GenCon Indy 2012 Roll Call

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    WTF lol…

    You know, that damn DJensen tried the same thing at FMG 2012, I practically had to bounty hunt his a$s down to find out who he was, I had even brought him some specialty beer!  And he was all like “well gosh gee, I was just playing this game of WAS over here…”.

    I don’t know why he finds the need to hide in the crowd…

    It’s ok, on my last day, I made him take me out for lunch and drive me to the airport Hahaha :P. Gargantua ='s win.

  • I didn’t do it on purpose, really. I didn’t think I would be playing 38 hours of A&A during GenCon.

    Next year, less playing. I’m also going make some stickers or something to hand out so that I get around to everybody. Also, if I have a teammate for the tournaments, I can wander and chat a bit more. I now have a few more people I’m willing to team up with but they’d have to show up.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    My services can be had for the right price.

    We should talk via PM…

  • Sponsor '17 '13 '11 '10

    My first game of Anniversary was great. We 4 guys got acquainted and trashed talked ,  but clean in all in fun. 3 of us met for dinner later. Really enjoyed the games and talking to people.

  • @Imperious:

    But it’s only 3 days….

    They pretend it’s 4 but it is really three.

    How so…?

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    Don’t waste your time with that one Smo…

  • A. He might be thinking of GenCon LA. Sunday was pretty dead.
    B. It’s closer to 3.5 days

    I’d actually say 3.75 days, which is close enough to 4 days for me. The thing that some folks may not realize is that this convention opens on Thursday morning (in a sense Wednesday late night) and doesn’t close until 4pm on Sunday, when they start to turn off the AC. GenCon basically runs 24 hours from Thursday at 8am to Sunday at 4pm, which adds up to 80 continuous hours of convention time.

    Even the exhibit hall is still open until the last moment on Sunday at 4pm. Only 1 vendor was partially packed up when I went to the exhibit hall at 3:30pm on Sunday.

    The exhibit hall was actually still packed with people at 3:30pm. Everybody was still going full force, selling games, doing demos, etc. Most conventions are just not like this. It is absolutely worth it to go at least once in your lifetime and the sooner the better because you’ll want to start planning the next time you can go after your first time.



    But it’s only 3 days….

    They pretend it’s 4 but it is really three.

    How so…?

  • How so…?

    On Thursday nothing happens. Nothing really open.

    Experience from Gen Con LA in which you had to break in the empty game room in order to get that mysterious “4th” day of gaming.

    Id like somebody to tell be it was actually open on Thursday at 8am… who actually played a game that day.

    Maybe it’s different now.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10


    don’t say I didn’t warn you smo…

    Please feel free to be candid. :)

  • Ok, I got there Wednesday night, not a great deal going on. HOWEVER, Thursday at 0800 there were multiple events, somewhere around 50 or so board game events. I started the AA50 tourney at either 9 or 10, don’t really remember but there was all sorts of things to do just in the AA area, much less the rest of the event. Dealer’s hall opened at 10:00. Pretty darn close to 80 hours like Dave said. If you have not been to GENCON Indy, then you just don’t know what you are talking about. I can’t vouch for the rest of GENCON hosted events but Indy seems pretty solid, a far sight better than what Origins has devolved into.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10


    Maybe it’s different now.

    Maybe some people hold grudges…

    Maybe some people have trouble letting things go?

    Maybe I will attend Gencon indy next year… :)

  • Post count again?

  • YYYAAA!  Run it up Gar.

  • HOWEVER, Thursday at 0800 there were multiple events…

    Oh that’s good, they must have fixed it. When it was over here and it was huge, this 4th day thing was pure bunk ( Thursday).

    Once out of these times we literally had to bang on the door and call security to let us in and the whole huge room was totally empty of people…just tables and chairs…no officially scheduled events because they never set up the vouchers you need to hand the organizer till the next day… Then next day happens and you wait in a Star Wars line to get vouchers to play the games you want.

  • '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 '12

    Any of you guys take pictures?

  • Yes. I’m still working through them. I should have more up tomorrow or this weekend.

    Axis & Allies photos from GenCon

    Costumes from GenCon


    Any of you guys take pictures?

  • I think I’m still recovering from the lack of sleep. :-D

    Thursday was a bit slower and by slower I mean the place was busy at 9am. The conference hall was open all night on Wednesday for will call. At about 1am there was a huge line and about 2am the line was gone.

    Does anybody know the attendance numbers for GenCon this year? Last year was 36k but apparently the Indiana Convention Center was expanded this year. I think 40k is a safe estimate and 50k being an upper bound but who knows.


    How so…?

    On Thursday nothing happens. Nothing really open.

    Experience from Gen Con LA in which you had to break in the empty game room in order to get that mysterious “4th” day of gaming.

    Id like somebody to tell be it was actually open on Thursday at 8am… who actually played a game that day.

    Maybe it’s different now.

  • It’s a great convention. I encourage everybody to attend at least once. I have trouble saying go next year when I’m not sure if I can make it but you should go and play in the Global 1940 tournament.



    Maybe it’s different now.

    Maybe some people hold grudges…

    Maybe some people have trouble letting things go?

    Maybe I will attend Gencon indy next year… :)

  • @Imperious:

    How so…?

    On Thursday nothing happens. Nothing really open.

    Experience from Gen Con LA in which you had to break in the empty game room in order to get that mysterious “4th” day of gaming.

    Id like somebody to tell be it was actually open on Thursday at 8am… who actually played a game that day.

    Maybe it’s different now.

    IL, yeah, you can’t even begin to compare the two…GCLA was like one room at GCI.  It was packed from Thursday morning until Sunday at 4pm.  I am with Dave on this.  I went into the dealer hall on Sunday at 3:30pm, and it was still packed.

    We had events start at 9 am on Thursday morning and by noon, the board gaming hall was packed.  I would have to say that Thursday was more busy than I had ever seen it…

    Again, just like most things on these boards, one can’t even begin to compare the two and make comments accordingly?

    But it’s only 3 days….

    They pretend it’s 4 but it is really three.



    How so…?

    On Thursday nothing happens. Nothing really open.

    Experience from Gen Con LA in which you had to break in the empty game room in order to get that mysterious “4th” day of gaming.

    Id like somebody to tell be it was actually open on Thursday at 8am… who actually played a game that day.

    Maybe it’s different now.

    I just don’t get it?  I guess that what boards are for, so people can make aimless random comments about things that aren’t really relevant, and then proceed to start a debate over the issue.

  • @Gargantua:


    Maybe it’s different now.

    Maybe some people hold grudges…

    Maybe some people have trouble letting things go?

    Maybe I will attend Gencon indy next year… :)

    Love to have you Gar…next year will be our 20th year officially running AA events for AH/WotC, so, expect some cool stuff.

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