I bumped into a guy on the street who said there would be an Anniversary reprint, so it must be true…
Ha ha…
I’m sure you guys are j/k-ing, but I did title this thread with a question mark because I was doubtful. I was looking for a more credible source, so I came here.
Sorry CAC, wasn’t poking fun at you directly. Just that the A&A community has been asking for a reprint for years with no results.
Plus, Larry Harris is out of the loop with Avalon Hill, so can’t really lean on him.
Further, 1942 2nd is almost the same game in many ways.
Saying that, I loved AA50 – it was one of the tightest designed game. Nice add-ons and what not.
I guess if they rebranded it A&A 1941… oh wait… :-P
Look, in all seriousness, if they republished it as a “2nd Ed,” I’d probably buy it. So I am just as guilty as the rest of you…