• okay…i know im gonna get spammed and laughed at for this outrageous idea:

    Can someone make a fictional movie about two young adults playing in an A&A national championship tournament?

    Round 1: Spring 1941
    Round 2: Spring 1942 2nd Edition
    Round 3: Pacific 1940 2nd Edition
    Round 4: Europe 1940 2nd Edition
    Round 5: Global 1940 2nd Edition

    Does anyone think a movie like this could be a great blockbuster or should i go back to smoking c****?  :roll:

  • I can see someone making a documentary about an A&A game being played (in fact, I imagine that there are any number of YouTube videos already available along these lines), but to get a profitable mass-market fiction film you’d need to spice things up with some serious dramatic plot elements.  I’d even say that the A&A game would have to serve merely as a background canvas for the real plot of the movie – in the same way, for example, that the Daniel Craig James Bond film Casino Royale isn’t fundamentally about a high-stakes poker game, even though the game is crucial to the plot and takes up a fair bit of screen time.

  • ok…thanks for the reply…so let me see…

    so a james bond adventure with A&A as a background or something

    I think i’ll call it “Chairman of the Board: An Axis & Allies adventure”

    What do you think?

    Oh…BTW…my CR*** pipe is still on the table if you guys think i need to take a puff… :-D

  • Sponsor

    I had an idea once for a movie about an Axis and Allies game between four kids (kinda like stand by me) who agree that the losers would have to shot themselves with their dads gun (kinda like lord if the flies). :-P

  • The closest thing I’ve seen to an A&A game in a James Bond film was a global combat video game called Domination, which appears in the unofficial Bond movie Never Say Never Again.  The game, as I recall, is played on a vertical sheet of transparent glass on which a computer graphic of the world is projected, with the players sitting on opposite sides of the glass, their hands on pairs of joysticks.  One interesting feature of the game – which I’d hate to see replicated in A&A – is that the loser “suffers along with his troops” by receiving an electric shock proportional in strength to the extent of his losses.

  • @CWO:

    The closest thing I’ve seen to an A&A game in a James Bond film was a global combat video game called Domination, which appears in the unofficial Bond movie Never Say Never Again.  The game, as I recall, is played on a vertical sheet of transparent glass on which a computer graphic of the world is projected, with the players sitting on opposite sides of the glass, their hands on pairs of joysticks.  One interesting feature of the game – which I’d hate to see replicated in A&A – is that the loser “suffers along with his troops” by receiving an electric shock proportional in strength to the extent of his losses.

    being a major james bond fan…i do remember the game…

  • See kids, that’s why you shouldn’t do drugs.

  • I guess a fictional film with the leaders of WW2 playing and controlling their war by using the Axis and Allies games. Kind of like Jumanji.

  • The setting is Deserts 2018 Vegas competition. Theres 40 players, some new faces, old friends, and a few bitter rivalries. Its vegas, so ….hookers and drugs.
    Maybe the hooker stole YGs piece set while he was sleeping.

  • '21 '20 '18 '17

    King of Kong
    Man vs. Snake

    ITs already in the works, boys.  It just has to be a in-depth documentary about wargaming and its inviting personal interplay….so the potential audience?

    MASSIVE.  I gotta pay our videographers’ way to Gencon and he wont sleep on the floor of the hotel room–not that the rooms are finished or clean mind you…  Plus I have to get waivers from all the other tourney folk and they are the friendliest bunch of

  • '18 '17 '16

    One of the hookers (Tiffany) becomes the love interest of Hunter Jones. Hunter teaches her how to play G-40 and she decides to go straight. They become the best team in the world and show up at Gencon where they run the tables on the competition. The success goes to Tiffany’s head and she thinks she can go it alone without Hunter anymore. It turns out she was wrong, it was the magic between them that made them such a formidable team. They reform in Toronto at Grasshopper’s Invitational just hours before the competition begins when Hunter’s new teammate, Corpo 24, gets food poisoning from eating some bad beaver in Canada. Their romance rekindles by the time they make it to the finals against the returning champions, Gargantua and variance. They win the game on the last roll of the game when Tiffany rolls a 1 with her tank and variance rolls a 4 with his tank to take out Stalingrad and give them a token for having enough cities on the Europe side.
    The crowd goes wild. Hunter asks Tiffany to marry him. Gargantua loses his sh*t.

