Is it too late for the above edit?
League General Discussion Thread
on page 21 it makes it kind of cloudy to me it says that you can not land on a friendly neutral
on the bottom of page 10 europe & page 21 pacific
Dutch is Allied, not friendly neutral.
Thank you all for your Help.
Pg 39 Euro Rule Book
It may, however move units into Dutch territories as a non combat movement at any time, as long as those territories have not been captured by an Axis power. It may actually take control of Dutch territories (gaining their IPC income) by moving land units into them
The way I read it you can land your planes there but you would not collect the income until you step land units into the territory
(Scotty might blow his lid)
I’m glad I found that I will correct it in our games -
Anybody ever seen this error before? Happened when I tried to post a turn.
Ooh aah. Try unticking some of the options in the post box - like “Show dice/battle details”.
It’s so annoying. Well, you have a bunch of transports in a sea zone, you load one in combat move and then triple a choose your empty transport when you want to do your combat moves. How do people do this?
Can you try that again? If you have dissimilar transports, it asks you which one you want to load units into.
I am talking about when you have multiple transports in a sea zone and they are all the same nationality. You select two inantry from the adjacent land area and drop them in the same transport. Now, when you click on the transport and you choose its destination the default is an empty transport, the box pops up and you can choose the correct transport this way. My argue is that when the transport is loaded (the second before in this case) this is also the transport you want to move in most cases. If you want to move an empty transport you do this before you load any other transports. It is not a big deal it is just a few extra clicks though but becomes annoying over time
Or maybe there is a better way of doing this?
Ok. I don’t think the chooser is smart enough to know that you’ve just loaded a transport. It could be of course but probably more effort than it is worth.
What that leaves is that they have to always choose a loaded one out always choose an empty one. They went with the latter option.
Doesn’t a transport create a hostile sea zone and prevent transport loading there. For example SZ91. Germans move submarine in during non-combat. American then wants to load transport in SZ91 and attack Normandy and/or liberate UK. Doesn’t the sub prevent that? Triple A allowed it.
Subs don’t make a sea zone hostile, it’s legal.
Yep, figured it out. Thanks and pardon my ignorant question!
if i take my sub after a cruiser and theres an air base the planes cant go after my sub rite?
That is right .
the transports that are in the water are lost also?
even though the planes are there? -
As long as you hit the Cruiser , yes.
thank you kindly for the information.
Anyone having trouble with the dice roller today. When I get to combat, it tells me that there is no internet connection, even though there clearly is. Any advice?