Now I didn’t want to go into details yet, but since the issue has come up and caused some confusion, I guess I have to indulge now.
A while back @gamerman01 asked around if someone wants to be backup for the rankings spreadsheet in case something happened to him. I volunteered and subsequently got admin rights from him.
While trying to dive deep into it, I noticed some flaws with the current spreadsheet however. The most severe one: Circular referencing.
A player’s PPG determines the players Tier ranking. This determines how many points opponents get when playing that player. These points influence the PPG of the opponents and therefore the Tier ranking of all of them. The Tier ranking of the opponents however determine how many points the original player gets. This might change the tier ranking of the player and the whole cycle starts over.
Player A’s PPG -> A’s Tier ranking -> PPG of A’s opponents -> Tier ranking of A’s opponents -> Player A’s PPG…
So the question is: What is the starting Tier of everyone? @gamerman01 uses past years as an indicator. However, there are some inconsistencies with new players.
Look at the overall spreadsheet right now:
Gorshak is 2-0 with 8.0 PPG, but Tier 1
jkeller is 0-1 with 4.0 PPG, but Tier M
The starting Tier is also heavily influenced by the timing and order of reults.
Use me as an example: I started this year with 4-0 and the spreadsheet therefore put me in Tier M. This meant that all of my opponents got a lot of points against me, even when they lost. Even though I have lost a lot since then, I caused a big points inflation and am therefore still E (because all of my opponents are ranked very high too because of the points inflation). @dawgoneit is another example, he started the year with a higher ranking and since he has so many games there is a huge points inflation.
Now I am a huge Excel / Google sheets nerd and I noticed all this while I was working on a side project: Currently @gamerman01 updates and maintains everything manually himself. This is a huge workload, thanks by the way for all the hours these past years!
I created an alternative spreadsheet, that heavily uses formulae and therefore is updated completely automatically!
My spreadsheet has the same problem with circular references of course. I can create dozens of different results with the same games as input!
The one I settled for is the following: All games are already put into the system (instead of one after another) and all players starting Tier is Tier 1. THEN I activate the points given for wins and losses.
I have not yet shared this with all of you since I am still consulting with @gamerman01 and want to hear his opinion first. However, he is preoccupied with real life right now so you guys have to be a bit patient.
By the way, I have made a proposal to him on how to fix these (and more) issues with the current system in the following years, but again: I want his opinion and more importantly his blessings first.
Now, @wizmark and @farmboy have rightfully wondered and questioned the above graphs. So I want to share the rankings these graphs are based on: