• Who is going to watch Infinity War Avenger or Solo?

  • @aequitas:

    Who is going to watch Infinity War Avenger or Solo?

    I’ve been taking my son to see the Disney Star Wars movies as they’ve come out. We haven’t always been thrilled with the product but it’s time together all the same. I expect that we will go see Solo as well.

    I haven’t been keeping up with the Marvel movies, and don’t go to movies much anymore anyways, so if I see Avengers Infinity War at all it will likely be after it leaves the theaters.


  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer

    Finally think I have hit the wall on Marvel superhero movies. Must have happened after Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (which was a truly excellent film - saw it 3 times in theaters). I just found myself not caring anymore. Tried watching Spiderman Homecoming and found out I would rather sleep or watch Laurence of Arabia. Didn’t even make it halfway through. Haven’t seen any Marvel films since then. Seeing near invincible beings try to punch each other into submission has become trite.

    Very similar situation for Star Wars. When there is no end in sight and the plots are repeated and there is only endless continuity, the films are not very interesting. Honestly, the only reason I may end up going to see Solo is to confirm this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kjEd3DpH_e0

    I think there is a high probability their ideas are in the actual film.

  • You should give BP (Black Panther) a shot in DVD, though LHoffmann :wink:.

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer


    You should give BP (Black Panther) a shot in DVD, though LHoffmann :wink:.

    I don’t mind trying a film on bluray/dvd… however, I have come to realize that I just have no time anymore for an uninteresting film. Not to say that Black Panther is that, I guess I would need to watch to find out.

    I just have very little faith that anything in the superhero film industry has the capacity to be either artistic, deeply thought provoking, exciting or original anymore. Let alone a combination of all those in a truly great film. Marvel has their formula down and a cadre of protagonists with their own films or team films… all of which have served to make inevitable successive films mostly repetitive and lacking in weight. DC, in their haste to catch up to Marvel’s success, has massively bungled their first 3-5 films with an unappealing aesthetic and hacked writing/directing. Makes me not care to watch any of them at this point.

    The lone recent exception was Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2. That was an excellent film. Highly entertaining, funny, music that dovetailed exceedingly well with the subject matter of the film and surprisingly well written character arcs.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Hmm, movies I want to see in the theater:

    • Ready Player One - Really good book.  Heart breaking book because I really identified with one of the characters and it stirred up some sad emotions, but really good book!
    • Han Solo - This one just looks fun, and I have not seen a Star Wars movie on the big screen since Phantom Menace.  Also, I really hope they don’t make Han a good guy, he’s more of a scoundrel that sometimes does what is right kinda guy (if you don’t agree that’s fine, this is how I see him.)

    Movies I want to see, but will wait for my streaming service to offer:

    • Avengers Infinity War - too many heroes all at once.  I am going to want to have access to my pause button, I am quite sure.
    • Black Panther - I am kinda iffy on watching this one as it is.  I hear good things, bad things, and I know nothing about the hero it is based on.  I’ll watch it because its part of the universe, but I am going to wait for it.
    • Deadpool 2 - First one was funny, not holding my breath second will be as funny.  Just a gut feeling.
    • Incredibles 2 - This looks like a remake of Incredibles, only with the mom being tasked by a secret oganization instead of the dad.  Hope I am wrong.  Been waiting a long time.
    • Tomb Raider - this would be in “theaters” but have you seen the price of tickets recently?  Dang!!!
    • Aquaman - Ditto as with Tomb Raider.

    Movies I have no interest in watching:

    • Ant-Man and the Wasp - Ant man was okay.  But it was only okay.
    • Venom - Okay, seriously, never been a spiderman fan in my life.  Most recent spiderman I kinda like.
    • I Feel Pretty - UGH!  Shallow Hal remake anyone?  And that movie sucked too!
    • Isle of Dogs - No.  Just…no.

    I mean that’s just some of the major ones.  And thats just my opinions, not saying anyone has to agree with, or disagree with them.

  • '22 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16


    Finally think I have hit the wall on Marvel superhero movies. Must have happened after Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (which was a truly excellent film - saw it 3 times in theaters). I just found myself not caring anymore. Tried watching Spiderman Homecoming and found out I would rather sleep or watch Laurence of Arabia. Didn’t even make it halfway through. Haven’t seen any Marvel films since then. Seeing near invincible beings try to punch each other into submission has become trite.

    Very similar situation for Star Wars. When there is no end in sight and the plots are repeated and there is only endless continuity, the films are not very interesting. Honestly, the only reason I may end up going to see Solo is to confirm this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kjEd3DpH_e0

    I think there is a high probability their ideas are in the actual film.

