Took a break from this conversation for a bit, maphead and I have been playing the mod in earnest.
This version has some serious issues, most of which Argo laid out accurately. Its not so much that the game isn’t correctly scaled, its that the battle that does take place runs according to a pretty prominent critical path and there aren’t very many alternative choices to victory, as he says, the side stuff doesn’t really matter that much. Russia is too weak to hold out, it tends to collapse within 4 turns and while a 100% dedicated allied rescue plan can save the capital (with luck) it doesn’t save the nation because Japan and Germany have an easy time of grabbing all the $$.
There is a China space that is empty, it seems like having something there, even 2 infantry (but needs more, and more Russian stuff in the backfield) would make it not a total wipeout. Losing the middle so easily without being able to address this fact with your ongoing game play was the biggest flaw in Classic and it is retained here. The Americans need to have a chance to get 4-6 ground units together so that once they have air in Asia, they get to have a 1 shot strikeforce.
Because the side-game is so weak (and because the US has so little $), Germany can’t be stopped. Germany was nerfed for this patch, so there isn’t much variety to its play it has 1 goal only now.
this game was obviously designed to be shorter, but in expert play, its simply short; there is no long game and depending on the correct clinchers, bids, the outcome seems primarily luck driven and the strategy involved is primarily to analyze what buys and moves will not work, there is only 1 allied strategy that works well, and only 2 Axis strategies that work well.
I don’t think there is a strict 7 turn limit to the tournament, that’s just a practical limit given the time allotment and normal speed of play.