• The director of these garbage movies always seems to be able to steal money from me.  I see the concept, looks good, watch it when it comes out and with in the first 10 minutes of the movie I know “the moron has struck again”.  This guy has done (among other stupid movies) Independence Day and Stargate.

    I won’t go into depth on how idiotic this movie is other than to say this.  When “Joe Virtue Good guy” is arguing with “Joe Bad Guy” about whether they should leave some people behind for the greater good he says something like “what will you tell your grandchildren?”  How about what Holocaust survivors told their children… I SURVIVED!

    Ya, idiotic ideological nonsense is really what you need when the world is coming to an end.  When of course everyone follows “good guys” advice it made me hope beyond hope that the movie would end with the human race being wiped out, because that is a better ending than the earth being populated by morons.

  • Well the effects were nice anyway.

    I do hate that skin of your teeth thing where way too many times it’s like that formula of disaster blockbuster ala Erwin Allen.

    The acting was horrible. Gary Coleman could have done a better job.

    The science was ridiculous as well, but then Taco Bell could not have any tie in for it’s new Burrito right?

    I think the fast food chains pay that idiot director money on the side so they can spoon feed the diabetes crowd in poor neighborhoods, where many of these restaurants are located. I think it is marketing at it’s worst.

  • Sounds like it is as bad as Starship Troopers was which I referred to as Melrose Space.

  • @Zooey72:

    I see the concept, looks good

    Well, there’s your problem right there…

  • 2007 AAR League

    i watched the terrible movie.

    i saw the world destroyed by horrible acting and an awful plot line.

  • So the general consensus is a crap movie. Thank you… you saved me some money

  • @Brain:

    Sounds like it is as bad as Starship Troopers was which I referred to as Melrose Space.


    Starship Troopers is the best!


    they’ll keep fighting! and they’ll win!

  • 2007 AAR League

    have you seen starship troopers 2 and 3?  thats some quality movie watching right there…. :-D

  • '19 Moderator

    I enjoyed starship troopers, but I would still like to see a movie that was more like the book, awesome book, OK movie…

  • The book is always better than the movie.

  • @Zooey72:

    I won’t go into depth on how idiotic this movie is other than to say this.  When “Joe Virtue Good guy” is arguing with “Joe Bad Guy” about whether they should leave some people behind for the greater good he says something like “what will you tell your grandchildren?”  How about what Holocaust survivors told their children… I SURVIVED!

    Ya, idiotic ideological nonsense is really what you need when the world is coming to an end.  When of course everyone follows “good guys” advice it made me hope beyond hope that the movie would end with the human race being wiped out, because that is a better ending than the earth being populated by morons.

    that pretty funny, I had almost exatly the same reaction.

    It was quite hilarious when Russia and China were the first to agree to let more people board.

    I also heard that the took out a scene where  Mecca was destoryed, in order apease the Islamists, who by the way we are at war with!

    What a bunch of bull!@#$

    I also found it hilarious how after only the G8 countries +China where informed of the world ending, eveyone thinks its ok to crash in Africa(which they effectvly were planning on leaving for dead), which ironicly was not flooded at all.

    In anycase I would hope if the world ever did come to an end most people would spend their last moments doing something other than groveling to their imaginary friends. These types of movies are simply a racket.

  • @Emperor_Taiki:

    I also heard that the took out a scene where  Mecca was destoryed, in order apease the Islamists, who by the way we are at war with!

    Hahaha, hilarious!

    And I mean you, not the movie.

  • @Brain:

    The book is always better than the movie.

    99.9% true… the only one I have found where the movie is better than the book is I Am Legend. The book just didn’t have that ‘all alone’ feeling being that the mutated people could speak and act “more human”>

  • 2007 AAR League



    I won’t go into depth on how idiotic this movie is other than to say this.  When “Joe Virtue Good guy” is arguing with “Joe Bad Guy” about whether they should leave some people behind for the greater good he says something like “what will you tell your grandchildren?”  How about what Holocaust survivors told their children… I SURVIVED!

    Ya, idiotic ideological nonsense is really what you need when the world is coming to an end.  When of course everyone follows “good guys” advice it made me hope beyond hope that the movie would end with the human race being wiped out, because that is a better ending than the earth being populated by morons.

    that pretty funny, I had almost exatly the same reaction.

    It was quite hilarious when Russia and China were the first to agree to let more people board.

    I also heard that the took out a scene where  Mecca was destoryed, in order apease the Islamists, who by the way we are at war with!

    What a bunch of bull!@#$

    I also found it hilarious how after only the G8 countries +China where informed of the world ending, eveyone thinks its ok to crash in Africa(which they effectvly were planning on leaving for dead), which ironicly was not flooded at all.

    In anycase I would hope if the world ever did come to an end most people would spend their last moments doing something other than groveling to their imaginary friends. These types of movies are simply a racket.

    lol, spoiler alert…. :lol:

  • @Brain:

    Sounds like it is as bad as Starship Troopers was which I referred to as Melrose Space.

    Thats hilarious. I never looked at it that way, but it is like a soap opera a little.

    I actually didn’t mind Starship, only because it had some interesting ideas and it does not hurt that Denise Richards is in it either. I won’t say it’s awesome or anything but I have seen worse.

  • @dezrtfish:

    I enjoyed starship troopers, but I would still like to see a movie that was more like the book, awesome book, OK movie…

    One example of a great book bad movie is The Relic. Awesome book I would recommend to anyone. The movie changed the booked too much and it actually made it kinda stupid and basically it sucked.

    Lord of the Rings - awesome book; the movie did alter it but I think kept with the majority of the story and actually turned out quite well. One of the better book to movie stories.

  • @balungaloaf:

    i watched the terrible movie.

    i saw the world destroyed by horrible acting and an awful plot line.

    I was thinking of going to see this one as it does look spectacular on the previews, but with everyone here saying its bad, I think I might wait until it comes out on DVD.

  • I just watched 2012, and it’s not only stupid as hell, is completely rubbish. I’m glad i didn’t pay any money for this ““movie””, downloaded free via bittorent.
    Now, if there were laws against movie scams, people who paid for this shit should get their money back!

  • Customizer

    Starship Troopers is a brilliant satire of American fascism, and deeply prophetic in regard to the Iraq war.

    The 2nd is a cheap straight to video horror movie; the 3rd is an OK sequal, lacking the hard edge of Verhoeven’s wit.

    2012 is I’m afraid typical of the last 10 years of Hollywood; souless CGI heavy movies-by-numbers for mush-heads.  You know exactly who survives and who doesn’t 5 seconds after meeting them.


  • I now have seen 2012…

    There are too many “that was totally impossible” scenes were it is just not realistic that I would not know were to begin to describe.

    Of the “End of the World” type movies this one will go down as the cool graphics but weak story king. Others like Deep Impact were a lot better and more entertaining to watch.

    For that matter Noah’s Arc is actually a way better story, one that was “borrowed” for this film.

    Wait to rent, do not buy or pay in my opinion. (Glad I didn’t)

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