My deepest condolences to you Paul.
MOVIE'S 2014
3D is a scam used to make a horrible plot seem acceptable because they made up with more effects than usual…
I am not sure if that is true, but 3D or effects in general do nothing to cover up a bad plot or bad acting or bad writing… for me at least.
They replace the story or window dress it with crap exploding and guns because if the story was unfolded alone without these embellishments, it simply would be laughable and people would throw tomatoes at the screen for wasting their time at such simplistic plot lines.
Their will be blood- no need to effects, the plot carries the movie
Battleship- insane, ridiculous movie, needs heavy explosions so you don’t notice your going brain dead along with wasting $12, and time -
Battleship- insane, ridiculous movie, needs heavy explosions so you don’t notice your going brain dead along with wasting $12, and time
Haven’t actually seen it, but I get that impression from the previews, the ridiculous plot (undersea space aliens vs WWII era battleships not even in service anymore but apparently are???), over the top special effects use and bland/pop culture casting (seriously… Rhianna?).
Godzilla was too uneven for me, a mixture of gripping character drama with Cranston but then gets kinda goofy with Wantanabe and the scientists. Not that either were poorly done, but I’d prefer if they stuck to one tone and ran with it. Also coulda used more Godzilla.
Regarding X-Men, First Class didn’t do anything for me but I appreciate the difference a new director and creative team can make. Heard lots of good things about this one though. Plus any movie that features Jennifer Lawrence can’t be bad, she’s America’s Sweetheart and Action Title Belt holder.
I thought Godzilla war great. Just needed a tad bit more monster fights, and a remake of the original Score.
DOFP was really good, the plot was interesting.
Spider-man 2 was good also, just disappointed that rhino barely was in it.
Jump Street 22 sucked. Boring. Standard schlock.
I’m looking forward to the turtles movie.
I always loved turtles as a kid, and goddamn Megan Fox is one hot chick.
I’m looking forward to the turtles movie.
I always loved turtles as a kid, and goddamn Megan Fox is one hot chick.
The previews have the TMNT fighting an organization similar to COBRA. I need my turtles in classic form, fighting Shedder and evil mutants.
I feel Megan Fox has gotten less attractive since her Transformer days. I need my April O Neil in a yellow jump suit and d cup size.
My kids have got to experience the original cartoon series with me, good stuff.
Megan Fox is a very unattractive beautiful woman.
Very well put. Will just wait for Turtles on TV. Will see Edge of Tomorrow on Monday, heard some good things about it.
In England they’re TMH (for Hero) Turtles: Ninjas is bad.
Except for the shaky cam “Edge of Tomorrow” was pretty good. I just hate the shaky cam film making style that is standard op these days.
I had to skip “Turn” and I guess I’ll be skipping “Falling Skies” given how I couldn’t get through the first ten minutes of the opener because of the shaky cam.
Edge of Tomorrow is basically Nietzsche’s concept of Eternal Recurrence with some modifications.
He says you basically repeat everything in life, while this movie offers the opportunity that you remember the past and can enable a better repeat with successive returns…
I think the movie sucked. Waste of money.
Expendables III and Flash comming soon.
Any bids?? -
Cliche movies. Avoid.
hmm Fuhny or fury? we will see…
omg, sorry, but that trailer looks awful.
This movie seems like just another WW2 movie, where the US americans pretend to be the great war heroes that saved Europe from Nazi Germany.
So much pathos and nationalism and patriotism, I can’t even stand to watch the trailer, let alone the movie…
Thanks for the trailer Aequitas.
I saw a Tiger… -
omg, sorry, but that trailer looks awful.
This movie seems like just another WW2 movie, where the US americans pretend to be the great war heroes that saved Europe from Nazi Germany.
So much pathos and nationalism and patriotism, I can’t even stand to watch the trailer, let alone the movie…
ya MrRoboto it looks like it, may be a DVD watch worth.
The upside is, this time they used a real Tiger tank. Tiger late Version with his own tracks, not like the one they used in saving Ryan ,half Tiger half T34 late production 8-).
The movie looks like a made up story.Ya Wittmann, we can only hope that they gave the Tiger a very good prescence in it!
Exactly. And it cannot be destroyed by an Amerikaner. In a Sherman!
I thought it was Tiger 131 from Bovington.