Hey Guys,
Did anyone participate in the 1914 tournament at Origins this year?
Thanks for the warning! I was planning on using the parking ramps – is that going to be a problem?
Just a week away!
@squirecam super excited.
Present and accounted for in Indy.
Where is everyone… lol
Oh didn’t they tell you… everything was cancelled. Population you.
BTW, we’re streaming our games live today. Just head over to the Facebook page and you’ll see the live stream! Our current game is finishing up at about 3pm ET and the next game starts at just after 4pm ET.
Great to see everyone again. Greg had great prizes as usual, and gave out alot of swag during the raffle.
Hope to see everyone next year!
@squirecam Great seeing you there!! Yes I wish I could have stayed till Sunday but that is the way it goes… Next year! Congrats on Winning the Masters with Carl – squirecam! Also congrats to Taamvan in winning in 1942… A lot of great players were at Gencon and I had a great time!!
@AAGamer said in Gencon 2019:
@squirecam Great seeing you there!! Yes I wish I could have stayed till Sunday but that is the way it goes… Next year! Congrats on Winning the Masters with Carl – squirecam! Also congrats to Taamvan in winning in 1942… A lot of great players were at Gencon and I had a great time!!
Congrats squirecam !
I asked Carl how he did and said he won masters. Didn’t know you where his partner.
Carl plays in my group.
Congrats Carl too again !
Pics and winner list