So, finally saw the movie a couple days ago. It was about as I expected content-wise, though not as painful to watch as I anticipated. I thought the first 30 minutes were actually quite good and engaging, but it was pretty much downhill from there. John Boyega does a better job with Fin than the trailers indicated. Rey is a very worthy Star Wars character and she is acted perfectly; definitely the best in the film.
Kylo Ren is simply a poor villain. His personal conflict does not have much weight and is not given enough background. Adam Driver gave it a good effort, but he could not do much with how his character was written or edited. Even so, he was able to make Ren creepy and bordering on perverted during the interrogation scene with Rey. The Darth Revan cues of his costume and voice are good and I do like how he is not as menacing to his troops as Vader is. However, in that respect Ren is inconsistent. He is often fair or reasoned with subordinates, giving him a calmer and more thoughtful presence than Darth Vader. Yet more than once he totally flies off the handle with rage and destroys things. I found these two aspects hard to reconcile and they made him (and his inner turmoil) less believable. Going back to the costume, I like it and I do not like it. I like the style but I do not think it fits for how Ren’s character is portrayed. He wears a mask that alters his voice, but why? It is only for show because clearly (unlike Vader and any other Sith in the movies) he has no injuries to cover up. Establishing a character as fearsome, anonymous and dangerous via a dark shroud and a mask suggests certain things… but once Kylo Ren removes the mask and we see nothing more than a long-haired adolescent who is essentially a rebel without a cause, whatever gravitas was established is forever lost. Maybe that was intended, but I can’t tell.
I liked how the lightsaber fight(s) were less like the lightning fast duels of the prequels and more methodical, heavy handed affairs of the original trilogy. Rightly so because the continuity is closer to Ep IV-VI and these are un or semi-trained force users rather than Jedi Knights and Sith at the height of their skill. That said, Kylo Ren was still a poor excuse for a Jedi-Sith-Force user whatever-he-is. Some of his force manipulations were cool, but his sword fighting was sub-par from what should be expected. The incompetent Fin gave better than he should have and Ren was essentially defeated by Rey, who had never touched a lightsaber before.
BB-8 was also a much better character / sidekick droid than I expected. He was funny and endearing for a modern audience in the same way that I am sure R2-D2 was in the 1970s and 80s (and still is). BB-8 is more like a highly capable pet than a mechanical companion and that serves his character well. Particularly in his interaction with Poe Dameron, who speaks of him like his dog.
Poe Damaron was also good. I like Oscar Isaac and think he is perfect for the character. Poe is like a mix of Wedge and Han as they were in IV-V-VI. His part in the Force Awakens was rather limited and kind of boxed in his character, but I liked him. I think there is promise here.
Han was okay. And just barely okay. There were a couple of glimmering moments, but overall I found him to be less like the Han Solo of old. It is also difficult to get used to a guy his age still doing all the things he used to and wearing a variation of his original getup. I think what happens to him in the film is heavily due to the fact that Harrison Ford simply did not want to play Han Solo anymore. It showed a bit and I think the events support that. Without giving away more than I just did, I think the scene of his “fate” is both way too quick and lacking in almost every way. There was little emotional impact for me as an audience member and perhaps even less from the characters that have a relationship with Han Solo. I will try to leave it at that but overall I felt it was poorly done and tragically swift for the character’s legacy and import.
My favorite part of the movie, BY FAR, was the very end. I won’t say what that is yet, but seeing that guy just turn around and stare, not saying a word was absolutely amazing. The most Star Wars thing in the entire movie and it almost made up for a lot of the bad stuff. That was very, very cool.
That was pretty much all of the good I can muster for this movie. Everything else is either average (not very interesting), poor or outright bad.
On a whole, it does give potential for future films, but only if the story is good. I can look beyond bad special effects and fan service, but if future stories are as derivative and use as much recycling of locales, character types and poorly contrived plots, then it will all be a terribly shameful waste.