Thanks SS! This helps tremendously!
AA50 reprint?
When it gets reinvigorated, my game playing group has created some awesome house rules that makes the game even more playable. :mrgreen:
Now on the AH-website:
WOW…. it looks the same…you would think they would at least change the cover art a little bit. I would imagine that the units will be of the quality that will have come to expect, and not like the crappy ones in the original game.
WOW…. it looks the same…you would think they would at least change the cover art a little bit. I would imagine that the units will be of the quality that will have come to expect, and not like the crappy ones in the original game.
The boxes are not precisely the same. They can be compared in the pictures over here:
Something tells me we will have to wait until a box actually appears on the shelves or on our doorsteps via the postman to be certain what it looks like and what’s in the box. Only a wizard could know for sure.
Comes out September 25….it will be Revised Anniversary edition…four new unit sculpts as well
Where did you see that, can I ask?
Where did you see that, can I ask?
Presumably at one of these three links:
Thanks Marc. Will keep looking on Amazon here, until I See a date and price fir England. But I can’t but a second! Will suggest it to a few people I Know , though.
I saw the advertisements’ descriptions saying 4 new sculpts. Huh. Most noteworthy to me is the MSRP of $100 USD - wow! Really going after that second market with an immediate ebay buy it now list price.
4 new sculpts…maybe it means something like new infantry sculpts…would be cool if the game incorporated some of the stuff from Global like tac. bombers.
Who knows, maybe Star Destroyers are going to be a new sculpt but available only for the Storm Trooper country.
$75 bucks on pre-order with the release date set for November 1.
I’m definitely going to buy this one when it comes out. Can’t Wait!!! -
I really hope they do something about the archaic AA gun and air battle rules, in spite of their comments.
ordered from amazon
$75 bucks on pre-order with the release date set for November 1.
That’s odd. This…
…says the release date is 9/22/2017.
Ordered mine, very exciting! I figured either the 9/22 was a guess by someone or maybe it was an original estimated release that has changed. Or maybe, Amazon gets theirs after the initial release to give time to smaller localized game companies to get their sales in before Amazon blasts the game world wide.
Finally out for preorder here north of the border at 401 games. Still haven’t seen it on but we’ll see.–-anniversary-edition-pre-order
Finally out for preorder here north of the border at 401 games. Still haven’t seen it on but we’ll see.–-anniversary-edition-pre-order
T6GCON is currently ACTIVELY working with 401 games AND WotC… And, as certainly a lot of you know by now… Larry Harris is coming to T6GCON and we can confirm that Harry will sign things for the fans… He is a very approachable person.
We are still working with WoTC and 401 to make sure that we can have the Anniversary Edition available right at the convention! So stay tuned and follow YG’s YouTube channel for announcements…
Link to YG’s channel: If you did not subscribe yet… We strongly recommend you do so… A LOT of good stuff in the pipe for the next foreseeable future! :D