    I know what you mean about Marvel and Star Wars saturation, it’s very much real. At this point I’m limping to the Infinity Wars finish line (I’ve invested this much already, I guess) and seeing every SW movie out of childhood sentimentality. I shouldn’t be feeding the beast like this, but this will eventually change.

  • I recently watched the Mario movie from the 90s.

    I am still in rehab

  • @Charles:

    I recently watched the Mario movie from the 90s.

    I am still in rehab

    :lol: :lol: :lol:

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer


    I recently watched the Mario movie from the 90s.

    I am still in rehab

    :lol: :lol: :lol:  Oh but it is such a masterwork. That is one of those movies I really enjoyed as a kid, but if I watched it now I am sure I would see all its flaws in the light of day.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator



    I recently watched the Mario movie from the 90s.

    I am still in rehab

    :lol: :lol: :lol:  Oh but it is such a masterwork. That is one of those movies I really enjoyed as a kid, but if I watched it now I am sure I would see all its flaws in the light of day.

    Thanks a lot! I just laughed so hard coffee came out my nose!  :P

  • Just back from seeing A Quiet Place. What a great film. A handful of actors, virtually no dialogue, very little gore, but the whole 90 minutes is edge of your seat stuff. Wow! :-o

  • The best comedy:

    Don’t be a menace while drinking your juice in the hood

    Normally this would be a documentary, but it is something more…

  • Movie about Zeppelins made in 1971…


  • '22 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16

    I tend to agree with almost all of RLM’s commentary on Infinity Wars; it was long but they did a very capable job threading so many characters with serial comic-style mini-plots that worked.


    And they nailed the reason subverting norms worked so well for IW and failed miserably for Star Wars. The problem for SW is that Kathleen Kennedy and her cronies have done a terrible job establishing a framework for the films -we hear about drastic rewrites and reshoots far too often- while Marvel films are tightly planned and controlled -almost to a cynical level for a creative process, but hey, it works!

    IW did a great job fleshing out a villain with far more depth than anything we’ve seen from these types of movies. As tired as I was of these movies I am interested in seeing the sequel, so the Disney churn continues…

  • @Imperious:

    Movie about Zeppelins made in 1971…


    Going further back, the 1930 film Hell’s Angels (produced by Howard Hughes) has a lengthy and dramatic sequence about a Zeppelin raid on London.  Two of weirdest parts are the scene where a bombadier is lowered from the airship in a little compartment supported by a cable and the scene where the Germans obediently and patriotically jump overboard one by one on command to lighten the load of the airship.  (I wonder if that’s where the Monty Python gang got the inspiration for their Zeppelin sketch, in which Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin tosses one German officer after another overboard for daring to call his dirigible airship a “balloon”.)

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer


    I tend to agree with almost all of RLM’s commentary on Infinity Wars; it was long but they did a very capable job threading so many characters with serial comic-style mini-plots that worked.


    And they nailed the reason subverting norms worked so well for IW and failed miserably for Star Wars. The problem for SW is that Kathleen Kennedy and her cronies have done a terrible job establishing a framework for the films -we hear about drastic rewrites and reshoots far too often- while Marvel films are tightly planned and controlled -almost to a cynical level for a creative process, but hey, it works!

    IW did a great job fleshing out a villain with far more depth than anything we’ve seen from these types of movies. As tired as I was of these movies I am interested in seeing the sequel, so the Disney churn continues…

    I have heard it is good, but I still need to watch Thor Ragnarok first. Honestly the only reason I want to see a lot of movies nowadays is so I can watch Half in the Bag reviews with more understanding of their commentary.

  • I’ve heard Chapaquiddick is good

  • The lovable David Niven, AKA “Crisp”

    Some Movie Recommendations:
    The First of the Few
    The Guns of Navarone
    The Best of Enemies
    The Way Ahead
    Dawn Patrol

    If you like him, there are plenty more films to watch.
    No matter how poorly the plot is written, this actor always managed to make me smile with his gentlemenly charm.  It is peculiar how he managed to keep his unique character intact, whether he was a burglar, suave lover, disciplined British officer, or a somewhat eccentric old man.  He was in nearly every sort of movie genre and actually fought in the Second World War personally.

    Great actor.  Love the mustache.
    …all right you bloomin’ Scotts, “moustache.”

    There happy?

  • I am going to watch Solo tonight,  don’t what is going to happen.

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