League General Discussion Thread

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17


    Not 100% sure what you’re asking but each unit can only attack in the sea battle or the land battle. If you use a fighter to attack a transport in the SZ you are doing the amphibious assault, you lose the bombardment shots (if any).

    Thanks! That is exactly what I wanted to clarify.

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17

    I hate to ask this again, but how do you do forum dice again. And is there a link where I can go to remind myself?

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17


    I hate to ask this again, but how do you do forum dice again. And is there a link where I can go to remind myself?

    Was able to answer my own question this time.

  • '15 '14

    I received the instructions via a personal message 4 years ago^^. In case I need to roll, I always check page one of my PMs:D

    There are 2 kinds of dice commands.
    :dice XdY:

    Where X is the number of dice you want to throw and
    Y is how many sides on the dice

    SoDiceRolling 5d6:
    (1, 3, 4, 5, 6)  throws 5 six sided dice.  You need to be aware that the numbers will automatically be SORTED numerically, so they will not be in the order thrown.

    DiceRolls: 5@1 2@2 3@3 1@4; Total Hits: 75@1: (1, 6, 3, 6, 1)2@2: (3, 2)3@3: (2, 2, 1)1@4: (3)
    This command will throw 6-sided dice - 5 for units that hit on a 1, 2 dice that hit on a 2, 3 dice that hit on a 3, and 1 dice that hits on a 4.

    So this would be a throw for 6 infantry, 1 artillery, 3 tanks, and 1 bomber.

  • '15 '14

    There are 2 kinds of dice commands.
    :dice XdY:

    Where X is the number of dice you want to throw and
    Y is how many sides on the dice

    So :"dice 5d6: throws 5 six sided dice.  You need to be aware that the numbers will automatically be SORTED numerically, so they will not be in the order thrown.

    :"aaa 5@1 2@2 3@3 1@4:
    This command will throw 6-sided dice - 5 for units that hit on a 1, 2 dice that hit on a 2, 3 dice that hit on a 3, and 1 dice that hits on a 4.

    So this would be a throw for 6 infantry, 1 artillery, 3 tanks, and 1 bomber.

    Remove the " in order to roll the dice

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17

    Thanks for this Jdow. Having it here will also make it easier for me to remember rather than trying to search for it in one of my old games.

    Is there a modification that allows you to do low luck?

  • '19 '17 '16

    Regarding Low Luck, you can just switch that on in the map options. If you’re doing low luck with forum dice, just roll one dice. Or was there something else you were getting at?

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17

    I hadn’t tried low luck yet but I presumed it simply reduced the possibility for extreme outcomes without removing the randomness that dice provide. In a game, my G1 attack on France failed badly and my opponent (Oysteilo) was gracious enough to offer a redo with low luck.

    On the assumption that there was still some randomness to low luck dice I thought there might be a way to make forum dice low luck. Oysteilo pointed out that one can just divide attack power by 6 and roll remainders.  So that is what I have done although because it is easier than rolling forum dice through three rounds, and since I thought it was fair that I suffer a bit more as I am getting a second chance, I kept a successful AA hit against me and simply rounded down for my power, and up for his power rather than roll the remainders.

  • '19 '17 '16

    Ok, if anyone is just itching to get going with their league games there’s a couple of work arounds now possible.

    1. To download the save games that were ported across from the old forum software, right click on them and select “copy link location”. At least that’s what it’s called for me on firefox. Once you have the link location, paste it into the URL bar at the top of the screen but don’t press enter. Change the bit which reads “axisandallies.org/uploads” to be “axisandallies.org/forums/uploads”. Then you can download the save game. You should only have to do this once per game so if your opponent does it, you don’t have to.

    2. Play game as per normal - dice roller hasn’t changed.

    3. At the end of your turn, you can’t post. So just reply to the game thread and attach the save game. I grab the autoSave/autosaveBeforeEndTurn.tsvg file but if you aren’t clear on how to do that you can just save it wherever you like and grab it in the attach. You can also cut and paste the history in the thread so the user experience isn’t very different for others.

