I voted “no carrier”, which is the majority opinion, but that majority has been a very silent one so far. And I’m not saying I’d never buy a carrier as Germany, but I’m not convinced I need to buy it G1. I prefer to spend money on slow units that need time to reach Russia, and I also believe that it’s possible to keep a Sea Lion threat alive without that carrier.
I’ve been experimenting a bit with the following setup:
G1 purchase: 6 art, 1 sub
G1 combat move:
2 subs to SZ106
2 subs, 3 fighter, 3 tac, 1 bomber to SZ110
1 sub, 1 battleship, 1 fighter, 1 tac, 1 bomber to SZ111
(and attack France and Yugoslavia, but that’s not too relevant for this)
G1 sea combat:
Kill SZ110, kill SZ106, retreat from SZ111 after one round
G1 noncombat:
3 planes to Holland/Belgium
1 fighter from Yugoslavia to Southern Italy
all other planes to Western Germany
cruiser to SZ112
3 AA from Western Germany to Holland-Belgium
transport 1 tank from Poland and 1 inf from Denmark to Norway
1 inf from Denmark to Western Germany
all inf + art + 2AA from Germany to Slovakia Hungary
1 AA from Germany to Western Germany
and take Finland and Bulgaria
G1 place:
1 sub SZ112, 6 art Germany
Of course this doesn’t always work out the way it’s supposed to (from a German perspective), but it has a fair chance of achieving the desired result, which ideally is, to leave the UK with one damaged battleship that can’t escape, plus one destroyer and a transport.
I think that in this situation, the UK still needs to do something about a potential Sea Lion threat. In fact, I’m a bit puzzled about what the UK should do other than a defensive buy such as 6 inf 1 fighter. But I’d be interested to learn about alternatives.