@wizmark hey how are things going?
Post League Game Results Here
Myygames +20 Allies -VS- dawgoneit Axis oob L.L.
Myygames +20 Allies wins
https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/36526/myygames-20-allies-vs-dawgoneit-axis-oob-l-l/145?_=1614100506632 -
Art of War PtV (axis +15) victory of 666
sovietishcatallies +12 defeats bretters axis BM3
Germany lost Berlin after a round 3 sealion due to a russian DOW and marine assault on russia round 3 and never came back from it.
L21 BM3 dawgoneit (L+30) vs AetV (X no IJ NO) BM3
AetV (X no IJ NO)Wins
https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/36162/l20-bm3-dawgoneit-l-30-vs-aetv-x-no-ij-no/206?_=1614384618612 -
Tourney game 1 st round of the 2nd play offs
Captain Napalm (Axis) wins over Amon-Sul (Allies)
Hey Gamer, In the 2021 Overall Standings, you have OwenToo listed twice: once as 2-0 and another at 0-1. I should be listed only once, at 2-1
Thanks for having the 4 different standings, though. I think it is great, if it isn’t too much work for you
OOB Magikforce (Axis) vs Bolasgod ( Allies +35)
Magikforce wins -
Giallo(+13) over Gambler(x) BM No activitiy for 16 days
L21 BM3 Ghostglider (axis) vs axis-dominion (+18)
axis-dominion win over Ghostglider
Oysteilo allies +14 defeats bretters axis BM3
@bretters L21 Martin (Allies +20) -vs- dawgoneit (Axis) - OOB low luck
L21 Martin (Allies +20) Wins
https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/36547/l21-martin-allies-20-vs-dawgoneit-axis-oob-low-luck/207?_=1614596545119 -
L21 BM3 Ghostglider vs trulpen (+20)
trulpen win over Ghostglider
L21 Myygames (Axis) - Martin (Allies + 20) OOB - low luck
Myygames wins
Ghostglider over Giallo(+25) bm 3
Hell of a battle in Egypt! -
Hi there,
there seems to be a mistake in the 2021 2nd Ed table:
The table says that I won against Avner, but we never played against each other. I have lost against Myygames (I have posted this, yesterday), and this loss should be recorded.So far until now, I have two wins against dawgoneit and two losses (one against Trulpen and one against Myygames). I am also Tier 3 and not 1 – at least I just played 4 league matches ever. Can you please kindly check and amend accordingly? Tier 1 would be nice, but I guess I need to put some effort in reaching this level ;-)
Thank you very much,
best regards,