Global 2nd edition Q+A ( AAG40.2)

  • There are a lot of rules about submarines.  Let me make sure my reading of the rule book is correct.

    For these scenarios, we are considering a sea zone with a single allied submarine in it.

    Scenario: A sea zone is occupied by a single Allied submarine.  Various nearby Axis units would like to enter the sea zone.


    • Can Axis move a submarine into sea zone during the combat move turn?

    • If it happens during the combat move turn, can the Axis submarine attack the Allied submarine without a destroyer present?

    • If an Axis submarine alone ends its combat phase in the sea zone occupied by an Allied submarine, must it conduct combat (even if it is simply submerging in the first phase)?

    • If the Axis submarine attacks the Allied submarine, can Allied warplanes could scramble if there were an eligible air base with eligible planes stationed at it?

    • If the Axis submarine attacks the Allied submarine, can the Allied submarine simply choose to submerge rather than be involved in any combat at all?

    • Can Axis move a submarine into the sea zone during the non-combat move turn?

    • Can Axis move a transport into the sea zone and conduct an amphibious assault?

    • If the Axis transport is conducting amphibious assault, can the allied submarine prevent it by itself?

    • Can an Axis destroyer move through the sea zone as if it were unoccupied or non-hostile?

    • If an Axis destroyer must stop on a sea zone occupied by a hostile submarine and conduct combat, must any Axis fleet (boats & cargo only, I think it’s clear that aircraft could avoid the combat, not that it would matter) traveling with the destroyer stop with it and take part in the combat?

    • If an Axis destroyer is allowed to pass through the sea zone as if it were unoccupied/non-hostile, can an Axis destroyer move into the square during the Axis non-combat phase (and end its movement there)?

    • Can an Axis fleet without a destroyer make a combat move into a sea zone occupied only by an allied submarine?  Would this initiate combat (which the submarine could opt out of, due to lack of destroyer)?

    • If an Axis battleship and transport move into a sea zone with an Allied submarine to conduct an amphibious assault, does the submarine prevent the naval bombardment?  Does it matter if the submarine submerged at any point during the combat?  Does it matter if it submerged before any rolls were made?

    • If the Allied submarine is in a sea zone marked as a Convoy zone next to Axis controlled territories, does the Allied submarine always get to roll for convoy damage, regardless of the presence of any amount of Axis ships of any kind in the same sea zone (even, for example, a destroyer deployed by the Axis player on that turn)?

    Unrelated to submarines, the rule book says transports do not make a sea zone hostile and you can move through a sea zone with transports as though it were unoccupied.  Am I correct in understanding that if you move through the sea zone (not stopping there) OR if you move into that sea zone during non-combat, the transport is not destroyed?  In order to destroy the transport, an enemy warship must move into the square and stop during its combat move phase?

  • '19 '17 '16

    • Yes
    • Yes, but only if the allied submarine chooses to fight. It could do so if there is a transport to defend, for example.
    • No but technically that should only happen if the Axis submarine starts the turn in the allied SZ. Or if an amphibious assault is being conducted from that SZ.
    • Technically yes but the scramble is pointless because they can’t hit anything.
    • Yes
    • Yes
    • Yes, providing the transport is escorted by a warship (sub counts as a warship)
    • See above
    • Yes
    • N/A
    • Yes
    • Yes if it has a valid reason to move on combat movement e.g. attacking the submarine. Of course, if the submarine is attacked, it will probably just submerge.
    • In this event, the Axis have the option of attacking the submarine or doing a shore bombardment. The Axis cannot do both.
    • Yes

    Yes, that is correct.

    Wow, that was a lot of questions! You sound like you’ve got most of it.

  • Two questions:

    Triple A appears to allow us to build a factory on the same turn as taking a Pro-neutral, such as the UK flipping Persia for the 1st time.  Is this correct?  So UK1 you could occupy Persia and build a mIC?

    If you can’t place or choose not to place something you bought, it just sits until the turn you choose to place it?  Or the ipcs come back?  Or it vanishes?

  • That is wrong. AAA has got that wrong. You cannot place until the turn after you caoture a territory, even a Neutral one .

    If you do not a have a legitimate place to put a newly built unit , the spent IPCs are returned to you. If there is somewhere , you have to place it.

  • '17


    Two questions:

    Triple A appears to allow us to build a factory on the same turn as taking a Pro-neutral, such as the UK flipping Persia for the 1st time.  Is this correct?  So UK1 you could occupy Persia and build a mIC?

    If you can’t place or choose not to place something you bought, it just sits until the turn you choose to place it?  Or the ipcs come back?  Or it vanishes?

    You can’t do that per the rule book. Rule book supersedes whatever happens in triplea. There actually is a caveat in triplea that says it’s up to the players to know and follow the rules.

  • '20 '16

    I’ve been away from the game for awhile, and I think I forgot something.

    German destroyer and transports in 113. I believe Russia can non-com a sub into 113? If so, Germany wants to use those transports for non-com loading in 110, and unloading in 112… Is there any way to attack that sub, and still use the transports for non-com? I know you can ignore the sub, and I know the transports can move out of the 113 to avoid being involved in the combat. But can they avoid combat and also use their remaining movement to complete their desired non-com mission? If they sit in 113 while Germany attacks the sub, they must remain there, unable to move or load in non-com, correct?

  • '19 '17 '16

    Correct except that the transports can’t leave SZ113 to avoid the combat. Only if they are conducting an amphibious assault somewhere else.

  • '20 '16

    Thanks, Simon.

