What about the NOs? I am only playing with +30 to USA when at war. It plays well.
Are the Axis powers grabbing so many NOs early that it shifts the balance too quickly? I don’t hate the NOs in the game but I have always felt they should not have such a large part In the game.
Latest posts made by Flying Tiger
RE: Are Allies doomed from the outset on G40 map?
RE: Are Allies doomed from the outset on G40 map?
I am a bit confused. Germany and Italy seem to be crushing Russia from what I can gather from this thread. The axis players are bypassing Africa and leaving the $ to uk Europe. What is the UKeurope doing this whole time? Are they not landing troops in Normandy? Are they just shuffling fighter planes to Moscow? A western front relieves more pressure off of Russia than fighters in Moscow. If the German Air Force is bogging down the uk navy doesn’t that mean less $ being spent towards the eastern front? So what IS UKeurope doing?
RE: Global 2nd edition Q+A ( AAG40.2)
If uk captures west Germany does the IC stay a major or is it converted to a minor?
All major IC’s are always reduced to minor when captured by the other side.
Off the top of your head do you know what page that is in the book?
Edit: found it page 20
RE: Global 2nd edition Q+A ( AAG40.2)
If uk captures west Germany does the IC stay a major or is it converted to a minor?
RE: Mechinized infantry ugly
On behalf of the community, we all agree with you. Buy new and better Mechs from HBG. See attached pic
Yes, I immediately checked out hbg for them. Probably will be buying them soon. It’s too bad we couldn’t get better quality for our money from wotc
Mechinized infantry ugly
Got my 2nd edition global 1940 games yesterday. All units look great except the mech infantry. The tops of the uk and Anzac have no detail. They look like a melted piece of plastic from above. The sides look nice though. Also what is with the huge Italian mech piece? It’s like 2 times the size of the US mech inf. not good. I will still have fun regardless
Looking at the Italian mech again not as big as I thought but still think it should be a bit smaller or USA mech should be bit bigger
RE: German bomber strategy - How to play and How to counter
My first thought to counter this would be to match each bomber buy with a purchase of 4 infantry. Germany buys 3 bombers, you buy a minimum of 12 infantry. Haven’t played against this but will try it as Germany next game :evil:
RE: Rules question
Ok now something else similar has come up. I have 2 loaded cv and 4 loaded transports ready to attack Japan. Japan has 2 subs sitting there. How does this playout?
Rules question
Usa attacks Japan with a CV, fighter and tactical bomber.
Japan has a sub, destroyer and 3 transports.First round- Japan loses only the destroyer and USA loses nothing.
What happens at this point?
CV and planes cannot hit the sub.
What can the sub do? -
Trimmed down national objectives
I have 1st edition set and have been wanting to try 2nd edition rules. We play with none of the NOs except +30 to USA if at war. Works well for us. We used NOs for awhile and everyone got tired of tracking them. The 2nd edition NOs are very numerous too. I was thinking of trimming down NOs to 2 per country and maybe just 1 for china Anzac France India. For example USA….+20 for east central west USA, +10 Alaska and hawaii. Has anyone trimmed down the NOs?
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