You should give BP (Black Panther) a shot in DVD, though LHoffmann :wink:.
I don’t mind trying a film on bluray/dvd… however, I have come to realize that I just have no time anymore for an uninteresting film. Not to say that Black Panther is that, I guess I would need to watch to find out.
I just have very little faith that anything in the superhero film industry has the capacity to be either artistic, deeply thought provoking, exciting or original anymore. Let alone a combination of all those in a truly great film. Marvel has their formula down and a cadre of protagonists with their own films or team films… all of which have served to make inevitable successive films mostly repetitive and lacking in weight. DC, in their haste to catch up to Marvel’s success, has massively bungled their first 3-5 films with an unappealing aesthetic and hacked writing/directing. Makes me not care to watch any of them at this point.
The lone recent exception was Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2. That was an excellent film. Highly entertaining, funny, music that dovetailed exceedingly well with the subject matter of the film and surprisingly well written character arcs.