@Spurgeon1689 Yes

Best posts made by smo63
RE: Axis & Allies and Zombies Q+A
@RogerCooper Ok, sorry for such a long delay but here are the answers to your questions.
First you must understand what Blitzing is. Blitzing is when you, pass through an unoccupied enemy controlled territory on your way to a second combat as part of your 2nd combat move as a tank. So in short, no. If it is zombie controlled, no you have to stop and fight. If it is friendly units with zombies in the territory, then you can move through but it is not a Blitz.
Yes, what a bonus!
No, because the rule states that if you attack a zombie territory with only planes is for only 1 round.
RE: Axis & Allies and Zombies Q+A
Yes, then that is considered Blitzing! There must be no units, enemy or zombies present in an enemy or zombie controlled terrritory for you to blitz through.
RE: Axis & Allies and Zombies Q+A
I guess to answer your original question, Do Zombies stop blitz moves, the answer is yes but only if there are not friendly units present. Then it is not a blitz and a move through a friendly territory on your way to enemy territory.
RE: Axis & Allies and Zombies Q+A
Here is my take on the rules for Zombies. It is not complete just yet but I have most of them down after numerous games played, conversations with SVE and dozens of demos.
**Hostile Territories = Enemy Controlled, Zombie Controlled or if both Enemy & Zombies are present in the same territory.
Zombie Occupied = There are Zombie units in a territory you control. Zombies will never control a territory with any Allied or Axis unit(s) present in the same territory.
Zombie Control of a territory takes place when ONLY Zombies are present in any territory in Phase 3 of the “8 phases of a Turn” during the next countries turn. Place a Zombie marker on the country and adjust the IPC chart accordingly.
▪ Zombie(s) attack ONLY in territories you control.
▪ Each Zombie unit rolls a Zombie Dice and hits on a
▪ Add a new Zombie to the territory for each infantry unit destroyed this way.
▪ There is no “Return Fire” from any non-Zombie units remaining during this phase. -
▪ Each Territory that contains ONLY Zombies becomes “Zombie Controlled.” Place a Zombie stain
in that territory and adjust the IPC chart accordingly. -
▪ You may move your units out of “Zombie Occupied” territories into hostile territories/sea zones.
▪ You may move some or ALL of your units into hostile territories containing Enemy units, Zombies
units and or both.
▪ You may move units that are attacking zombies in a friendly territory during this phase.
▪ If you move all of your units out of a “Zombie Occupied” territory, it does not become “Zombie
Controlled” until Phase 3 of the next countries turn.
▪ You may wish to attack Zombies in the territory you are currently in without moving units. Mark the
territory with a combat marker to remind you of combat in that territory for this round.
▪ For all combat moves, all moves must be legal.
▪ Tanks may move through friendly territories that are Zombie Occupied on their way to a Hostile
Enemy territory during combat phase. -
Place Units on the Battle Board
Submarine Surprise Strike or Submerge
Zombies Bite
Attacking Units Fire (during normal combat dice rolling, any roll of instantly kills a zombie unit present. That unit is removed from the board since it already bit this turn.)
Defending Units Fire
Generate Zombies (any infantry units that have been killed as part of the combat become zombies at this time and may attack in the next round of combat if the attacker chooses to continue the attack.)
Remove Non-Infantry Casualties
Press/Cease the Attack or Retreat (at this time, if only zombies remain in the territory in which you still have attacking units, you may press the attack or stop. If you stop, the remaining attacking units may NEVER retreat from zombies alone.)
Conclude Combat and Capture Territory (this is with land units only)
▪ In this phase you may only Capture Territories with your units and after all enemy units in that given territory have been eliminated.-
▪ You will still capture the territory even if you choose to not press the attack and Zombies
are present after combat.
▪ During combat when you have eliminated all enemy units but zombie units still remain,
you may choose to “Press the Attack.” All left over hits carry over to zombies and all
“press the attack” rolls are made at each units attack value + the Zombie Head (6).
▪ During the Attack Phase all Zombies Hit the Attacker on a roll of on the zombie dice
and the Defenders on a
▪ Enemy Control of a territory takes place in this Phase of the General Combat Sequence. -
▪ At this time, you may move all units that did not move during the combat move of your turn.
▪ This applies to all land and naval units. Land units may move into and through friendly zombie-occupied territories in noncombat movement, even if there are no friendly units remaining in that territory because the Zombies do NOT capture the territory until the next Zombie Phase (3).
▪ Air units must return to a friendly territory at this time and to a territory, island or friendly carrier that was owned by your or your ally at the start of your turn.**
RE: Zombies Tournament at Gencon
Thanks Taamvan for the props…yes, I will be having a Zombie tournament at GEN CON. I am excited about it and really trying to nail down all the rules questions before then.
And yes, I have a tendency to lean towards the Axis as well and it will be interesting to see how much they are will to give up in a 3 hour game.
Right now, these are only preliminary but here is what I have come up with so far…
Also, there will be some rule changes especially with the zombie cards and techs. I will keep you posted.
