no no
Post League Game Results Here
TinCanoftheSea Allies -VS- dawgoneit Axis OOB - TinCanoftheSea Allies+21 wins
https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/37796/tincanofthesea-allies-vs-dawgoneit-axis-oob-21/95?_=1643388276811 -
Odonis (X) wins vs. Bolasgod (L+20) BML22 - Game 2
Odonis blew me out in Europe game 1 and then blew me out in the Pacific game 2… GG’s!
AndrewAAGamer over Karl7 Allies
L22 BM Martin +16 vs Majikforce
Majikforce wins with an unstoppable Germany against Allies who didn’t have a plan. Keeping Japan small didn’t suffice.
cwglee51 Allies +25 -VS- dawgoneit Axis
https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/37989/cwglee51-allies-25-vs-dawgoneit-axis/27Winner = dawgoneit
@cwglee51 said in Post League Game Results Here:
cwglee51 Allies +25 -VS- dawgoneit Axis
https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/37989/cwglee51-allies-25-vs-dawgoneit-axis/27Winner = dawgoneit
L22 BM Me1945 (X) vs. farmboy (+20)
farmboy wins.
https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/37746/l22-bm-me1945-x-vs-farmboy-20 -
BM FlyingBadger (Axis) vs dawgoneit (Allies+20) #2
FlyingBadger (Axis) Wins
https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/37937/bm-flyingbadger-axis-vs-dawgoneit-allies-20-2/130?_=1643982838156 -
Surfer over AetV
L21 BM Surfer (L+17) vs AetV (X)
@aequitas-et-veritas https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/37813/giallo-l-23-vs-aagamerz13-bm4/164
giallo L23 over aagamerz13 axis bm4
21 OOB 2nd Bracket Playoff bolasgod(axis) over dawgoneit (A+25)
@dawgoneit wins
Messed up and let @dawgoneit take Germaany, should have won it! -
Ghostglider wins over Pejon_88.
@bolasgod said in Post League Game Results Here:
21 OOB 2nd Bracket Playoff bolasgod(axis) over dawgoneit (A+25)
@dawgoneit wins
Messed up and let @dawgoneit take Germaany, should have won it!You said bolasgod over dawgoneit, but looks like dawg won
@gamerman01 dawgoneit did win
@ksmckay over surfer
Takes first round of the BM3 L21 Tourney.
Could not slow down the Japanesehttps://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/37924/21-bm3-playoff-ksmckay-x-vs-surfer-a-21
BM3 - LennardF vs Dawg (Allies +21)
21 rounds was real fun
LennardF Axis wins
https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/37882/bm3-lennardf-vs-dawg-allies-21/185?_=1644449679689 -
@dawgoneit i dont no what happened above
@aagamerz13 (X) over surfer (L+17) BM4