Ok, here is something I came up with for the political situations. The main idea here is to use this as a quick reference, not to completely replace the rulebook. I know that I took some liberties by not including some fundamental rules in here, but I think all of the main situations that directly affect gameplay are included. Let me know if you like this layout, or if something in here needs to be fixed that could affect gameplay. Thanks again!

Best posts made by bcguitars
RE: Global Homebrew Setup Charts
Latest posts made by bcguitars
RE: Friendly ship bombardment
Thanks for the quick clarification.
Friendly ship bombardment
I couldn’t really find a clear answer about this situation. Can naval units bombard during an allied amphibious assault? Here is an example:
Japan controls Philippines with one infantry. They have no naval units in SZ 35.
US moves three battleships into SZ 35 on their turn.
ANZAC declares an amphibious assault on Philippines with two transports each carrying two units (four total units).
Can the US BB’s bombard to support the ANZAC invasion? In other words, what is the definition of an “accompanying” battleship or cruiser?
RE: Community Links for Global 1940 Related files
Here are an assortment of game aids that I created for my game. They include setup cards for Global and Pacific (the original setups), a political situation reference for Global, and a few others. They are all in print-quality PDF format.
EDIT: I have just uploaded the charts with Alpha +3 rules and setups included.
RE: AAG1940 Banking Program (Excel Spreadsheet)
Variable, what program are you using to open the spreadsheet? Office 2004 for Macs supports VBA, but Office 2008 does not. Microsoft has said that the next version of Office for Mac will support VBA again, but if you’ve got 2008, you’re SOL.
RE: AAG1940 Banking Program (Excel Spreadsheet)
Hey, great code on this! I added buttons real quick to eliminate the need for hotkeys. (Sorry, but I already started customizing the colors and fonts on mine, too!)
I never would have thought to do this, but this is awesome! This runs great if you take the headings off and run it full screen in Excel. Thanks again!
RE: Global Homebrew Setup Charts
My understanding form Krieg was that Dutch territories are taken during the non combat phase by either ANZAC / UK as the other “pro” neutrals.
I was under the impression that the takeover part had to be done in the combat phase. Correct me if I’m wrong, though.
EDIT: Ok, I went back and reviewed the clarifications on the Dutch, and have modified the chart to reflect a UK/ANZAC land unit takeover during the non-combat phase.
If I tried making these without posting them here for all of you to comb over, they would be a mess! Thanks for all the input!
RE: Global Homebrew Setup Charts
6 russian inf in Amur missing
6 russian inf in Sakha missing
6 russian inf in Buryata missingThere is one american airbase and one american naval base too much in Central USA.
Thanks, these have been fixed. All of the changes so far to the cards have been fixed and posted to the web page. Also, I finished up the Political Situations reference and posted that as well. Let me know what you think about it. Sorry about the mistakes, like I said, it’s been real busy around here lately!
RE: Global Homebrew Setup Charts
Ok, here is something I came up with for the political situations. The main idea here is to use this as a quick reference, not to completely replace the rulebook. I know that I took some liberties by not including some fundamental rules in here, but I think all of the main situations that directly affect gameplay are included. Let me know if you like this layout, or if something in here needs to be fixed that could affect gameplay. Thanks again!
RE: Global Homebrew Setup Charts
Could you make another card with the political situation?
Working on one! I don’t know how it will turn out, but if it’s cool, I’ll post it up here!