First off…damn there is a lot of redundant q & a in this thread. Can we clean up some? Just a thought.
That’s been done. There’s nothing here that’s not either in the rules or the official FAQs.
China can noncom into UKs burma territory because china is @ war with japan and UK is @ war with germany.
If US & russia @ war with japan but not ger, us can non com in pac map of rus but not europe map. These seem contradictory.
Not really. The Soviet Union has special rules due to its separate treaties with Germany and Japan. If it’s at war with Germany/Italy but not Japan, it’s still treated as a neutral power on the Pacific map, and vice versa. See page 36 of the Europe Rulebook.
If us @ war with japan and rus @ war with germany, can us non com every where in russia?
No. If the USSR is not at war with Japan, it is still treated as a neutral power on the Pacific map, so no other power may move units into its territories there. The US, being no longer neutral, may however move units into Soviet territories on the Europe map, as the USSR is no longer neutral there. The key is that in order for a power to move units into the territory of another power, neither power must be neutral. The US isn’t neutral if it’s at war with anyone, but the USSR has the special conditions I mentioned above.