My list of Generals is as follows: Hannibal Barca, Alexander the Great, Sun Tzu, Julius Caesar, Robert E. Lee, Erwin Rommell, George S. Patton. Any of these commanders would lead my army to victory (unless they were fighting another one of these commanders…)

Best posts made by GrizzlyMan
RE: Choose your Leader
RE: Why is Sierra Leone neutral?
They probably didn’t want a tiny UK colony surrounded by a big French colony. They must have figured that it wouldn’t have mattered to the game play anyway and would have just been an insignificant territory. I’m usually a stickler for details, but I don’t mind the inacurate representation of Sierra Leone.
RE: Choose your Leader
Of your list who is your first choice?
That’s a tough question. I’d either choose Sun Tzu, who (literally) wrote the book on military strategy, or Lee, who was both a tactical and strategic genius and made massive gains against the Federal Army while being outnumbered and logistically outmatched.
RE: Choose your Leader
The Vikings were great at battling others and sacking villages, but they weren’t organized into empires, and their leaders made no attempt to form governments over the people. If they did form a central government, I’m sure they would have dominated Northern Europe and England for centuries, but their leaders remained as warlords and never organized enough to create a stable country
Latest posts made by GrizzlyMan
RE: Global Gaming Table
This is really, really impressive. How long did it take you to make?
RE: Painted Major ICs, Minors, Strict Neutrals
Looks great! I like the Soviet factories a lot :lol:
Cyber Nations
Has anyone ever played the game Cyber Nations? You simulate a country and build armies and infrastructure. I suggest checking it out.
Balancing Ideas?
I’ve heard a lot of complaints about the US being overpowered and the Axis underpowered, and I was wondering if anyone was doing anything to balance this out? I don’t think it’s a huge problem, but maybe the US doesn’t get all 57 IPCs before they’re at war, or something like that. Any ideas?
RE: Weakest player placement
I give the weakest to eitherJapan or the US. The US is the obvious choice becaue it has the biggest economy and can take the most mistakes, but my personal favorite is Japan. They have a great starting position and relatively obvious buys throughout the game (i. e. ICs, navy) so they can be easily played by a player of any experience
RE: Bulgaria took by Italians
Does Italy taking Bulgaria detract too much from the Germans on the Eastern front? Or do the 4 inf and 1 IPC not make that much of a difference? I haven’t tried it yet
RE: How do you space your european american transport fleet out?
Geographicaly or politicaly ?
Both (they’re in the EU, right :-D)
RE: Re-Building Japan's MIC
The only exception to the Island IC rule is Japan. As far as I can tell Japan acts like any other non-island territory when it comes to ICs. Hopefully Kreig will double check this, but I’m 99.9% sure that they can rebuild their Major IC
RE: Cairo! (axis has it too hard?)
Actually, in most of my games Cairo has fallen pretty quickly (I2 or I3), cut the Russian front bogged downEven if the Italian navy gets wiped out B1, the Germans can send some fighters South G2 and wipe out the British/French there, and the Italians can build a fleet back up. Once they’ve secured Egypt, the rest of Africa falls pretty easily.
Just curious, but how did you take out Russia so easily? My games always get clogged up after taking Leningrad, with Moscow pumping out enormous stacks of infantry.