RE: Axis & Allies and Zombies Q+A
@smo63 I guess I am just trying to establish some credibility here on the subject. And I would never come close to the great job Kreg does for our community regarding rules interpretation:relaxed: :+1:
RE: Axis & Allies and Zombies Q+A
Guys, this is my intention on how to handle the stacking of the Zombie Cards: Remove all but 1 of the “Escalation” Cards from the deck before play begins. Whenever a “Zombie Rise” or “Escalation” Card is drawn, and after all cards are played this turn, the remaining text will now read: “Remove this card from the game. Do not shuffle the discard pile back into the deck.” Also, after the first “Zombie Rise” or “Escalation” cards is drawn, you may not draw the other card as one of the next 2 cards. If so, draw 2 more cards, play those cards and then reshuffle the “Zombie Rise” or “Escalation” that was drawn as the 1st or 2nd card, back into the deck.
Also, from Scott at WotC on the return fire from BB bombardment of land units: The intent is that they can return fire. I’ll take a look at the text. If it’s ambiguous (or wrong) we’ll address that in an Errata or FAQ.
Hope this helps:grinning:
RE: Axis & Allies and Zombies Q+A
@taamvan Half dozen one way and half dozen the other. I just choose to use the 2 cards with different names. I thought that would be easier. But then again, I am just a mere Tolarian and what do I know…?:space_invader: And yes, I am only keeping 2 draws 2 cards because I believe it helps streamline the process and keeps from the over the confusion of this stacking problem?
As for the stacking, I am not following you. Am i missing something? If the first card drawn says, get 1 IPC for each zombie killed this turn and the next one says the same, then yes, you get 2 IPCs for each zombie killed. I am not sure where there is confusion regarding this? Again, I have not read through all the post so…it might help if I do that.
RE: Axis & Allies and Zombies Q+A
Also they need to elaborate on the non-existing “opening fire step”, see https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/post/1234065 , please.
They simply copy-pasted the wording from the Revised rulebook, here, even without introducing Offshore Bombardment during the Amphibious Assault rules.
Panther, I know you have been around this forum for a while now…years, correct. And I would only assume that you do know how to play AA at least the basics.
If this is the case, then why would you need anyone to elaborate anything as far as the mechanics of how to play AA. Yes, I understand the zombie portion of it, but just use some common sense. And what is so pressing that some continually demand errata for the questions to the larger picture that keeps you up at night…
Latest posts made by smo63
RE: Axis & Allies and Zombies Q+A
@smo63 The other thing I think should be done is, “Zombie Rise” Should read, add 2 or 3 zombies to any territory that already contain zombies. Something like that. It is kind of kooky that they are the same, but I don’t think we need to beat WotC up about this. Just make it something that works and go with it!
RE: Axis & Allies and Zombies Q+A
@taamvan I like yours as well, but in this case, I think I will let Krieg choose which one would be his preferred way of stating it.
Here is my defense of my version. I believe it is less confusing when you use the 2 different names of the cards when reducing the number of escalation cards too 2. Again, just my opinion.
And I really feel galactically stupid but I am not up to date on the abbreviations? sorry, HTH? IIRC?
RE: Axis & Allies and Zombies Q+A
Also they need to elaborate on the non-existing “opening fire step”, see https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/post/1234065 , please.
They simply copy-pasted the wording from the Revised rulebook, here, even without introducing Offshore Bombardment during the Amphibious Assault rules.
Panther, I know you have been around this forum for a while now…years, correct. And I would only assume that you do know how to play AA at least the basics.
If this is the case, then why would you need anyone to elaborate anything as far as the mechanics of how to play AA. Yes, I understand the zombie portion of it, but just use some common sense. And what is so pressing that some continually demand errata for the questions to the larger picture that keeps you up at night…
RE: Axis & Allies and Zombies Q+A
@taamvan Half dozen one way and half dozen the other. I just choose to use the 2 cards with different names. I thought that would be easier. But then again, I am just a mere Tolarian and what do I know…?:space_invader: And yes, I am only keeping 2 draws 2 cards because I believe it helps streamline the process and keeps from the over the confusion of this stacking problem?
As for the stacking, I am not following you. Am i missing something? If the first card drawn says, get 1 IPC for each zombie killed this turn and the next one says the same, then yes, you get 2 IPCs for each zombie killed. I am not sure where there is confusion regarding this? Again, I have not read through all the post so…it might help if I do that.
RE: Axis & Allies and Zombies Q+A
Guys, this is my intention on how to handle the stacking of the Zombie Cards: Remove all but 1 of the “Escalation” Cards from the deck before play begins. Whenever a “Zombie Rise” or “Escalation” Card is drawn, and after all cards are played this turn, the remaining text will now read: “Remove this card from the game. Do not shuffle the discard pile back into the deck.” Also, after the first “Zombie Rise” or “Escalation” cards is drawn, you may not draw the other card as one of the next 2 cards. If so, draw 2 more cards, play those cards and then reshuffle the “Zombie Rise” or “Escalation” that was drawn as the 1st or 2nd card, back into the deck.
Also, from Scott at WotC on the return fire from BB bombardment of land units: The intent is that they can return fire. I’ll take a look at the text. If it’s ambiguous (or wrong) we’ll address that in an Errata or FAQ.
Hope this helps:grinning:
RE: AAZ Rule Question: getting the 1 infantry bonus
@thrasher1 Page 23 of the rulebook, Liberating Zombie Controlled Territories.
RE: Axis & Allies and Zombies Q+A
@taamvan Thanks, you are correct on the zombie marker question! Not sure about the “superbooster?”
RE: Axis & Allies and Zombies Q+A
@smo63 I guess I am just trying to establish some credibility here on the subject. And I would never come close to the great job Kreg does for our community regarding rules interpretation:relaxed: :+1: