What an excellent report, you are a grear story teller!
Global 2nd edition Q+A ( AAG40.2)
Can allies move thought a friendly neutral the same turn it is activated? Like, 1 man moves in to activate friendly neutral but tanks by same player in friendly neighboring territory then can move through to another friendly terr.?
@Karl7 said in Global 2nd edition Q+A ( AAG40.2):
Can allies move thought a friendly neutral the same turn it is activated? Like, 1 man moves in to activate friendly neutral but tanks by same player in friendly neighboring territory then can move through to another friendly terr.?
Hmm, all combat movement occurs simultaneously but does this apply to NCM too? Also you can’t blitz but can you claim the friendly ally and then move a different unit through? My guess is no but I cannot see any rule which forbids it.
No you can’t @Karl7. You activate it on your turn and the following turn you may move through it as a normal Territory.
Or you activate it with US on this Turn for example and blitz through it with UK on the same Turn. -
@Karl7 No, you can’t. By the rulebook (Pacific 1940.2, page 9), the Friendly Neutral Territory is “activated” at the end of the noncombat movement phase.:
“However, a power that is at war may move
land units into (but not through) a friendly neutral as a
noncombat move (see “Noncombat Move,” page 21). This
moves the territory out of its neutral status at the end of the
Noncombat Move phase.” -
This must have been answered at some point, but I haven’t played in a while and forgot the rule
When mobilizing a pro-Allied neutral that is adjacent to another pro-Allied neutral (Persia is really the only OOB example), is a player allowed to use a tank or mechanized infantry on the noncombat movement phase and activate two territories, must the unit stop after activating the first one?For example,
If Russia is at war and has a mechanized infantry in Turkmenistan, can that unit (on the noncombat movement phase) move into and activate both Eastern Persia and Persia (central)? -
@Charles-de-Gaulle I am afraid not. See the example above.
@Imperious-Leader Can the US upgrade their minor as Major and use them when they declare war on the Axis, thus build 10 units(instead of 3) in any of their factories at the End of their turn of round 3 or do they have to wait until round 4 to build the 10 units in any of said factories?
@Nolimit said in Global 2nd edition Q+A ( AAG40.2):
@Imperious-Leader Can the US upgrade their minor as Major and use them when they declare war on the Axis, thus build 10 units(instead of 3) in any of their factories at the End of their turn of round 3 or do they have to wait until round 4 to build the 10 units in any of said factories?
If you upgrade the IC, you can’t use the upgraded capability that turn - you need to wait until next turn.
@simon33 Tanks, I’m assuming that means the minor factories being upgraded for Free at the End of round 3 also but still have to wait until round 4 to use them as Major factories?
the factories are upgraded when axis (japan) declare war (on India and or anzac)
However, you may upgrade prior to that while at peace. Why would you do that?
@oysteilo Japan didn’t declare War on the Western Powers, all I’m asking is if my Free upgraded factories kick in at the End of round 3 for use or have to wait until round 4 to build 10 units…
@Nolimit said in Global 2nd edition Q+A ( AAG40.2):
@oysteilo Japan didn’t declare War on the Western Powers, all I’m asking is if my Free upgraded factories kick in at the End of round 3 for use or have to wait until round 4 to build 10 units…
You have to wait till the Industrial Complex has already been upgraded at the beginning of your Turn.
From Axis & Allies Pacific 1940 2nd Edition Rulebook - Page 22 (BOLD added by me)
The number of combat (land, air, or sea) units that can be produced by each industrial complex each turn is limited to 10 for major industrial complexes and 3 for minor ones. (If you are upgrading a minor industrial complex to a major one, you may still only mobilize up to 3 combat units from that industrial complex this turn.)
Upgrades are just free, like anything else you build or upgrade YOU NEED TO WAIT TILL THE END OF THE TURN FOR THEM TO APPEAR OR TAKE EFFECT. SO YOU WAIT TILL NEXT TURN TO BUILD 10 UNITS.
Also the 3rd turn DOW by USA happens after place units so you certainly can’t use the major ICs which haven’t been upgraded yet in the place units phase.
I have a few rules clarification questions for Europe, Pacific, and Global 2E:
1.) Under what circumstances can you place a control marker on an allied power’s territory and collect IPC income for it? If USA or UK invades Morocco after Germany has taken France, can either USA or UK place their control marker on Morocco and collect income for it? Does Germany or Italy have to already have previous conquered Morocco in this example?
