… There is still a potential way this can be allowed within the rules. That’s if allied powers are still friendly powers before war is declared. As far as I can see, the manual never declares anything either way on this point.
This is an interesting question.
Awesome, thank you Krieghund, for reconsidering the topic and for your interesting new information.
I love it, when after all those years topics like these arise, that bring some really new and interesting insights to our attention.
So it has been clarified now that neutral powers may treat territories of their allies as friendly.
The consequece of this clarification is that neutral powers are allowed to noncom air units into their Allies territories on the same turn they declare war.
Now in the scenario given by Zhukov44 …
Having a bit of a rules dispute over how the TripleA program interprets the change from neutrality to allied b/w powers.
The scenario is Japan declares on UK on J2. Russia and Japan are already at war. On USA2, USA declares on Japan/Germany/Italy.
Should USA be able to land planes in Russia or other Allied territories on this turn (USA2) or have we been playing the game wrong up until now?
… the USA should indeed be able to land on Russian territories during the noncombat move phase of the same US turn.
Still in general the only relevant question for a plane to land during NCM-phase is whether the territory to land on has been friendly at the beginning of the turn.
We now know, that USA may consider SU-territories as friendly when declaring war.
There are of course some additional requirements in the rules for some special situations (eg. China).
Thank you, Zhukov44, for initiating the reconsideration.
Thank you, Simon33, for bringing the discussion back into the right direction with your last posting.