Looks like 2-choose-1 was an official rule for tech in Global, but not in AA50.
I think I remembered there not being R&D in Global because it was so weak as to never be a good move. :-(
Axis roll will chime in here and give you the best option. He plays all the time AA50.
I’ve found a lot of A&A players don’t like Weapons Development. Not because it’s OP or unbalanced, but simply because it’s swingier than most other game mechanics.
It was my suspicion that technology was nerfed because of a lobby by noisy tech-haters. Some people want R&D to be so weak that it rarely or never is a part of optimal play. So I’m pretty skeptical about anyone who says R&D needs to be powered down.
I don’t really like house rules anyway, so it’s going to be virtually impossible to convince me on this!
Congratulations on the 4-5 year old! Only a few more years and maybe you can have a new gaming partner. Mine’s 16 and still not smart enough to play :-(
My older daughter is 18. She is very smart and used to play Star Wars: The Queen’s Gambit with me at age 3 or 4.
Sadly she isn’t really into war games anymore, but she still loves QG!