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New Renegade Games - Pick the Battle poll, which title would you like to see reprinted?
Renegade Games is launching the next Pick the Battle vote TODAY! This time, we’re presenting four great battles seen in years past, and asking YOU to tell us which to revisit next!
Vote Here! 👉
Battle of the Bulge
There’s an interesting question about which Axis & Allies Accessory you’d like to see them release, I voted for an “Expansion Pack” of new plastic sculpts for all powers (new units, and new sculpts for existing units). What are your requests?
vodot 2025 2024 '23 '22 '21 '18 Customizerlast edited by vodot Mar 9, 2023, 5:27 PM Mar 9, 2023, 5:20 PM
@reloader-1 Hit dice have GOT to be the next accessory - and I say that as someone who makes and sells them on Etsy! They are a massive time saver, a complete no-brainer for a game where hundreds and hundreds of dice are being gleefully thrown and where high playtime is a significant sales liability.
@vodot here’s a fixed link, you posted your seller version: Etsy listing
I think hit dice would be great, I’ve always thought that they should just have the number on each face that hits (that way it’s easy to know which dice you are rolling, rather than “red is for 1, blue 2 etc).
I.e. a “3” hit dice would have the number “3” on 3 of the D6 faces, a “1” would have the number “1” on one face, etc
vodot 2025 2024 '23 '22 '21 '18 Customizerlast edited by vodot Mar 9, 2023, 5:28 PM Mar 9, 2023, 5:28 PM
that’s a great idea.@reloader-1 said in New Renegade Games - Pick the Battle poll, which title would you like to see reprinted?:
@vodot here’s a fixed link, you posted your seller version:
fixed, thanks
I think this will be a very easy win for…
Though I like to see updated rules for AAZ.
I would surely pay for an AddOn pack with new Set Up cards for AAZ 1942 SE and some extra Z units…
You think so? I voted for Bulge, only because I’m a sucker for more trucks :grin:
Guandacanal and Bulge are both awesome, but I’ve always been a navy and Pacific guy. Bulge is one of those battles in Europe that’s somehow more special than others. Maybe it’s Wikipedia’s abundance of information about it.
General 6 Stars '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizerlast edited by Mar 12, 2023, 5:52 PM
I voted for bulge to, although I’d love to see them all reprinted :)
I also said hit dice as that would be amazing to have and unit sorters built into the boxes. I miss the classic unit boxes with spots for every piece instead of one box with them all mixed in.
Sure hope they all are. D-Day’s not too expensive though, that was reprinted some time ago. But not forking hundreds of dollars for one board game. Sure wish Guandacanal and Battle of the Bulge were on TripleA.
@barnee Sorry to disturb you but do you have a reason why Guandacanal and Battle of the Bulge are not on TripleA? Thank you!
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