  • since forum change getting 303, any fix there but reinstall ? engine is up to date

  • i need help getting back on

  • '19 '17 '16

    @dawgoneit said in League General Discussion Thread:

    i need help getting back on

    If you’re struggling with needing to post, don’t worry, the new version of Triple-A which can post to this forum isn’t far away.

  • '19 '17 '16

    Pre release of the new version of Triple-A with the ability to post is here: https://github.com/triplea-game/triplea/releases/tag/

    Download if you want to become a beta tester. If you have any issues, I can pass them on or you can post yourself on github if you set up an account.

    Note that you need to update the topic ID for the post step to work. The new topic ID is the number after “/forums/topic/” in the URL of the thread.

  • We now have an official stable TripleA release, working with the new forum:


  • '15

    is the dice server down for anyone else?

  • '19 '17 '16

    @Shin-Ji said in League General Discussion Thread:

    is the dice server down for anyone else?

    MARTI seems to be working.

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15

    In general, I am curious on peoples take on what is reasonable or not. Sometimes you can have an aweful G1 and barely take France with an armor or two remaning, Of course it matters if you went in light or not, but assuming you went in with sufficient resources, (may also assume you take Normandy for the Vichy with one armour, one art and 1 inf or so), which is all available land units plus the common tac.

    If you survive with 1 armour or so then what? Just surrender, keep playing or restart? It seems like some people think restart is fair or reroll with low luck. Furthermore, where is the limit for this?

    On the other hand what if G1 is unbelivable good, does that warrant an allies reroll?

    In most situations I would say you have to stick with what you have got either way, after all it is just a game. I am posting this to get a feel what most people think!

    I have experienced both outcomes and when I get a good result with axis I have “felt sorry” for my oponent, but never offered anything. Also if I am allies and G1 is horrible I have offered low luck reroll for the key battle, but I am not sure what the “right” thing is and also what the threshold is that triggers a reroll or a restart

  • '19 '17 '16

    Interesting question. I looked up the expected results for going in with 20 units to Paris and it’s less than 1% to lose a tank.

    So I reckon you play it out or concede a loss.

  • '19 '18

    I think the issue arises because of the grey area between fairness and sportsmanship. Strictly speaking it’s not a fairness issue. Everyone can look up the game rules and posted league rules and unless otherwise agreed before the game begins then you’re working with regular dice and shouldn’t feel obligated to offer a re-roll under any circumstances unless you agree on the circumstances pre-game.

    As far as sportsmanship goes, you’ve got to remember that everyone plays with different objectives in mind, such as:

    • Having an evenly matched and engaging game
    • Testing your best strategy against your opponent’s best
    • Winning

    Allowing a re-roll might make sense for the first two objectives, but not the last one.

    There’s also a spectrum of gaming situations that complicate matters:

    • League playoffs
    • Live tournaments
    • League high tier play
    • League lower tier play
    • Online non-league play
    • Live friendly games

    I think everyone is going to have a different point on the spectrum as to where sportsmanship trumps fairness. For me the line is below league play. Non-league games and live games are primarily for fun, so allowing a re-roll makes sense to me. In the league it’s perfectly acceptable to be playing for points and positioning (i.e. wins) so no one should feel obligated or entitled to a re-roll.

    Of course if you’re playing a league game and you personally place a fun game ahead of winning, then by all means offer a re-roll, I’m just saying that in the league you shouldn’t expect it, and the other player shouldn’t feel bad about declining.

    Managing the risk of extreme dice outcomes is a big part of what makes great players great.

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17

    As one of the beneficiaries of your offer of a low luck reroll after an awful G1 attack on Paris in a league game Oysteilo I think it’s a great idea :) But more seriously, I think it is a nice thing to offer but that the allied player has no obligation and shouldn’t feel any pressure to do so.

    I’ve thought it might be a good practice in the future to start a game with an agreement that each side gets 1 low luck reroll. But again, that should be something optional and agreed upon by both players rather than an expectation. The worst thing that happens with a terrible G1 is that your ranking might go down a little but you get to move more quickly to game 2 too to fix that.

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