2.) If Anzac liberates a pacific island owned by the UK pacific economy from Japan, who’s control marker goes on the territory, and who collects income for it when: A. Calcutta has not fallen or B. Calcutta has fallen?
3.) I know a power can use airbases and navy yards of an allied power, but can a power purchase and place navy or airbases on a territory owned by an allied power?
4a.) If a naval force with transports moves into a sea zone with only enemy transports, can battleships or destroyers still conduct shore bombardment? Can you designate one navel unit for a sea combat against the enemy transports and have other naval units participate in shore bombardment?
4b.) Same as question 4, but with only enemy submarines in the sea zone in question.
5.) If a power does not control both sides of straits of Gibraltar at start of a turn, but conquers both Morocco and Gibraltar during combat, can naval ships that have unused movement pass through the straights of Gibraltar during non combat movement? Does the same applied to the Suez Canal?
@greyleaf3 said in Global 2nd edition Q+A ( AAG40.2):
I have a few rules clarification questions for Europe, Pacific, and Global 2E:
1.) Under what circumstances can you place a control marker on an allied power’s territory and collect IPC income for it? If USA or UK invades Morocco after Germany has taken France, can either USA or UK place their control marker on Morocco and collect income for it? Does Germany or Italy have to already have previous conquered Morocco in this example?
2.) If Anzac liberates a pacific island owned by the UK pacific economy from Japan, who’s control marker goes on the territory, and who collects income for it when: A. Calcutta has not fallen or B. Calcutta has fallen?
3.) I know a power can use airbases and navy yards of an allied power, but can a power purchase and place navy or airbases on a territory owned by an allied power?
4a.) If a naval force with transports moves into a sea zone with only enemy transports, can battleships or destroyers still conduct shore bombardment? Can you designate one navel unit for a sea combat against the enemy transports and have other naval units participate in shore bombardment?
4b.) Same as question 4, but with only enemy submarines in the sea zone in question.
5.) If a power does not control both sides of straits of Gibraltar at start of a turn, but conquers both Morocco and Gibraltar during combat, can naval ships that have unused movement pass through the straights of Gibraltar during non combat movement? Does the same applied to the Suez Canal?
Can only place a control marker and collect income of the territory if allied capital is enemy-controlled and you are capturing it from enemy. The territory returns to ally after you liberate its capital.
If India is allied-controlled, uk pacific gets it. If India is axis-controlled, the capturing allied Power gets it.
You can either attack the subs/transports or bombard. Not both. Destroyers can never bombard.
Your faction must control any strait at the beginning of your turn for ships to use it. Exception: any submarine(s) can traverse Gibraltar strait at any time.
@colt45554 said in Global 2nd edition Q+A ( AAG40.2):
Your faction must control any strait at the beginning of your turn for ships to use it. Exception: any submarine(s) can traverse Gibraltar strait at any time.
Thanks so much for the speed an comprehensive reply!
I meant to say “Cruiser” and not destroyer in the question regarding amphibious assault,
One follow up question: If I have air units present for an amphibious assault where the sea zone has enemy transports, can I conduct short bombardment, and still designate one air unit to attack enemy transports in that same sea zone? -
@greyleaf3 said in Global 2nd edition Q+A ( AAG40.2):
@colt45554 said in Global 2nd edition Q+A ( AAG40.2):
Your faction must control any strait at the beginning of your turn for ships to use it. Exception: any submarine(s) can traverse Gibraltar strait at any time.
Thanks so much for the speed an comprehensive reply!
I meant to say “Cruiser” and not destroyer in the question regarding amphibious assault,
One follow up question: If I have air units present for an amphibious assault where the sea zone has enemy transports, can I conduct short bombardment, and still designate one air unit to attack enemy transports in that same sea zone?No, if there is a combat in a zone, then all of your units that are in that zone and able to participate must participate in the combat.
Thanks again.One more Question: In AAG40.2, AAE40.2, and AAP40.2, can you only scramble from island territories? Can Italy scramble fighters from northern or southern italy to defend ships in the adjacent sea zone? can UK scramble fighters to defend ships in its adjacent sea zones?
@greyleaf3 said in Global 2nd edition Q+A ( AAG40.2):
Thanks again.One more Question: In AAG40.2, AAE40.2, and AAP40.2, can you only scramble from island territories? Can Italy scramble fighters from northern or southern italy to defend ships in the adjacent sea zone? can UK scramble fighters to defend ships in its adjacent sea zones?
Any airbase can scramble up to 3 fighters into an adjacent sea zone. So yes for London and Rome and yes for Northern Italy if an airbase has been built there.