@leemorrison sure
2017 League Post Game Results Here
Why, because you guys played 3 grueling playoff matches at the highest level of play in the league, over 22 months’ time? :-D :lol:
We don’t throw ticker tape parades around here :wink: but I did promptly update the permanent history thread and put #1 and #2 finishers “up in lights” as is the tradition set years before me.I can post a good youtube clip for the occasion……
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W6SWwL_KAb4 -
Any week now, we’ll probably have the 2016 championship result. Enjoy your time in the spotlights, Zhukov! (Who probably isn’t even reading this) :lol:
No, your main reward is just your own self-satisfaction of knowing that you’re freaking awesome at A&A :lol:
And lucky! No one wins these games without luck. If you don’t score any hits in any battles, ever, you will not win :lol: -
:-P 2015 champion is so 2 years ago! You are ancient history to millenials! :wink: Great job by both players! A pleasure to watch. Congrats Zhukov. I can only hope to compete at your skill level one day gentlemen.
The 2015 season comes to an end.
Zhukov44 beats JDOW in the Championship game.
Congratz to the new 2015 league champion, Zhukov44.
Well played and congratz again
(little analysis inside)Deeply congratulations Zhukov!!! The tourney is over. Hope to play with you any time in 2017 or 18.
Congratulations Zhukov :-)
And thanks to both you and JDOW for posting some detailed post-game thoughts.
Topic: Desert_Admiral + 18 Allies -VS- dawgoneit Axis Desert_Admiral + 18 Allies wins
https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?topic=40841.90 -
The 2015 season comes to an end.
Zhukov44 beats JDOW in the Championship game.
Congratz to the new 2015 league champion, Zhukov44.
Well played and congratz again
(little analysis inside)Nice that these league champion games are starting to approach the length of the actual war! :wink:
Topic: Desert_Admiral + 18 Allies -VS- dawgoneit Axis Desert_Admiral + 18 Allies wins
https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?topic=40841.90Congrats to Desert_Admiral on his first win and for making it to tier 2 by the same token!
Topic: Desert_Admiral + 18 Allies -VS- dawgoneit Axis Desert_Admiral + 18 Allies wins
https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?topic=40841.90Congrats to Desert_Admiral on his first win and for making it to tier 2 by the same token!
Well earned - he’s been working his butt off to improve his game, and it’s notably evolved!
L17 BM3 G40 Karl7 (L) vs AetV (X) Game VII
Karl7 over AetV
Well played by Karl7.
CYAnight (axis +3) over JWW….
GG…allies over compensated for a strong JPN pacific push letting combined G, JPN & ITA take Euro VC’s…
aev (allies) over amon
Farmboy (Allies +16) defeats StuckTojo (Axis)
L17 BM3 G40 L. Curtmungus (L) vs AetV (X)
L.Curtmungus over AetV
Rage was on Curtmungus side
7L G40 BM.3 cyanight (Allies) over VonAlba (Axis)
wheatbeer (axis) over oysteilo
Wheatbeer is on a tear. 7 straight wins, with 6 against tier E and 1 against tier 1!
Only 2 big wins away from tier M!
StuckTojo Allies over His Majesty Lord Curtmungus
A all around DOW round 1 didn’t pay off!
Now I shall just walk away…