    I laughed. I cried. It was a triumph of the heart. :cry:

  • Was Tif the bad beaver? Sorry couldnt help myself lol

  • '18 '17 '16

    The plot thickens…

  • '17 '16


    being a major james bond fan…i do remember the game…

    Being a major James Bond fan… I’m still trying to forget Never Say Never was ever made…

  • '17

    Evening, Thanksgiving weekend, US

    Two friends and a stranger are trapped in an elevator at a now deserted office complex. The friends were leaving work with a copy of Global 1940, hoping to squeeze in a game before the holiday.

    The elevator phone isn’t operable, and their cell phones can’t pick up a signal inside. The friends resign themselves to the fact that it might take awhile before anyone comes looking for them, and invite the stranger to play a game of Global 1940.

    The stranger accepts and gradually reveals himself to be Death. He tells them if they can stave off defeat for 12 rounds, rescue will arrive …  if not, they’ll die when the elevator fails and crashes.

    Death has Axis and opens with incredible dice. After 11 rounds, Moscow and Cairo have fallen, and the Allies are on the brink of defeat. In desperation, the UK player spends their IPC on tech dice and gets long-range aircraft. The extra range narrowly allows the capture of Berlin.

    Death, incensed that he forgot to stipulate no-tech, flips the board and dematerializes.

  • '21 '18 '16

    Why not a love story?
    A man walks into the game shop to meet his usual group. She was standing there with her own custom painted pieces a rulebook in her other hand.

    They start as partners and friends for the evening. He is impressed by her prowess and strategy.

    He woos her with pizza, beer, and a really awesome game table. Unimpressed by his gifts she continues to shun his advances.

    He bets that if he can beat her, she must go out with him. If she wins, he will buy her a copy of War Room and the upcoming Anniversary edition reprint.
    He wins. After the victory, she kisses him and tells him you had me at War Room.

    The end.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10


    Believe it or not I’ve actually put alot of thought into this concept over the last year and a half; I am glad other people are having some of the same ideas!  All I am missing is some of the partners required to pull off what I dream would be an awesome movie. :) :) :)

    I have got a screenplay/script in the works.

    Let’s start off with the intro.
    -Roll credits, play this song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4Eq2lk_fwA
    -Show A&A pieces moving around the board, being purchased, moved around, sent into combat etc.


    • An axis and allies tournament is coming up

    • A brother who serves overseas convinces his other brother; a washed up copier salesman to be on his team,

    • The tournament organizer is a billionaire and owns A&A brand; as well as tons of other companies

    • Tragedy strikes; the billionaire dies; and his will leaves $1B and the A&A brand as the tournament first prize

    • Conflict in the middle - east simultaneously heats up.  The serving brother can no longer attend

    • The copier salesman has to scour the internet to assemble his team from the riff raff left on Axis and Allies .org

    • The tournament rules and conditions change…

    • The tournament is opened to corporations; governments; and foreign organizations.

    • Such teams include US Military, NASA, Monsanto, Exon, Adidas, Playboy etc.

    • The billionaire’s will calls up that the “fans” of the game must face the corporate goons would would pillage the game and his company just for it’s value

    • Essentially it’s “Fan division” vs  “Corporate division”

    I have a whole bunch of more depth / moments to add here, you can probably see where it’s going haha, and yes it could have a love interest.

    (there could easily be a romantic interest)

    Out of time to continue, but if you are serious about something like this project - PM me please!  Well worth a movie here guys.

  • That is mad, Garg.  I love it!

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