I need to wait,
Did you intend for the cruiser to be in 104? I want to make sure it wasn’t a misclick
pete over Karl7 allies
another dice game. That’s two in a row for him. Germany lost most it’s air force G1, and it was all down hill from there.
Karl7(Allies) defeats Patryn in 1940 BM.
New Strategy didn’t pan out so well. Into the bin with it!
StuckTojo Allies +21 over Odonis Axis
Patryn (Allies +19) over StuckTojo (Axis)’
Simon33 (allies+20) over GeneralSvend-Sved
L16 G40 BM AetV (Axis+5) vs Giallo (Allies)
Giallo over AetV
Close but No cigar…
I can say that I really start to like the BM.
-It is challenging
-Strategically improved!
simon33 (Allies +18) vs dawgoneit Axis - simon33 wins
gamer (allies) over axis-(got)domin(ated) BM
one of the more unique fighting styles, highly aggressive with sub convoys, transport raids, and bombings……even tacs were frequently used in bombing runs, which is something i usually don’t see. felt like i got nibbled to death by a thousand little tiny bites…
a lot of skill here!
definitely a very fun game and opponent…everything was on the edge for me with no room for error, which isn’t comfortable for me lol. i can tell he puts a lot of thought and energy into every move, which is of course refreshing and very welcome. too bad he isn’t able to play more games…perhaps if someone were to sabotage his play station!
felt like i got nibbled to death by a thousand little tiny bites
Yes, this reflects gamermans style, or I should say good allied play.
Thanks guys, yes I’m just glad to escape with a win
Even though he plays fast, dude doesn’t make any blunders - it’s incredible
JuanSpain over Me1945 (Allies)
Omega1759 (Allies) over simon33 (Axis) http://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?topic=38805.165
Hmm, didn’t do enough to stop the USA getting a foothold on Norway it seems.
Caeser1 (Allies+15) over Simon33 (Axis) http://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?topic=38610.150
Patryn (Allies) over simon33 (Axis) BM2 http://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?topic=38795.150
Patyrn (allies) over axis-dom bm
pretty much every little and every big battle went wrong, starting with a miserable g1 111 and france (only 3 tanks left, barely won it!)…. major battles were way under average (big carolines naval was 28 tuv win vs 100 average, italian strike on anglo was 12 instead of the 30+ average, and the last big pac naval battle was 60 vs the 100 average…it’s weird, it’s like he was offering me these large battles and daring me, but the luck was really bad. and his ability to consistently hit with inf on def was also unreal.
played a lot of games this year, and i have to say this one was by far the worst luck i’ve had in one game
Karl7(Axis) defeats Patryn (Allies) in 1940 BM.
karl7 over giallo(axis) bm2.0
German stack vs russian stack went the other way
Re: Topic #38103–16L G40 Bal Mod LL ArtofWar1947 (Axis) vs. JWW (Allies) #2
JWW (Allies) over ArtofWar1947 (Axis)
Congratulations, Jim, on overcoming the early lost of the UK.
Re: Topic 38416–16L G40 Bal Mod 2.0 LL ArtofWar1947 (Axis) vs. Adam514 (Allies)
Adam514 (Allies) over ArtofWar1947 (Axis)
oystello (Allies) over Simon33 (Axis) BM2 http://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?topic=38690.new;topicseen#new