With the rules as they are , I will say YES!
There is a perfect strategy for the Allies.
Will not mention it though, because if i do, they will change the rules of this game.
In fact, I shall not even give a hint … because I truly love this game as it is.
All Iam willing to say is that… If I were to play Allies… i do not want ANY money… in fact Iam willing to GIVE the AXIS 10 IPC .
You may think iam arrogent, but i assure iam not. If i tell it, then , everyone is going to slap their foreheads and say … “Of course”… and then will come a Rule Change.
With TMG, already there are people asking for rule changes… not giving me credit for the name etc… that is as far as i would like to stretch it.
Started playing ( in fact “discovered” ) GLOBAL in Oct 2013… and believe iam very proficient in it.
There is ONE guaranteed way , with current rules ALLIES will always win.
I leave it you all to come up with it.
PS: It always amuses me , when i see 25 IPC bid for Allies from Axis… and i shake my head… oh… if you only knew… :)