• @514bishy:

    I have thought of playing against myself but how can you go forward knowing your enemies strategy  :-P

    All I can say is don’t knock it 'til you’ve tried it.  The best strategies are changing all the time anyway, I think.  Also, you don’t know what the dice will do.  I’ve played games against myself since I was a little kid.  Obviously not games where secrets are kept (battleship, card games, etc), but many games are very playable by yourself.  A&A lends itself very well to this.

    About 1941 My buddy bought an industrial complex first round in India and second round bought AC and Battleship. Plus the US went full out pacific. We didnt play long enough to see Germany explode but I could clearly see that Japan wasn’t going anywhere. This was my reason behind questioning the axis advantage. I will just play some games and get back to ya on it  :lol:

    You guys are just inexperienced.  You do NOT buy an IC in India on UK1.  Japan should be able to take that over on round 2 or 3 easily, and you’ve just built a forward IC for Japan.  Even if you go all out to protecting it with Russia and stuff, this just means you are not concentrating on Germany enough.  All UK money should go to building units on UK in 1941 scenario.  I have never, ever had an opponent try building an Indian IC on UK1 in 1941.

    I can definately try and figure out how to get a battlemap or u can just tell me how  :-P.
    I also heard of this die counting system which its based on calculations rather than rolling. How does that work? (sry again for extreme noobyism  :roll:)

    It’s OK, we were all there once.  Look under the “software” section of the boards, in the stickied threads, for Abattlemap.

    combat & non-combat movement questions
    Unless I am a complete amateur I am pretty sure u cannot, in non combat move units into a territory that u just took over(except AA gun). So my question comes in two parts:

    no, actually, you are wrong.  You can always non-com units into a territory you just took.  You can even move tanks THROUGH them!  I didn’t use to know this either.

    1. Lets say u blitz with a tank into 2 empty enemy territories. Can your infantry move into the first territory in non combat or must he have moved forward with the tank in combat?

    Can move in noncombat

    2)Lets say you have several ships in a sz. U would like to attack the island in the adjacent sz which contains NO ENEMY BOATS! U proceed to move your transport along with the other ships (no bombardments). If you moved all your ships into that sz is that considered a combat move? Is it then fair to say that it was your error an they should have been moved in non combat or is that clearly non combat and bad habits???

    You cannot move any warships into the zone during combat movement because there is no combat.  There are exceptions to this rule - like when you find enemy surface ships have been built in your zone and you move to escape combat.  So yes, bad habits, need to change.  It’s to your benefit - always better to decide what to move AFTER rolling dice, not committing before rolling dice.

    lets say u do an amphibious assault along with planes and additional land units from an adjacent territory. After the first round of combat even though you have both sea and land units, you decide to retreat. what is the procedure here??

    No problem.  You must retreat ALL air and overland ground units at the same time.  You must leave all amphibious assault ground units to battle to the death.  The rulebook says you should keep track of which units came over-land and which unloaded from transports while choosing casualties, for this reason.

  • @Gamerman01:

    You must retreat ALL air and overland ground units at the same time.

    Following normal procedure - that is, all ground units coming overland must retreat together to ONE territory that ANY of the units came from or traveled through.  (This could result in infantry traveling 2 spaces, or tanks 3, which can be a very effective and unexpected maneuver.  Also, the retreating rules can be used to effectively consolidate several armies that were previously separated by the enemy!  The best players keep ALL possible plays in their playbook and never forget them.)

  • Official Q&A


    You can always non-com units into a territory you just took.

    To be clear, you can always move land units into a territory you just took.  You may never do so with air units.

  • The air units I know but I am in shock about the land units and clearly from what I wrote I am still an amateur  :cry:

    I mean thats a huge misunderstood rule for me and my buddies and I wonder how a lot of our games “might” have gone LOL

  • Now you know, and knowing’s half the battle  :-)

  • Is it legal to move a Sub into a sea zone with a hostile destroyer during non-combat movement phase in AA50?

  • yes it is ; the dd stops the movement, but does not forbid it (see the submarine movement description page 30 of the book)

  • Thank you Yoshi.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    The air units I know but I am in shock about the land units and clearly from what I wrote I am still an amateur  :cry:

    I mean thats a huge misunderstood rule for me and my buddies and I wonder how a lot of our games “might” have gone LOL

    Quite differently, I am sure!

  • The lack of a viable search fetaure on this MB forces me to ask this question.

    Can one territory with several AAA guns fire multiple rockets at multiple targets?  
    For example, Can Germany with 2 AAA guns in Germany shoot a rocket at the UK IC with one gun and at the Russian Karelia IC with the other gun?

    I thought there was a limit of one gun firing per territory, but that may apply to shots at incoming planes only, not rocket shots.

  • It does say eachof your Rocket Guns can make a single rocket attack against an IC within 3 spaces. ****

  • Official Q&A


    Can one territory with several AAA guns fire multiple rockets at multiple targets?  
    For example, Can Germany with 2 AAA guns in Germany shoot a rocket at the UK IC with one gun and at the Russian Karelia IC with the other gun?

    I thought there was a limit of one gun firing per territory, but that may apply to shots at incoming planes only, not rocket shots.

    Only one AA gun in each territory may fire a rocket each turn.

  • @axis_roll:

    The lack of a viable search fetaure on this MB forces me to ask this question.

    Hey axis_roll, I have a suggestion.

    Try clicking “search” in the tool bar that has “Home, Help, Search, Profile, My messages, members, chat, logout”

    Deselect the “select all” and click Global 1940 only.  Then type in some unique key word(s).  In this case, “rocket”.  Look for hits in the FAQ threads.  Note the dates/times, and then find the page with that date/time.

    I’ve had fairly good luck finding stuff this way.

  • Thanks Gamer. Did find Krieg’s answer there that he gave here.

  • @SS:

    Thanks Gamer. Did find Krieg’s answer there that he gave here.

    Great!  Glad I could help

  • Hey guys got another question about Rockets.

    Can you fire rockets and then move the AA gun in non-combat?

    Thanks  :-)

  • No.  Fire or move, take your pick.

    Page 21:
    Phase 5: Noncombat move
    In this phase, you can move any of your units that did not move in the Combat Move phase or participate in combat during your turn.

    Your AA gun participated in combat if it fired.

  • '10

    I know the answer to this question, but I need it resolved for a tourny game I am playing in:

    _4 allies subs in sz14, 1 allied sub in sz15.  2 Japanes dds from sz34 move past sz15 to sz14 and attack the 4 subs there.  Also, a tranny from sz34 moves to sz14 and amphib assaults Balkan.  A third Japanes dd moves from sz34 to sz15 and attacks the lone allied sub there. _

    Is this all legal movement and combat?  The issue is the Allied player is saying that if the Japanes attack the sub in sz15, then the movement to sz14 is not allowed, citing the rule that if subs are attacked, all naval units in in the sea zone must participate in the naval combat (page 9 in the rule book, PDF version) and if the Japanese did not attack the sub in sz15, then the move to sz14 would be allowed.

  • All 3 Japanese attacks are legal.

    The rule cited means that any warships in the zone AT THE END OF COMBAT MOVEMENT must participate in the attack.

    The destroyers and transport traveled through Z15 in the combat movement phase, but that is irrelevant because they did not stop there.  Submarines and transports can be ignored for movement purposes.

    The rule he cited just means that if you had another naval unit end its move in zone 15, it would have to participate in the naval combat in Z15.  There is no rule that says the 2 destroyers from Z34 have to stop and conduct combat in Z15.

  • '10

    Is anyone playing this anymore ??

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