Italy will go from strength to strength and Africa will turn brown in time.
While all this is going on, Japan will win easily in the Pacific. As Axis-Dom posted, even if I had retaken London, that would have happened. Even if London had been held I would say.
The Shrike (L) vs. AequitasEtVeritas (X)
Axis win with 6 VCs in Pacific. Well played AetV!
Odonis (X) vs Sovietschat (L) BML19
Sov wins
sovietishcat beat owlgod
dawgoneit Axis -vs- Sovietishcat Allies Playoff Sovietishcat wins
https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/34466/dawgoneit-axis-vs-sovietishcat-allies-playoff/77 -
Majikforce over giallo(allies) bm
playoff game, Adam wins, he got lucky, it was all dice
ksmckay (Axis) defeats Farmboy (Allies) in the playoffs. Game is here https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/34438/19l-qf-farmboy-allies-10-vs-ksmckay
BobbaRossa (Axis) defeats Wizmark (Allies).
Bob just walked to moscow and I couldnt stop him…bit of an eye opener for sure!
SixUnder (Allies) falls to AetV (X) BM
Oysteilo (Allies+9) over simon33 (Axis) BM3