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[House Rules] The Cruiser
If Battlecruiser is in game then I would raise battleship AD.
1 Battleship (A5) A10 1.58 (D5) D10 1.58 2 hits 2 A or D rolls
2 Battlecrus (A5) A10 1.66 (D4) D8 1.34Unless IL the Battlecruiser was a better ship ?
Has anyone considered a “Pocket Battleship”? A cruiser that costs 16 IPC, attacks at four and like subs receives two dice for convoy disruption? Tried this in a couple of our Europe games but haven’t seen enough use of it yet to truly determine its worth.
@bptastic said in [House Rules] The Cruiser:
…give cruisers a niche - anti air abilities…
Hi bp
yea I use AA for both the BB and CA. 2 shots that hit at 1 out of 10. Can’t have more shots than planes. I lowered it to 1 shot for the CA after boosting it to A4 when paired with a BB butI’m still on the first test game so we’ll see how that works.
Obviously one would need a 10 sided die for ftf play, but when I tried it at 1 shot hits at 1 out of 6, it seemed too powerful. Lowering it to 1 in 10 seems to work pretty good.
Also, the AA ability doesn’t activate until rd 2, so as not to break rd 1 battles. I think of it as representing early war success of Air vs Naval. : )
I’m playtesting it at least. But i can only playtest 1 game at a time. I’m currently doing 11 IPC cruiser and shockingly it’s not being purchased.
@Mursilis said in [House Rules] The Cruiser:
I’m playtesting it at least. But i can only playtest 1 game at a time. I’m currently doing 11 IPC cruiser and shockingly it’s not being purchased.
Not surprised.
Barney battleships really didn’t have AA. Small batteries. Take away the battleship aa and give back Cruiser d6 @1 every round ?
@SS-GEN Didn’t have AA? Battleships were literally bristling with flak batteries. 20mm, 40mm, 3 inch guns…
@M36 according to my history techs they did but weren’t that efficient. I’ll go back and recheck. If I’m wrong then I’m wrong.
@SS-GEN well you’re not wrong. AA in general wasn’t all that efficient except in huge quantities. It’s difficult to hit a target traveling over 200 mph. Look up the specs for ships like the Bismarck though. Extensive AA batteries because the supremacy of air power was not yet established so it was thought AA batteries would be adequate.
After rethinking it a bit I went ahead and gave them their 2nd shot back. Was only on 1st rd of test anyway. : )
So can play with the attack to 4 boost with the BB or just the AA boost for CA and BB or combine.
Might add the boost 2 DD Mursilis was talking about. Seems as if that might be fun to try
Battleships didn’t have the system on ships like the cruisers did. That’s that. So put in what ever you want in the fantasy game. I’m out.
@Argothair said in [House Rules] The Cruiser:
I always thought the “2-hit” idea was supposed to represent having extremely thick armor and durable hulls. I would think a battlecruiser would be more like C12 / A5 / D4 / M3 / 1-hit / bombard.
Were going to D12 already? I thought the point was to keep it simple, so keep D6 and the only way is to create new units with either special movement, 2 hit units, etc
In the game a battleship represents 4-6 and as you go downward the ratios get huge very fast. Subs represent about 30-40.
If your doing D12 i might make the BB an 8/6 on both attack and defense, the 8 representing the primary, 6 the secondary, and the primary is a preemptive shot ( because of longer range guns
The Battlecruiser withhold be a 7/5 unit
@Imperious-Leader By “C12,” I mean that the cost is 12 IPCs. None of the systems I’ve proposed have ever used a D12.
BBs had many AA guns, but the Heavy Cruiser was a specialist in this regard, the Battlecruiser too. Look it up. The CA was defined as a patrol-er of the seas with long range ( which is why you assign more speed in a turn). But they were the best defenders for Carriers, because the Latter were build on a Cruiser hull. The BB’s were really used for assast, not protection dutys, which is why BBs usually were grouped together in planning for naval sorties. Cruiser types escorted the CV’s. Thats why they were built as the ultimate AA gun platforms.
@Imperious-Leader said in [House Rules] The Cruiser:
/ A5 / D4
which is greater than a BB? Huh. Impossible. Only in the Great War were some BC class outgunning the BB. In ww2, the primary Battleships ruled the waves in terms of guns and offensive potency. The Battlecruiser in the pure form was a generally lighter vessel so it could have greater speed, it traded the guns. But the primarys were stronger than Heavy Cruiser. Its basically a Battleship Jr.
Alot of Japans so called "BB’s were really Battlecruisers…Fast Battleships. UK 's say Repulse is listed as a Battleship and a Battlecruiser. Go figure, but it was a Battlecruiser
@Imperious-Leader As you yourself pointed out a moment ago, each piece represents several actual ships, and higher-quality pieces tend to represent fewer ships. If it bothers you to think of one BC out-shooting one BB, then just imagine it’s a group of 8 BCs out-shooting a group of 3 BBs.
Yes that would work if the ratios were that extravegant.
the BB and BC shouls be about the same quantity, along with the Carrier
'But Cruisers, DD’s, SS, and AP’s change in ratios between classes.
BB 4-6
BC 6-8
CV 5-7
CA 10-18
DD 15-30
SS 20-45
AP 1 million tons of Merchant ships -
So if you don’t want to add the L. Cruiser and H. Cruiser to game and combine the 2 ships into a Battle Cruiser what is your suggestion for the AA shot for this piece without adding more restrictions to piece. ( example only AA shot with a Carrier…).
D6 die
Battle Cruiser A2 D2 C12 M3 SHS 2. A hit can go towards a plane or ship. -
Well it adds more richness to the game that instead of Heavy/Light idea ( realize the Heavy is most likely the predominant representation of the “Cruiser”)
WE look at the other classes of ships that could be modeled:
Pocket battleship
Fast battleship“Battle Cruiser A2 D2 C12 M3 SHS 2. A hit can go towards a plane or ship.”
it cant be that weak, its not a destroyer.
it has to be either a one hit 4-4, or a two hit 3-3
M3 and the hit allocation is possible. I feel it should be different by nation because they used them for different needs
Japan needed fast battleships
USA needed AA gun platforms
Cant identify the others without more research -
You say a 4-4 1 hit of 3-3 2 hits. But does it get to take a hit on a plane every turn?