    When you liberate an ally’s territory while their capital is captured, the territory control, and IPC’s gained, goes to the liberator until the ally’s capital is liberated.

    How does this work with the UK split income? For example, London has fallen, but Calcutta is still sending units to battle in the Middle East, and British forces are still battling in Africa.

  • '19 '17 '16

    Well if in that case UK units retake Egypt from the Axis, no income is collected for Egypt. Also if there were an IC on Egypt, no one could build out of it. So you have to get someone else to take the territory if you want the benefit.

  • '20 '16


  • Official Q&A


    Correct except that the transports can’t leave SZ113 to avoid the combat. Only if they are conducting an amphibious assault somewhere else.

    They can leave to avoid the combat.  They just can’t load units unless they’re also doing an amphibious assault.

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15


    Well if in that case UK units retake Egypt from the Axis, no income is collected for Egypt. Also if there were an IC on Egypt, no one could build out of it. So you have to get someone else to take the territory if you want the benefit.

    I am fully aware of this, but could be good to further explain the special case with the split british/uk economy

    1. If London is down India can just collect on the pacific map, all other british areas are not collected, such as Africa

    2. If India is down, I believe London will collect west India, correct? How does this make any sense when London can not collect say Borneo? (or any other pacific area) West India must have a special case as it can be collected on both maps for both India and London?

    3. Why cant the British/UK collect on both maps when all other nations can?

  • '19 '17 '16



    Correct except that the transports can’t leave SZ113 to avoid the combat. Only if they are conducting an amphibious assault somewhere else.

    They can leave to avoid the combat.  They just can’t load units unless they’re also doing an amphibious assault.

    May I ask why? The SZ isn’t hostile because it only has an enemy submarine. No enemy surface warships so the rules about sea units starting in a hostile SZ don’t apply; or do they?

    2. If India is down, I believe London will collect west India, correct?


  • America has a fighter and air base on Guam. Japan sends one transport with one infantry and one artillery into the surrounding sea zone to conduct an amphibious assault. A Japanese fighter joins them.

    1. Am I correct that during the combat move phase Japan must declare whether the fighter is staying in the sea zone to defend a possible scramble or joining the land battle in Guam?

    2. Am I correct that America can scramble to defend against the amphibious assault despite there being no sea battle in the zone?

    3. If there were not an amphibious assault, would America still be able to scramble?

    4. If my first two assumptions are correct, what happens in the scenario in which Japan commits its plane to the land battle and America scrambles? My assumption is the transport and it’s cargo are destroyed for free, the Japanese fighter conducts land battle against no defending units and wins, the territory is not captured due to Japan having no available land units. At the end of combat, America’s scrambled fighter freely lands back on Guam, and the Japanese plane must find a place to land.

  • Similiar-ish to above:

    Germany has two transports starting from sea zone 112.  They each load ground units.  One moves to SZ 111 and the other to SZ 119.  UK has just 1 fighter in Scotland, which it scrambles.  Ireland is still neutral.

    In this scenario, I assume the following:

    1. The fighter chooses exactly one sea zone to scramble into.

    2. The fighter destroys the transport in that sea zone.

    3. The other transport drops off its land units in Scotland and captures it (wins combat against 0 defenders).

    4. At the end of combat, the UK fighter is destroyed.  Only Scotland borders SZ111 and that has just been captured by Germany.  Scotland and Ireland border SZ119, but the fighter can’t land in either of those squares.

    5. As an additional assumption, if Germany also deployed to SZ109, the fighter from Scotland could scramble into 109, and then even if Scotland is captured, the UK fighter could land in London.

  • And as a more general question…

    If a fighter from Scotland scrambles into 109, I believe it can land in United Kingdom if Scotland is captured.  However, if Scotland is not captured, could the fighter which scrambled from Scotland into SZ109 still choose to land in the United Kingdom?

  • '19 '17 '16

    Yes, providing that the fighter rolls a hit. It isn’t an auto kill and if the fighter misses, the transport can retreat.

    Correct in next post

    Scrambled fighters must return to their origin if possible.

  • Official Q&A




    Correct except that the transports can’t leave SZ113 to avoid the combat. Only if they are conducting an amphibious assault somewhere else.

    They can leave to avoid the combat.  They just can’t load units unless they’re also doing an amphibious assault.

    May I ask why? The SZ isn’t hostile because it only has an enemy submarine. No enemy surface warships so the rules about sea units starting in a hostile SZ don’t apply; or do they?

    From the FAQ:

    Q.  If some of my units begin my turn in a sea zone with enemy submarines and/or transports and I decide to attack them, can I move some or all of my units out of the sea zone in combat movement to avoid having them participate in the combat?
    A.  Yes.  Even though the sea zone is not hostile (it contains no enemy surface warships), you can still move units from the sea zone in combat movement to escape combat if you’re attacking there.  However, you must still respect the rules for moving units in the Combat Move phase to escape combat.

  • Sorry, I didn’t get it:
    let’s say, at Scotland there’s only 1 Ftr. Via sz 111 there’s 1 Trn (with 1 Inf) attacking and via sz 119 there’s 1 Trn (with 1 Inf) attacking (because of… whatever reason). In case of scramble against one of this Transports, this Transport’s gotta be destroyed (assuming Ftr hits). Now: does the other Trn unload it’s Inf to Scotland and destroys the Ftr because of taking Scotland and there’s no other landing space (Ireland still neutral and no carrier nearby)?


  • '19 '17 '16

    Landing succeeds and fighter is destroyed.

    If fighter misses, the other transport can retreat.

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