no scramble.
You can assume the obvious ones.
Adam514 (Axis) vs farmboy (Allies+2) BM3
Adam wins
trulpen (Axis) vs henryindiana (Allies+15), G40 A3, no tech, no LL
Unfortunately henryindiana is nowhere to be seen since 26th of July. I’ve written PMs several times without an answer and last time an email two weeks ago notifying about the risk of forfeit, although I’m very reluctant to claim it.
But seems I don’t have much choice now if this game is going to end.
trulpen wins by forfeit.
Trulpen’s Allies over majikforce’s Axis. This time it wasn’t a Paris debacle! Defensive dice were incredible for the allies but all in all solid play by Trulpen. Great job! I’m hoping he gives me a chance at redemption!
Odonis over BSD G40L
No show but open to re-engaging once he returns
Bobbarossa (Allies+6) over simon33 (Axis) BM3
VonAlba (axis) over bsd (allied) bumped
Owentoo (Allies) over Samuel06 (Axis)
@kannelmaki Majik (axis) over Kannelmaki (allies). Haven’t heard from him in a while. If he returns we can resume.
Wizmark over surfer in a marathon where the Germans lost their way. BM3. GG, Wizmark
dawgoneit axis -vs- lebowsky allies - lebowsky allies wins
shin-ji axis over vonalba allied
@gamerman01 AetV (axis) over majikforce (allies) A well fought match. Marred a bit by a 1st battle dicing in sz6 for the US which was difficult to recover from. But the axis handled everything the Allies threw at them with poise and determined focus. Good work by Aetv!
Odonis (Axis) vs Farmboy (Allies) BML319
Farmboy wins
@aequitas-et-veritas (Axis) over weddingsinger (Allies) BM3 G40
@trulpen (Axis) vs Doctor_Oda (Allies) vanilla, bid 21.
trulpen wins by Ally resignation. Axis had upper hand throughout the match. Well fought.
If anyone wants to try a fight versus me, feel free to send me a PM. :)
JDOW axis over 666, again…
@666 said in Post League Game Results Here:
JDOW axis over 666, again…
Good game, this one was close!
Farmboy (Allies+6) over simon33 (Axis) BM3
@gamerman01 Owen defeats Majikforce for the playoff final. Congrats to him! He was able to overcome a G1 Paris defeat. Very impressive. Yeah for 9th place! Lol! (he is a much better player than 9th place)