My Europe has much improved over time.
I bumped my strategy guides for you. Take a look at them. Try those opening moves out and you will see how quickly the axis can catch up and overtake the allies in income.
In fact the allies start at a huge disadvantage. The allies look like they have all this stuff… but if you take away all the buildings, you will realize that unit wise… the game is even… except the axis have a huge position advantage and the axis start off destroying pretty much everything in sight.
Axis win most global games.
Honestly, the Pacific is fine. It is europe that is boring and that is because Russia does not make enough money and it does not have an incentive to attack anything. In fact Russia has more of an incentive to help out in the Pacific or to take original axis territories in africa/middle east… than it does fighting in Europe. It is pretty stupid if you ask me.
Japan can make the pacific boring if it wants to… which sucks the fun out of global and it is usually an inferior strategy unless Germany makes something big happen.