sz110: 1 UK FTR on 1 US carrier
Find League Opponents Thread
looking for another game. prefer BM game.
I’m looking for a BM3 game. I guess I’m Tier 3, as a new player with a 0-2 record. But I’m working hard to rank up. So Tiers 1-3 are good.
i’m open for a game or a few
@AldoRaine I’m available for another game if you are interested.
Hi all,
It has been a couple of years since I played G40 OOB. Anyone interested in playing a game? You have to help me get started again with the setup (forum posts and TripleA etc.).
@Kamikaze_pilot I’m newish to it as well. People are now mostly playing a lot of Balance Mod 3.0, want to try that? It isn’t that different from G40. Ok, I only played G40 a couple times so I don’t really know for sure.
Otherwise G40 has a standard 30+ bid or something crazy for the Allies as it is very unbalanced.
@akreider2 Sure, I want to try out Bal mod 3.0. Can you setup the game please?
Looking for a game, pm me…
Looking for a game. BM3?
I’m going crazy. Have 11 league games going and no moves to make. Any takers?
@trulpen No moves to make?! I have been waiting ever so patiently, anxious to make my next move!
@ksmckay said in Find League Opponents Thread:
@trulpen No moves to make?! I have been waiting ever so patiently, anxious to make my next move!
Oh, did I miss you? Hmm, have to check. Might be the issue of having 11 parallell games…
Looking for a Global 1940 2nd Edition OOB game. No Tech. ADS or Low Luck; okay with either.
Prefer no edits as that is what I am used to playing however having played a bit on this site I see most people use edits so I am open to the following edit policy:
a) No edits once a combat roll is made
b) No edits once an “End” Turn is posted. End Turns are Germany, Russia, Japan, UK, Italy and France.If you want to play with or without edits please let me know.
Currently am Tier 3 but will be Tier 1 as soon as I finish my 3rd game.
Im looking for a game (BM3). PM me if interested
@surfer Ping…still looking. I hope everyone is busy getting back to work…else they are afraid to play me ;)
@ksmckay I’ve just had a game end and could start another. BM 3.
Hi there, ive played tabletop, but never online. Ive been following some league games and I want to have a crack at it. Looking for a Tier 3 game to figure out how everything works and probably get my butt kicked
hell… im fine with any level, i can do a lot of turns per day, its summer for me.
Hi guys. I am up for a BM game. PM me if interested.
I apologize for disappearing for a long while. Absolutely fine with posting you a win. But, still, if you are interested to resume the games, please let me know.